'Romnesia' Cure? Obama Says Obamacare

Obama issues video and brochure on his second term plans.

Oct. 23, 2012 -- President Obama began the two-week sprint to Election Day today by employing a new, two-pronged strategy, continuing to assail Mitt Romney for shifting from past policy positions, while releasing a web video and brochure detailing his second term plans.

Romney was "all over the map" during Monday night's debate in Florida, Obama said during a morning rally at the Delray Beach Tennis Center, before reprising his "Romnesia" attack, in which he likens Romney's political maneuvering to a disease affecting his memory.

(Click HERE for ABC News' fact check of the debate)

"If you can't seem to remember the policies on your web site or promises you've been making over the last six years you've been running for president, if you can't even remember what you said last week, don't worry — Obamacare covers preexisting conditions," Obama said to howls of delight from the partisan crowd.

While the president fed supporters "red meat" in the Sunshine State, his campaign was appealing to the increasingly small portion of the electorate that is yet to decide on a candidate.

First up was a 60-second TV spot, which in the first 12 seconds shows images that can reasonably be taken to represent Florida (sun rising on a beach), Iowa (tractor rolling through a corn field), Nevada (cactus growing on a suburban sidewalk) and Ohio (factory workers), each of them battleground states crucial to the candidates' hopes on Election Day.

"Read my plan," Obama says, addressing the viewer head-on. "Compare it to Gov. Romney's and decide which is better for you. It's an honor to be your president and I'm asking for your vote. So together we can keep moving America forward."

The Obama re-election team has printed 3.5 million copies of the "plan," a 20-page compilation of his basic policy points. Their next move is to deliver 1.5 million of them to field offices across the country and distribute the rest by direct mail, an official said.

The Romney campaign, in a memo written by policy aide Lanhee Chan, dismissed the "glossy" pamphlet as an effort to "gloss over" policies they contend have "already proven ineffective" and to repeat "discredited allegations against Gov. Romney."

Romney, who will spend the day in Nevada, has released a new spot of his own, accusing the president of going on an "apology tour" across the Middle East after taking over the White House in 2009.

The video uses Romney's words from Monday night's debate when he addressed Obama eye-to-eye, saying, "You said that America dictated to other nations. Mr. President, America has not dictated to other nations. We have freed other nations from dictators."

Obama replied to Romney's characterization of his trip as "the biggest whopper that's been told during the course of this campaign."

The Republican ticket continued to tweak Obama for failing to present what they call a coherent plan for a second term.

Romney's running mate Paul Ryan linked GOP claims of no plans for a second term to Obama's aggressiveness in the final debate.

"What we got from President Obama were mostly attacks on Mitt Romney, that's not an agenda," Ryan told ABC's "Good Morning America" today. "And we really actually didn't get an agenda for how we should move our country forward on foreign policy."

One debate zinger that lit up the Twittersphere was Obama's response when Romney claimed that the president had allowed the navy to shrink to its smallest level since 1917. The president shot back that we have a lot fewer "horses and bayonets" these days too.

The crack was described by some Romney supporters as demeaning to the military.

Vice President Biden also appeared on GMA, where he shrugged off the criticism.

"Demeaning to the military for the president to say the truth, that one aircraft carrier is probably more powerful than the entire United States Navy was back then?" Biden answered rhetorically. "Our navy is superior to every other navy in the world combined. Hear me -- combined. No one is even remotely close."

CLICK here for the full transcript of Monday night's third and final presidential debateABC News' Devin Dwyer contributed to this report