ABC News' The Note: First Source for Political News

B O S T O N, July 27, 2004—



Morning Show Wrap

Evening Newscasts Wrap

The Democratic convention continues35 days until the Republican convention99 days until election day

NEWS SUMMARY:It's easy from deep within the friendly confines of the Fleet Center to become hostage to a Finemanian-Gergenian worldview, but it isn't crazy to try to remember what actual voters think.

Or rather — on this day of Teresa Heinz Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, Chris Heinz, and Barack Obama — what actual voters DON'T think and never say.

1. Boy. Kerry in that space suit means he's a liberal wimp — just like Michael Dukakis — and therefore he cannot be president.

2. I really can't see how Kerry keeps from being overshadowed by Clinton.

3. I can't believe the press entrance isn't opening until 6:30 when they promised it would open at 6.

4. That Ron Reagan, how courageous is he to speak at the Democratic convention.

5. John Kerry must be as liberal as Ted Kennedy if he's allowing him to speak at his convention.

6. That speaker is just SO polarizing.

7. There's no way Barack Obama is as impressive as that New Yorker story made him out to be (Note Note: actually, he is.).

8. Why is John Kerry spending all his time in Virginia?

9. It's on the front page of the New York Times — why aren't the broadcast networks doing the story?

10. Boy, that Teresa is so outspoken! She can never be First Lady.

11. Boy, that Teresa is so outspoken! Her husband can never be president.

12. Boy, that Christie Vilsack is so outspoken! She can never be First Lady.

13. Who's working on the Kerry speech besides Shrum?

14. You don't think Googling Monkeys are just a narrative device, do you?

15. The breakdown of Senator Kerry's plane is a perfect metaphor for problems in the campaign — not to mention a development that really calls into question his ability to govern.

16. When I am not busy working to pay for my parents' prescription drugs and find decent daycare for my kids, I really do need to find the time to decide if I want to switch to an outspoken First Lady.

17. I can't help but notice the number of times the word "Bush" is uttered from the podium.

18. I wonder how many times John Kerry and John Edwards didn't vote the same way in the Senate.

19. I'm just not sure the balance between positive Kerry message and the negative jabs at President Bush is really all that good so far.

20. What are Mark Halperin and his dog Burt doing in West Palm Beach during the Democratic National Convention? LINK

It debuted yesterday, and already it's hard to remember life without ABC News Now, our new, 24-hour news service, available on broadband, digital cable, and the Web — and you won't want to miss it. Peter Jennings and a gaggle of special guests are on hand for gavel-to-gavel coverage — ABC News Now is your all-access pass to the Democratic National Convention. For more information, click here: LINK

An added bonus: See what we look like — David Chalian and Marc Ambinder have planned appearances today.

Can't figure out this new-fangled technology? Let Robert Krulwich explain. LINK

And if you want the best, up-to-the-minute convention news, tidbits, and insight, log on to Noted Now: LINKAs many have observed, the hall was on fire last night — a lot more like Night Four usually is than Night One.

Tonight, they'll love Kennedy — you can be sure. And we bet that Chris Heinz has just touch of a catch of his nervousness in his voice to start out with (understandably).

But the big question of the evening is what kind of tone and style Mrs. Heinz Kerry adopts in her one (planned) big moment in the spotlight in this whole campaign.

Unless, of course, a First Ladies debate gets added to the schedule — to which we wouldn't object.

Senator Kerry campaigns today in Virginia and Pennsylvania with a 10am rally in Norfolk.

At that event, per two early-rising Kerry staffers, John Kerry plans to make a little news by calling for the 9/11 Commission to be "extended by an additional 18 months so that they can advocate for the reforms they recommended and make regular assessments on the implementation."

Says our "secret" source: "Last night we flew Congresswoman Jane Harman to be with Kerry at the event today. They'll be joined by Vice Admiral Lee Gunn and Kerry's swift boat crewmate Skip Parker." (The quote marks are an inside joke.)

Kerry goes on to a 6pm rally in Philadelphia.

Kerry's running mate, John Edwards flies to Boston.

President Bush is at the Bush family ranch in Crawford, Texas, with no scheduled events through Wednesday.

