Romney to speak on immigration, plus more to watch for Thursday in politics

— -- Mitt Romney has a big speech in Orlando, Fla., at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials Annual Conference. The speech is expected to include new proposals on immigration, but just how specific Romney will get is uncertain. He also is expected to talk about how the weak economy has affected Latinos, a theme he usually focuses on when speaking to Latino groups. His ultimate goal: Get traction with Latino voters.

Romney will end the day with a fundraiser in Ohio.

Back at the White House, President Barack Obama will again urge Congress to act before July 1 when interest rates on Stafford loans for college students are scheduled to jump from 3.4 percent  to 6.8 percent. The sticking point between Democrats and Republicans is how to cover the cost of keeping the interest rate low.

And then there is this. Today might be the day when the Supreme Court hands down its decision on health care reform or the Arizona immigration law — or both. Then again, one — or both — of the decisions could come next week.

Sources: Yahoo! News Senior Political Reporter Holly Bailey, Associated Press