Wednesday in politics: Obama in Colorado, Romney in Iowa, and more

— -- President Barack Obama begins a two-day campaign swing Wednesday in the battleground state of Colorado where he is expected to focus on what he says is a Republican war on women.

At his first stop in Denver, Obama will cast Mitt Romney as out of touch with female voters and eager to "turn back the clock on decades of progress," ABC News reports.

A highlight of Obama's Wednesday schedule: He will be introduced in Denver by Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown Law School graduate turned women's rights activist whom Rush Limbaugh ridiculed for defending the contraception provisions in the health care reform law.

A Quinnipiac University/New York Times/CBS News poll out Wednesday shows Romney ahead of Obama in Colorado 50 percent to 45 percent.

Romney will be stumping in Iowa, another crucial 2012 state. He has an event in Des Moines, and look for him to continue accusing Obama of gutting welfare reforms signed into law by former President Bill Clinton. On Tuesday, while campaigning in Illinois, Romney said he would "put work back in welfare."

And then there is this: Two potential running mates will be working for Romney on Wednesday. Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, will be campaigning  in Colorado, and former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty will be in Michigan.

Sources: Yahoo! News, ABC News, Associated Press