Vice President Cheney continues his west coast swing with a noon rally for the troops at Camp Pendleton in California. Cheney then heads to Bakersfield, California to speak as a 4pm luncheon reception for congressional candidate Roy Ashburn.

In the evening, Cheney then drops by Riverside for another reception at 10:30pm, this time for senatorial candidate Bill Jones.

The morning shows:In advance of her speech tonight, Teresa Heinz Kerry was interviewed on ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN. She showed no remorse for her "shove it" comments and clung hard to the distinction between "un-American activities" and "un-American traits."

On CBS' "Early Show," Heinz Kerry explained that she did not regret her comment, saying, "No, I wanted him to back off because he was trying to trap me with words I didn't say."

On NBC's "Today," Heinz Kerry said, "I really wanted him to back off, back off. I heard him say two words that I didn't say and I saw the potential of misrepresentation and so I defended myself. When Katie Couric told Heinz Kerry that she had said during the speech "creeping un-Pennsylvanian and creeping un-American traits," Heinz Kerry said, "And that's very different from un-American activities."

Asked on CNN why she didn't just walk away, Teresa Heinz Kerry said, "Because this person was trying to trap me, and I'm not going to let them."

On ABC's "Good Morning America," Heinz Kerry was asked if "we are too polite" by Charlie Gibson. Heinz Kerry responded: "It's not a question of politeness, although politeness is a good thing. But it's telling someone who is trying to misrepresent you and trap you intentionally to — go. To take off."

Gibson described Heinz Kerry as "A woman of strong opinions, for sure." Her response: "Just like a man."

Democratic National Convention: Monday:Ron Brownstein Notes the Democrats of years past put national security front and center in the convention hall Monday night. LINK

"[Bill] Clinton's remarks, even more remarkable given the controversy he faced over his own efforts to avoid serving in Vietnam, demonstrated the extent to which Democrats are relying on Kerry's combat experience to overcome the traditional party disadvantage on national security issues. It also gave the evening a more confrontational tone than Kerry aides promised when they said the convention would focus less on assailing Bush than burnishing the Massachusetts senator's image."Bill Clinton: "biting address"

Jimmy Carter: "scathing speech"

Al Gore: "a speech laced with humor"

So goes The Los Angeles Times' Mark Z. Barabak's and Michael Finnegan's review of Night One's orations. LINK

Anne Kornblut of the Boston Globe : LINK

Adam Nagourney of the New York Times : LINKMarinucci and Sandalow in the San Francisco Chronicle: LINK

Ron Fournier: LINK USA Today 's Bill Nichols (whose return to the political stage is just as exciting to us as that of Bill Clinton!) writes that "amid tight security and picture-perfect New England summer weather, Democratic delegates and officials throughout the city mostly succeeded in showing the world a rare moment of harmony." LINK USA Today 's Susan Page writes that "some speakers weren't saying what they really wanted to say, and many delegates weren't hearing what they really wanted to cheer." LINK"But almost no one was complaining about it," writes Page.

Why should we even bother trying to paraphrase this sentence by Todd Purdum of the New York Times , since you need the quote. " … Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton remain the undisputed prom king and queen, and Monday night they once again held court, their party in the palms of their hands." LINKThe San Francisco Chronicle's Marc Sandalow calls Bill Clinton "the party's Barry Bonds," and says Kerry needs a heaping helping of Clinton's Elvis to win the presidency. He also takes a peek at some of the up-and-comers. LINK

"Democrats went wild for Bill Clinton last night, hooting, hollering and dancing in the aisles as he revved them up to send John Kerry to Washington — and set a tough standard for Kerry to match," leads Deborah Orin of the New York Post . LINKAl Gore received a "thunderous" response from the convention goers last night, reports the New York Times Kit Seelye.LINKWe hope this kicker to a New York Post story on the goings on with the Empire State delegation makes you chuckle as much as it did us. LINK"So it didn't take long for a Schumer aide to ask WNBC-TV reporter Jay DeDapper if he wanted to interview the senator."

"'He's been on already,' responded DeDapper. 'It can't be Chuck Schumer every day, all the time.'"

