Women's Olympic soccer gold: Vengeance is ours, sayeth Obama

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President Barack Obama praised the U.S. women's soccer team for winning the gold in a 2-1 defeat of archrival Japan and "avenging" its defeat to the same foe in the World Cup.

"We have to give a special shout-out to the women's soccer team today avenging the loss in the World Cup," Obama told reporters as he toured the U.S. Olympic Training Facility in Colorado Springs as part of a two-day campaign swing through Colorado. (His remarks came to Yahoo News courtesy of pool reporter Stephen Collinson of Agence France-Presse).

The president doffed his shoes to walk onto the mat in a wrestling gym and chat briefly with some of the athletes there. After some banter and posing for pictures, Obama sat down on the edge of the mat to put his shoes back on—in front of the pool of reporters tracking his every move.

"Very presidential, sir," quipped one.

"Thanks. No holes in my socks," the president joked. "My grandmother would be proud."