Romney to raise campaign cash while overseas

— -- Mitt Romney is set to head overseas later this month in a bid to beef up his foreign policy credentials. But the Republican nominee will also find time to raise cash for his presidential campaign.

As the Boston Globe's Matt Viser reported, Romney will headline two high-dollar fundraisers in London while he's in town to attend the Summer Olympics—including a private dinner where the price of admission is a contribution ranging between $25,000 and $75,000.

The Republican nominee is also set to attend a finance event in Israel, a Republican official tells The Jerusalem Post.

The Romney campaign has declined to comment on specific details about Romney's overseas travel.

While candidates are banned from accepting political contributions from foreign sources, they can accept donations from Americans living abroad--something both campaigns have already been doing.

Last week, White House adviser Valerie Jarrett headlined a campaign event in Paris on behalf of President Barack Obama's re-election campaign. Meanwhile, two of Romney's sons reportedly headlined a recent fundraiser for their dad in Hong Kong.