ABC News' The Note: First Source for Political News

W A S H I N G T O N, Aug. 31, 2004—



Morning Show Wrap

Evening Newscasts Wrap

63 days until election day


In a development so big it requires BOTH sports metaphors and military ones, George Bush's Republican Party has put all of its players on the field in order to bring to bear maximum force against the enemy and define the battle on its terms.

The 2004 presidential campaign is actually a contest to see if George W. Bush can do a better job avoiding the mistakes of the last Republican president to seek re-election more deftly than John F. Kerry can avoid the mistakes of the last Massachusetts politician to be the Democratic nominee for president.

There is a creeping fear among some Democrats that they are up against a party that knows and lives by the following:

First Rule of Politics: "It ain't beanbag."

Second Rule of Politics: "Never lose control of your public image, but force your opponent to lose control of his."

Third Rule of Politics: "In times of battle, all hands on deck."

Fourth Rule of Politics: "Keep your candidate above the fray, but force your opponent to debate and defend against surrogates and shadowy, ferocious enemies."

Fifth Rule of Politics: "Say things that get under your opponent's skin, and which will sound so implausible to his ear that at first he won't bother to defend himself."

What Democrats really fear now: that they might only be able to win the White House when an anomaly occurs (Watergate or the once-in-a-lifetime political skills of Bill Clinton).

Yesterday's well-run convention program – really the whole week – is a metaphor for the themes, tactics, and strategy the GOP plans to use to allow a President with a wrong-track problem to keep his job.

Q. Just how comprehensively clever is the BC04RNC good cop/bad cop plan?

A. Very.

In a remark reminiscent of Ronald Reagan saying of Michael Dukakis, "I'm not going to pick on an invalid," 41 told CNN yesterday "I have great confidence in Bob Dole . . . I don't think he'd be out there just smearing," when asked about the Swift Boat charges about the medals.

Maybe the touch isn't as deft as Reagan's, but the light cleverness of it is manifest. (Recall this week's Laura Bush Time quotes on the same topic -- like mother-in-law, like daughter-in-law . . . )

There is more political poetry in the fact that the Bushes are able to take advantage of the skills and prestige of their former most bitter intraparty rivals -- John McCain and Bob Dole.

(If you want a preview of the future, remind yourself of this 1992 quote from the Robbins Field House in Richmond, VA during a presidential debate:

"My argument with Governor Clinton -- you can call it mud wrestling, but I think it's fair to put in focus is -- I am deeply troubled by someone who demonstrates and organizes demonstration in a foreign land when his country's at war. Probably a lot of kids here disagree with me. But that's what I feel. That's what I feel passionately about. I'm thinking of Ross Perot's running mate sitting in the jail. How would he feel about it? But maybe that's generational. I don't know." -- President George H.W. Bush)

Every Republican in the political playing deck is sticking firmly to the message that George W. Bush is the man for the next four years (as firmly as those curious Purple Heart bandages were sticking to the cheeks of uniformed vets at MSG in bold mockery of the severity of Kerry's battle wounds and subsequent medals).

In the abstract, there is room for John Kerry to outflank George Bush on the right on some foreign policy issues and some domestic ones -- but not if he is seen as a liberal, weak, flip flopper.

And all this has been going on since March.

We aren't saying that Kerry and his allies haven't engaged in sharp partisan (often personal) attacks against President Bush, but the list going the other way is clever, tough, and textbook -- (arguably) misleading lines of attack against Kerry on a gas tax, for voting to cut defense programs that a then Congressman Dick Cheney also appeared not to support, for allegedly supporting oil drilling off the coast of Florida, to name just three that were as shameless as they were insufficiently responded to.

And yesterday, the President added in another classic: "What I'm telling you is we're not going to nationalize health care under George W., and my opponent is, see. That's the difference. My opponent will; we won't."

As for the Kerry campaign -- as one Democratic strategist surveying the the last three weeks said, they have gone from "delusion obliviousness straight to panic. Not even a pause at anywhere constructive."

Yesterday, as the in-transition rapid response team flailed about, Kerry spent time on debate prep. It is unclear if there were any fiddlers present.

