Romney says he ‘expected' NAACP boos

— -- Mitt Romney says he wasn't surprised by the negative response to his speech Wednesday before the NAACP convention in Texas.

"I think we expected that," the Republican nominee tells Fox Business News's Neil Cavuto in an interview to air Wednesday night.

Romney was booed by NAACP audience several times, including when he repeated his pledge to repeal President Barack Obama's health care law. But the Republican nominee offered no signs that he considered backing off his usual stump speech.

"I am going to give the same message to the NAACP that I give across the country which is that Obamacare is killing jobs, and if jobs is the priority, we are going to have to replace it with something that actually holds down healthcare costs, as opposed to something that causes more spending for the government and more spending for American families," he said.

Still, Romney expressed hope that he did make inroads with some black voters at the speech.

"I spoke with a number African American leaders after the event and they said a lot of folks don't want to say they are not going to vote for Barack Obama but they are disappointed in his lack of policies to improve our schools, disappointed in urban policy, disappointed in the economy," he said. "While we disagree on some issues like Obamacare, a lot of issues we see eye to eye."