Romney on Obama's economic speech: ‘Talk is cheap'

— -- As President Barack Obama prepared to deliver a major economic speech in Cleveland, Ohio, Mitt Romney was on the opposite side of the state, trashing Obama's talk on the economy as "cheap" and urging Americans to judge the president by his "actions" not his words.

"If you think things are going swimmingly … then he's the guy to vote for," Romney told supporters at an aluminum factory in Cincinnati.

But the Republican nominee argued that Obama hasn't delivered on his 2008 promise to turn the economy around and insisted that "almost everything" his administration has done has instead made it harder for businesses to create jobs.

"Talk is cheap," Romney said. "But actions speak very loud. If you want to see the results of his economic policies, look at Ohio and look around the country. … What he says and what he's done are not always the same exact thing."