We'll say it again: all this can still of course turn around for Kerry. There is still plenty of room in the data for the Democratic nominee to make the case for change. And the horserace by all accounts remains tied.

But Kerry is hyper-unlikely to turn things around during the next three days. However, the campaign IS trying to get constructive; see our Kerry section for more on that.

As for the events at the World's Most Famous Arena, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and First Lady Laura Bush headline Night Two. Schwarzenegger's speech is expected to be a "personal one" according to a spokesman for the governor. Laura Bush is expected to tout her husband's achievements as president and ability to be a strong and steady leader.

President Bush continues campaigning today, speaking this morning at 10:30 am ET before the American Legion National Convention in Nashville. Sen. John McCain will join him later. When and if McCain is questioned by the White House press corps, we'll see if he is the Johnny Apple version or the Mark Leibovich version.

The President will also speak at the 2004 Farm Progress Show, in Alleman, IA at 4:00 pm ET and at 9:30 pm ET he visits a softball game and family-style picnic in Gettysburg, PA.

Sen. John Kerry is down on Nantucket with no events scheduled before flying to Nashville later in the evening in preparation for Wednesday's speech before the American Legion National Convention. Kerry, in a somewhat unconventional convention-week move, will speak to the American Legion on Wednesday in Nashville. The campaign says this was a pre-scheduled commitment that they felt compelled to honor, not withstanding the tradition of being down during your opponent's convention, reports ABC News' Dan Harris.

Sen. John Edwards also continues making campaign stops today, first at front porch event in Beckley, WV at 11:15 am ET . Edwards then speaks at noon in Shoemaker Square also in Beckley, WV.

Ralph Nader visits New York City today and addresses the Campus Anti-War Counter-Convention at Columbia University at 9:00 pm ET.

As for the vote in Florida today:

The Senate races have gotten Nasty with a capital N on both sides.

Mel Martinez, theoretically a centrist and former HUD secretary, attacked McCollum in a mailing by accusing him of being close to gay "extremists" for supporting hate crimes legislation. And Gov. Jeb Bush asked Martinez to pull a television ad that attacks McCollum for his position on hate crimes legislation and stem cell research, which Martinez did. Based on the controversy, the St. Pete Times pulled their endorsement of Martinez. (It should be Noted that McCollum took a hard line against Martinez first.).

If Martinez, formerly chairman of Orange County, wins, he may end up damaged goods. But the White House is more concerned about having a popular Cuban American on the ticket in Florida than just about any other factor. The bare GOP tilt to the U.S. Senate is secondary in their mind.

Betty Castor is favored to defeat Rep. Peter Deutch and other Democrats to win her party's nomination.

We'll be watching the integrity of the vote very closely, as will members of both parties and numerous outside groups. The state of Florida yesterday said that despite a judge's order requiring them to provide what amounts to paper back ups for touch screen machine, an old rule that counts the machine's electronic totals as the official tallies during recounts will remain in place until an appeal wends its way through the courts. Watch for provisional ballot confusion and the vote in counties hit hard by Hurricane Charley.

And Teresa LePore, the supervisor of elections in Palm Beach County, faces a vote to throw her out of office.

Polls open at 7:00 am ET and close at 7:00 pm ET (and 8:00 pm ET in the Panhandle).

And there are no network exit polls, which has two implications:

1. The AP and election officials will have to decide who wins.


Republican National Convention: Tuesday:

The AP's Gearan Notes how Laura Bush earns higher favorability ratings than her husband. LINK

The Boston Globe's Abraham looks at the governor who does things his own way and will appeal to moderate Republicans on this second night of the convention. LINK

Bob Novak posits that the strength of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger could help President Bush win California in November: "If he can boost [Bush] in California, he could single-handedly keep him in the White House." LINK

The San Francisco Chronicle's Carla Marinucci looks at the image and role of Gov. Schwarzenegger, and how his convention appearance could help him go from being political novelty to Republican power player. And it's never too early to stoke the constitutional amendment/presidential bid fires. LINK

"In his 15- to 20-minute starring role before a national audience, a good showing -- and good script -- could help boost the governor's national image and potentially fuel some populist calls for a constitutional amendment that would allow foreign-born U.S. citizens such as the Austrian-born Schwarzenegger to run for president."

Republican National Convention: Bush said what?:

The New York Times' Elisabeth Bumiller re-caps President Bush's comments on the war on terror -- his NBC comment saying that he thinks it can't be won, in contrast to past statements that he has a plan to do so. Maybe the shift indicates a departure from the world where no mistakes are admitted. "Analysts said Mr. Bush's comment reflected both foreign policy and political realities, and appeared intended in part to emphasize that even a striking breakthrough, like the capture of Osama bin Laden, would not by itself assure the nation's security." LINK

Mike Allen of the Washington Post reviews Bush's statement, but adds that it is "one in a series of statements he has made in the past few days to lower public expectations and mitigate political problems before he reintroduces himself to the nation Thursday night."LINK

Deb Orin from the trail in New Hampshire has the back and forth over whether or not the United States can win the war on terror. LINK

"Sen. John Edwards charged Monday that President Bush had badly mishandled the war in Iraq and practically abandoned Afghanistan as part of a foreign policy that has alienated many U.S. allies and increased the threat from terrorists," writes the Washington Post's Vanessa Williams. LINK

Michael Kranish writes his own curtain-raiser on President Bush's acceptance speech and gets insight into how Social Security is going to become a centerpiece to his campaign. LINK

"'We demonstrated in 2000 that you can touch the third rail,' White House communications director Dan Bartlett said in an interview, referring to the expression that trying to transform Social Security is a political death wish. 'In 2004, we will ride that third rail. [Bush] is more than willing to talk about it, and he will talk about it at the convention.'"

Republican National Convention: Monday night:

The New York Times' Adam Nagourney wraps the first day of the convention, with the focus on President Bush in the aftermath of 9/11 and the added complication of his comment that the war on terror may never be won. With his mention of John Kerry by name, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani upstaged Sen. John McCain, but the whole Michael Moore reference is sure to keep getting some air play, even though, as the media-savvy Nagourney points out, "The speeches competed for viewers with a preseason Monday Night Football game on ABC and 'Fear Factor' on NBC." LINK

The Washington Post's Dan Balz recaps Day One at the convention Noting, that "Republicans used their opening-night program to recall the powerful mix of emotions that galvanized the nation in the hours and days after the (9/11) attacks." LINK

John Harris of the Washington Post writes that the goal of the convention is to win the present, by recalling the past. LINK

"The aim was to restore the luster of Bush's credentials on national security despite the scuffs these have taken from the problems of the Iraq occupation and handover. It was the political equivalent of reintroducing a famous consumer brand after a season of controversies. In Bush's case, this meant trying to revive public appreciation for what had been his core assets: a reputation for strength and steadfastness against adversaries, even in the face of setbacks."

Rudolph Giuliani remains untarnished since his transformation on Sept. 11, writes Ann Gerhart of the Washington Post. LINK

"Giuliani was unsparing and unusually animated in his attacks on Kerry," writes the New York Post's David Seifman, who is clearly thrilled to be writing about the former mayor again. LINK

The New York Post's Stefan Friedman simply couldn't let this one slide. LINK

"Bloomberg, who's been known to flub a line or two, had a doozy yesterday while talking about the rebuilding of the World Trade Center site. Referring to a July 4 event with Gov. Pataki, Bloomberg talked about laying the "tombstone" for the Freedom Tower. The pols actually laid the cornerstone."

The Chicago Tribune's Jeff Zeleny on the convention's opening day and 9/11 imagery. LINK

The New York Times' Todd Purdum deconstructs the first night's 9/11 theme. LINK

Ron Brownstein gets Brooksian in his news analysis and writes about last night's message not being one of moderation, as many expected when the lineup was first announced, but instead a message of strength. LINK

The AP: fake Purple Hearts at the Republican National Convention – they will not make a repeat appearance, but their work is done. LINK

Republican Republican National Convention: Michael Moore:

The New York Daily News Notes the mini-drama between the "disingenuous filmmaker who would have us believe that Saddam's Iraq was an oasis of peace," and the many who has never asked John Kerry back to his home in Arizona. Note to Michael Moore from the media and crowd: thanks for wearing your trademark ball cap for easy spotting in the crowd... and thanks for going one further by making that ball cap red. LINK

More on that Michael Moore drop in from a wonderful Post duo of Fahri and Leibovich. LINK

"Finally, after starts and stops lasting almost a half-hour, Moore sat down in the press section inside the arena, where the convention was in progress. But working reporters fumed at those who had collected around Moore."

"'I'm Dave Espo and I work for the Associated Press,' a veteran reporter thundered to the police. 'This is our work space and we need to get our work done. Please get these people out of here!'"

(Note Note: we have heard Espo thunder, and it is like John King thundering, only louder!!!)

"The episode left Owen Ullman, deputy managing editor of USA Today's editorial page, red-faced and a bit shaken. Ullman was, in effect, Moore's sponsor, and thus was left to plead on his behalf with waves of security personnel."

"'We invited Mr. Moore to write a column for us, and he asked if he could unobtrusively observe the convention,' said Ullman, recognizing with hindsight the absurdity of that proposition. 'We did not anticipate that many would consider him the story and that it would create such commotion.'"

Here's Michael Moore's column in USA Today … no mention of Sen. McCain's shout out last night. LINK

Republican National Convention: Karl Rove:

Brian C. Mooney of the Boston Globe looks at how that great Republican strategist Karl Rove is using traditionally Democratic tactics to woo voters. LINK

You may be wondering what Karl Rove was doing moments after the opening gavel fell on Monday. The answer: Holding a "small roundtable with Pennsylvania reporters." LINK

Republican National Convention: politics:

The New York Times' Robin Toner and David Kirkpatrick report that the Republican Party approved its platform yesterday with public stances against abortion, same-sex marriage, and other gay rights that showed off the clout wielded by social conservatives who, despite the moderates being presented this week in prime time, are in the driver's seat. LINK

The New York Times' David Brooks writes that Republicans are not having John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, and Arnold Schwarzenegger speak because they are moderate, but rather because they are courageous. LINK

We are not going to even try to make fun of the way the Times juxtaposes its lead headline and subhead today. See for yourself.

Kit Seelye of the New York Times examines the large/small role of moderates in the Republican Party and its convention. LINK

Florida delegates are getting lots of attention, but their minds are focused on today's primary and the aftermath of Hurricane Charley. LINK

What does the future hold for Jeb Bush? LINK

USA Today's Andrea Stone goes to extremes to talk about moderates in the GOP. LINK

USA Today's Jim Drinkard finds the GOP 527 Progress for America in New York and has Ben Ginsberg and John McCain talking about donors wanting to level the playing field in the short term. LINK

All eyes on 2008 -- even delegates --reports the Washington Times. LINK

The Des Moines Register's Jane Norman writes about Sen. Chuck Hagel's quality time with the Iowa delegation on Monday. LINK

It had the Virginia delegation buzzing. And now, the state GOP has to decide how to replace retiring Rep. Ed Schrock. Yes, Terry Nelson, we saw you talking to Tom Davis last night.

Roll Call Notes that the new candidate will face Democratic David Ashe, a Marine reservist and veteran of the Iraqi war. LINK

Republican National Convention: money:

The Los Angeles Times reports one way to become a delegate is to donate a lot of money. "Roughly one out of every five of Bush's top fundraisers — individuals who have raised $100,000 or more — is a delegate here." LINK

Republican National Convention: protests and security:

A stranger got a little too close for the Secret Service's comfort to the Vice President's box at the Garden. LINK

Some rough interaction between protesters and police officers landing one cop in serious condition with a head injury, according to the New York Post. LINK

The politics of protest makes for some strange bedfellows, too LINK

Republican National Convention: McCain:

David Broder of the Washington Post looks at the "McCain phenomenon." LINK

Johnny Apple writes up his drink with Sen. McCain on Sunday night, during which the Arizona Senator talked at length about his disgust with the SBVfT ads and the way Vietnam has become a political football this year. LINK

McCain "ripped" Moore, leads the New York Post's McCain speech coverage. LINK

Republican National Convention: battlegrounds:

Columbus Dispatch: "GOP opening focuses on unity" LINK

Cincinnati Enquirer: "GOP touts moderates, showing united front" LINK

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: "Bush called leader for time of peril" LINK

Seattle Times: "McCain's theme: Bush was right on Iraq war" LINK

Minneapolis Star Tribune: "President saluted as leader" LINK

Las Vegas Review Journal: "Nevadans watch as war takes center stage" LINK

Raleigh News & Observer: "Bush's war on terror wins praise" LINK

The Denver Post declares Colorado "front and center." LINK

Bush-Cheney '04's chairman in Southwest Ohio, Michael Allen, resigned Monday after acknowledging an affair with a woman in his office. LINK

Republican National Convention: media:

The Republicans have their Nash and all, but we prefer our Burstein. LINK

Like working reporters actually have time to stop by the spa???? LINK

That said — the GOPers get lots of credit for clean bathrooms, good food, friendly cops (how they'd manage) and not too many long lines at the mags.

But running out of food, Mr. Sheekey??? So very, very Boston of you.

The New York Post's Fred Dicker reports the air conditioning at the Sheraton isn't working at full capacity. We hope you keep cool, Fred. LINK

Republican National Convention: the Democrats:

A Swift rapid response from the Democratic team to President Bush's comments and to, apparently, Chip Reid's interviews.

Today, the Democrats will hit the Purple Heart thing heavily in their press conference and surrogate events. Rep. Charles Rangel, himself a Purple Heart recipient, will headline the DNC's response presser.

Sen. Edwards will say he that negative attacks won't create one single job, won't provide one person health care and more.

The DNC will also release an 11 minute video of "ordinary" folks responding to Bush's stump lines.

The New York Times' Jodi Wilgoren looks at the Democrats' oppo operation -- and thankfully stays away from the "Zeroes." LINK

Republican National Convention: potpourri:

The New York Times' Jim Rutenberg looks at the staging of the convention -- low platform, retro graphics and all. LINK

Republican National Convention: op-eds:

Dick Morris writes McCain, Giuliani, Bloomberg, and Koch all nailed it and stayed right on message. LINK

David Ignatius has Questions For a Wartime President LINK

ABC News Vote 2004: Bush v. Kerry:

"President Bush holds clear advantages over John F. Kerry on national security issues and leadership in the war on terrorism, largely erasing the broad gains Kerry made at his party's Boston convention last month, but voters continue to give the president negative marks on the economy and his handling of Iraq, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll," writes the Washington Post' Muste and Morin. LINK

In the new ABC News/Washington Post poll, ABC News Polling Director Gary Langer reports that the President "has erased most of John Kerry's gains on issues and attributes alike, retaking a sizable lead in trust to handle terrorism, moving ahead on Iraq and battling Kerry to parity on the economy — the three top issues of the 2004 campaign." But, Langer reports, the race remains essentially unchanged overall with a 48-48 tie among likely voters.

The Wall Street Journal's Alan Murray listens to all the rhetoric about the 2004 presidential race being a gravely important election (particularly as espoused by the likes of Eddie Vedder and Leonardo DiCaprio) writes, ". . . if this presidential election is so important, why is the election-year debate so vacuous? . . . The great danger of Election 2004 may lie not in whether one side or the other wins, but in whether whoever wins inherits a nation that is rapidly becoming ungovernable." LINK

The Wall Street Journal's editorial board says "we told you so" on 527s, and says everyone who's complaining has it coming.

The Wall Street Journal's Bob Davis and Antonio Regaldo look at the evolution of President Bush's position on stem cell research, and how new technology is at times able to break through the debate to become a political issue.