The New York Post 's Vince Morris gets through his entire story about Senator Clinton's convention appearance without one mention of 2008. LINK Democratic National Convention: tonight:THK speaks her mind: LINK

THK speaks her mind: LINKTHK speaks her mind: LINK

THK speaks her mind: LINK

The Washington Post 's Howard Kurtz and Brian Faler highlight Iowa's first Lady Christie Vilsack's less than PC comments. LINKThe Washington Post 's John Harris examines the comparisons between Kerry and Kennedy. LINKMore love: LINK

Novakian love: LINKCarl Hulsian love: LINKThe Washington Post 's Mark Leibovich profiles Barack Obama, the keynote at the Democratic Convention and a "potentially historic candidate who would be the only African American in the U.S. Senate and just the third since Reconstruction." LINKHere's Ryan Lizza's excellent profile of Obama in the newest issue of The Atlantic. LINKMore Obamiana: LINK and LINK and LINK and LINK

Daschle's speech will be sprinkled — or rather "jimmied" — with lots of refs to his own race back home. LINK Democratic National Convention: Kerry-Edwards 2004:Not terribly unlike President Bush, " … Kerry and the platform are vague or silent on some of the far-reaching issues that will confront the next president: how to address the burgeoning budget deficit and the financial instability of Social Security and Medicare," writes Janet Hook (as only she can) of the Los Angeles Times. LINK

Yesterday, we said that David Rogers' account of Kerry and his ribbons and medals seemed somewhat new. We were directed to this passage from 1984 — same paper, same writer. (We leave it to you to compare to two side by side and decide for yourself.)

"'I feel every bit of the rage,' he says, yet often seems more detached. In the 1971 march on Washington, no moment was more dramatic than when veterans threw away their combat medals, yet Mr. Kerry still has his in a glass case at home. He acknowledges he threw the medals of another soldier who was absent. 'I didn't feel that that was going to contribute somehow to the dialogue,' he says of the ceremony. 'I was wrong. I think it had enormous impact. It turned out to be the single most poignant and moving memory for a lot of people." Where critics see calculation, friends see commitment, In a war many avoided, Mr. Kerry did fight. Mixed with his burning ambition is a sense of service from another time. He found it harder to throw away his Silver Star because it reminded him of a prep school and college classmate-the grandson of Gen. John Pershing of World War I-who was awarded the same medal after being killed in Vietnam."

Knight Ridder's James Kuhnhenn runs through some of Kerry's sports superstitions and how they could play into November's results. LINK Democratic National Convention: Teresa Heinz Kerry:Jake Tapper has this on LINK"In the Jan. 13, 1976, interview with the Boston Herald American (now the Boston Herald), [Teresa] Heinz Kerry said she didn't trust President Richard Nixon but added, 'Ted Kennedy I don't trust either.'"

"She went on to say that she knew 'some couples who stay together only for politics. If Ted Kennedy holds on to that marriage just for the Catholic vote, as some people say he does, then I think he's a perfect bastard.'"

"Kennedy's 22-year marriage to Joan Kennedy ended in 1981. He married Victoria Reggie in 1992."

"Both Kennedy and Heinz Kerry are scheduled to speak Tuesday evening at the Democratic National Convention. The Kerry campaign insisted there is no animosity between Kennedy and Heinz Kerry."

In a statement last night, Kennedy's spokesman said: "Over the years, Senator and Mrs. Kennedy and John Kerry and Teresa Heinz Kerry have developed a deep friendship and a strong mutual respect. A 30-year-old quote dug up by the Republican attack machine made long before they became friends — is irrelevant."

David M. Brown of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review has a prominently featured story on "Two words from Teresa Heinz Kerry" that "sent pundits and politicians scrambling on the eve of the Democratic National Convention in Boston."

"It may have underscored some pundits' predictions that Heinz Kerry's penchant for off-the-cuff comments may play a role in Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's campaign against President Bush." LINKThe New York Times ' Jim Rutenberg wraps Mrs. Heinz Kerry's "shove it" comments, looks at her resistance to handlers and says this latest hubub and her "more lively moments" raise "questions about whether she will continue to be the free campaign spirit she has been so far. And he spells Debra DeShong's name wrong!! LINKThe Washington Post 's Evelyn Nieves takes a look at Teresa Heinz Kerry's "fan club." LINK Democratic National Convention: labor: "Andrew L. Stern, the head of the 1.6 million-member Service Employees International Union (SEIU), said in an interview with The Washington Post that both the party and its longtime ally, the labor movement, are 'in deep crisis,' devoid of new ideas and working with archaic structures." LINK"Stern argued that Kerry's election might stifle needed reform within the party and the labor movement. He said he still believes that Kerry overall would make a better president than President Bush, and his union has poured huge resources into that effort. But he contends that Kerry's election would have the effect of slowing the "evolution" of the dialogue within the party."

