Romney's sons say they tried to convince Mitt not to run

— -- Mitt Romney's five sons--a staple on their dad's campaign trail--made perhaps their biggest stop yet: on Conan O'Brien's TBS show.

Wearing helpful name-tags, Tagg, Matt, Josh, Ben and Craig Romney--the closest thing the GOP has to a boy band--sat Wednesday for an interview with O'Brien, who asked how they felt about their father's 2012 White House run and the prospect of a President Mitt Romney.

"We're nervous about it," Josh Romney--the Justin Timberlake of the group--said. "It's one of those things, our lives are pretty good as they are, and this is one of those things that it's good for the country for my dad to run, but it's not necessarily good for us. So we're going to keep our lives as normal and as consistent as they can possibly be over the next few years."

[Related: Mitt Romney celebrates his single best day of fundraising to date]

"I believe you guys wanted him to run in the last campaign," O'Brien said. "Were you guys reluctant this time?"

"We knew what we were getting into this time," Josh said. "So we were definitely more hesitant."

"I was really reluctant," Matt Romney, seated on a riser above Josh, said. "I didn't want him to do it. I tried to convince him not to, I think there were a few of us that tried that. I just felt for us as a family, this isn't the best thing. But as Josh said, for the country, we think it's the right thing."

Watch the full clip: