Team Obama to Romney: Hey, how 'bout Gingrich or Michele Bachmann as VP?

— -- Pick Paul Ryan! Bobby Jindal! Rob Portman! Tim Pawlenty! When it comes to advising Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on choosing a running mate, it seems as though everyone inside the Beltway is getting in on the act—including, now, the Obama campaign.

"Newt Gingrich or Michele Bachmann would be an excellent choice for Mitt Romney to choose," Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters aboard Air Force One. Neither conservative firebrand is seen as a likely pick, in part because each has courted controversy in the past.

Could Romney's choice force Team Obama to reshuffle its playbook? Not so much, she indicated.

"We don't know any more than you do about the day and who it will be—and as soon as he picks we're happy to tell you why that person may be a bad choice for middle-class families," she said.