The Los Angeles Times' Maura Reynolds takes a look at how federal dollars can find their way to battleground states. LINK

ABC News Vote 2004: Kerry-Edwards '04:

John Kerry will be in Ohio Thursday night -- ground zero of the presidential race and will strike back at his Republican opponent at almost the second after the latter finishes his convention acceptance speech, the AP's Nedra Pickler reports.LINK

From a campaign memo: "Hours after the close of the Republican convention, Kerry, Edwards and their families will hold a midnight rally in Springfield, Ohio before splitting up to hold separate tours through battleground states. Culminating in coordinated, country-wide Front Porch visits on Monday, the weekend will focus on the Kerry-Edwards plan to create jobs, cut taxes for the middle class, lower health care costs and make America stronger and safer because John Kerry and John Edwards believe a stronger America begins at home.

As Kerry, Edwards and Teresa Heinz Kerry and Elizabeth Edwards hit the battleground states, the campaign will unveil new television ads next week on their plan to build a stronger America."

What was Rand Beers doing in Nantucket yesterday?

Why … prepping for debate prep, ABC News' Dan Harris reports.

A senior campaign official said that Kerry and a team of advisers were narrowing down a universe of topics about which to prep.

Among the folks there: Bob Shrum, Ron Klain, and others.

This is not the first time they've done debate prep (prep), per the official.

Speaking at a town hall meeting at University of Central Florida, Vanessa and Alex Kerry, Andre Heinz and Cate Edwards said the nation is at a critical juncture, and that the youth vote could make all the difference" Maria Padilla reports.LINK

Richard Cohen of the Washington Post writes that in order for Kerry to get back on track, he needs to return to straight talk. LINK

If Hurricane Frances will allow it, John Edwards will visit Brevard County, FL, on Friday. LINK

Edwards told a crowd in West Virginia on arrival at the Raleigh County Memorial Airport, "You'll get tired of seeing me." LINK

ABC News Vote 2004: the Senate:

The race on the GOP side is a tossup, with Martinez sources bullish on their chances, says ABC News' Jon Karl.

But public polls are less clear. LINK

And turn out could be screwed up by the GOP convention (some of the party's top vote corrallers are in New York), the approach of Hurricane Frances, and, well, a myriad of Florida factors.

We all agree: "'The last 48 hours of a campaign, if done improperly, can have an impact on the general — there's no question about it,' said Gov. Jeb Bush Monday." LINK

"Tom Slade, former Florida Republican Party chairman, said the nastiness of the race can hurt party turnout and the ability to attract qualified candidates to other campaigns. Slade would like to see both parties become more civil in the debates." LINK

"Coors keeps busy in NYC: Candidate meets Reaganomics guru, speaks to delegates." LINK

casting and counting:

The DOJ will monitor polling sites in Miami. LINK

Will Broward County's vote work? "Will 6,020 iVotronic machines work at 795 precincts staffed with 8,973 workers? Unlike in 2002, where logistical meltdowns doomed the primary in both Broward and Miami-Dade counties, preparations and backup plans are in place. Voting machines are already in the precincts. Poll workers picked up their equipment on Friday, an improvement over 2002 when election workers scrambled on the eve of the election." LINK

Independent groups tell ABC News they'll look most closely at the Dade County, Orange County, and Duvall County votes.

Absentee ballots are being reviewed in Palm Beach County, and many are being rejected because they're not properly filled out. Who's to blame? The voter? The county? Both? LINK

The Democratic Party is reviewing its options.

The state will not yield on its recount rule, even though a judge has ordered them to. LINK

The Las Vegas Review Journal's Omar Sofradzija reports, "President Bush's re-election campaign is poised to make an unprecedented push for hundreds of thousands of Southern Nevadans to vote by absentee ballot in this fall's election." LINK

SBVf "T":

Former President Bush fanned doubts yesterday about Kerry's service in Vietnam. "In an interview with CNN, Mr. Bush did not directly challenge Mr. Kerry's record but rather, with the subtlety of a seasoned pro, parried questions in a way to gently bat the controversy aloft," reports the New York Times' James Bennet. Mr. Bush called "rather compelling" the claims of some veterans who have attacked Mr. Kerry's service, and he noted that others had accused these veterans of lying. "I have great confidence in Bob Dole," he added. "I don't think he'd be out there just smearing." LINK

Dana Milbank's got the goods on a Swiftie with a lucrative federal contract. LINK

Deborah Orin has all the details on the Swifties latest ad hitting Florida and Nashville airwaves soon. She also reports, "the swift vets are going national for the first time with an $800,000 cable-TV buy for a prior ad in which former POWs talk about Kerry's claims that U.S. soldiers were rapists and mass murderers."LINK

Nader-Camejo '04:

The Keystone state passes on Ralph Nader LINK

Makes Tricia Enright's job a little easier.


"Golan not suing," headlines the New York Daily News, along side a picture that looks like it could have been taken at the prom. LINK


Thirty-one electoral votes will be up for grabs on today's edition of ABC News Now's "Battlegrounds." Tune in at 3:05 pm ET to watch David Chalian and Linda Douglass delve into Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. What does John Kerry have to do to make sure those two states remain Blue on election night and how can George W. Bush take them away? The state party chairs from both parties will battle it out and a few home state scribes will help provide the lay of the land, you won't want to miss it.

Here's how and where to watch: LINK


Tuesday's theme is: "People of Compassion" — Tuesday's program runs from 7:00 pm - 11:15 pm ET

Speakers include (not in order): — Princella Smith, winner of MTV "Stand Up and Holla," addresses the convention. — Sen. Elizabeth Dole (R-N.C.) addresses the convention. — George P. Bush of Miami, Fla., nephew of the president, addresses the convention. — Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) addresses the convention. — Secretary of Education Rod Paige addresses the convention. — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA) addresses the convention. — First Lady Laura Bush addresses the convention.


— 10:30 am: Vanessa Kerry, Cate Edwards and Andre Heinz hold a study break at North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC — 10:45 am: President Bush speaks at the American Legion National Convention at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel, Nashville, TN— 11:15 am: Sen. John Edwards makes a front-porch visit, Beckley, WV— 12:00 pm: Sen. Edwards speaks at Shoemaker Square, Beckley, WV— 12:00 pm: Elizabeth Edwards participates in a town hall with Reno voters at the University of Nevada, Reno, NV — 12:15 pm: Vanessa Kerry, Cate Edwards, and Andre Heinz hold a study break at North Carolina Central University, Chapel Hill, NC— 4:00 pm: President Bush speaks at the 2004 Farm Progress Show, Alleman, IA— 4:30 pm: Elizabeth Edwards holds a living room discussion with military families, Las Vegas, NV— 4:30 p.m. Vanessa Kerry, Cate Edwards, and Andre Heinz attend a rally for the "Next Generation" at East Carolina University, Greenville, NC— 9:00 pm: Ralph Nader addresses the Campus Anti-War Counter-Convention at Columbia University, New York, NY— 9:30 pm: President Bush visits a softball game and family-style picnic, Gettysburg, PA


— 7:30 am: Rudy Giuliani attends Iowa delegate breakfast, Sheraton Manhattan Hotel, New York, NY — 7:30 am: Democratic National Committee unveils 10 banners across from Madison Square Garden, New York, NY— 8:00 am: Karl Rove speaks before the Pennsylvania Delegation, New York, NY— 8:00 am: Gov. George Pataki speaks before the New Hampshire Delegation, New York, NY— 8:00 am: Matt Dowd, BC04 chief strategist, speaks before the Bloggers Breakfast Reception, New York, NY— 8:45 am: The Republican National Committee holds its daily briefing at the Theater at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY— 10:00 am: The Democratic National Committee's (DNC) Convention Response Team hosts its daily morning press conferences at 275 7th Avenue (between 25th and 26th streets), 15th floor, New York, NY— 10:00 am: Human Rights Campaign launches billboard truck caravan with the message "George W. Bush: You're Fired", New York, NY— 10:00 am: New York Civil Liberties Union holds press conference to discuss police actions during Poor People's March on Monday, New York, NY— 11:30 am: Jenna and Barbara Bush introduce First Lady Laura Bush at a "Tribute to First Lady Laura Bush" luncheon, New York, NY