In a telephone interview from the convention after the Post story hit the web, SEIU President Stern told ABC News last night that he "obviously wants John Kerry to win."

He noted that his union is spending $65 million and sending 2,000 staffers to battleground states full time to elect Kerry.

"There's probably not a day that goes by that we're not actively working for him to win," he said.

He said the Post article takes his remarks out of his context.

"I spent an hour and half discussing three structural problems that exist for progressives and Democrats and the party."

"One is about Democratic Party and when it comes to economic issues; it's really lacking policy discussion. Two: the labor movement is not doing successfully what it needs to do, which is to change the lives of workers. The whole structure of the progressive movement — it does not have the power of the conservative moment."

"Would it be easier or harder to have this discussion of John Kerry wins or loses?" "Broder asked me the question several times in several different ways."

"And I said something to the effect of … if John Kerry wins, there will be a tendency to think that everything's OK and we should let John Kerry and the Democratic Party that we should take care of things."

"I think it would be really a mistake to be complacent and apathetic."

Democratic National Convention: the opposition: "Here in the heavily Democratic capital of one of America's bluest states, President Bush's campaign and the RNC have set up shop, determined not to abandon their megaphone even though Kerry and his party will drown them out all week," Notes the Washington Post 's Howard Kurtz. LINKThe New York Times ' Kit Seelye takes a look at the GOP oppo shop in Boston. LINK"Tomorrow, the GOP will release an 11-minute videotape that officials say is designed to highlight Kerry's flip-flopping on the war issue," reports Ken Lovett of the New York Post . LINKPeter Wallsten of the Los Angeles Times reports the BC04RNC rapid response location has been disclosed and "Enron Ed" has found his way there. LINK

Democratic National Convention: the Democrats:The new ABC News/ Washington Post poll: "The critical convention season begins with John Kerry losing momentum at just the hour he'd like to be gaining it: President Bush has clawed back on issues and attributes alike, reclaiming significant ground that Kerry had taken a month ago." LINKThe Post 's write-up: LINKThe Democrats and the platform: LINK

It's all about reaching the middle class, writes the New York Times ' Robin Toner. And the message that the economy fared better under a Democratic President is the one the party is trying to drive home. LINKThe New York Times ' David Halbfinger went to the veterans caucus and looks at the role of veterans — an estimated 500 of them at the convention — in the campaign. LINKJohnny Apple nostalgically writes of the 1964 convention, when there was dissent and fighting over issues, when Bobby Kennedy spoke and "hardened pols wept." "Don't expect moments like that at John Kerry's convention. Fenway Park produced more drama last weekend than you are likely to see at the Fleet Center this week, what with the brawl between the Yankees and Red Sox on Saturday and Senator Kerry's surprise appearance to throw out the first ball on Sunday night." LINKThe New York Times ' Jodi Wilgoren and Randal Archibold spent a little time with former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean as he makes the rounds at the convention. LINKRaja Mishra of the Boston Globe looks at the swing voters within the swing states, the demographics that need to be one in order to turn the purple state red or blue: "Latino diversity," "Appalachia brawn," "Michael Moore liberals," and "Medicare conservatives." LINK

The Boston Globe 's Susan Milligan reports the Democratic focus on "Wal-Mart women" — "The 42 female House Democrats plan to fan out around the country after the party's nominating convention ends Thursday and head to battleground states to register women." LINK

Democratic National Convention: the money:The Wall Street Journal 's John Harwood takes an excellent walk through the world of 527 groups, examining the ways that McCain-Feingold has changed politics — particularly for Democrats who are more organized in message and money than ever before.

More: LINKThe Wall Street Journal 's Alan Murray writes that corporate America has sat on the sidelines this election year — though thankfully not at the conventions. We were really glad to get our box of Democratic macaroni and cheese this time around.

The New York Times ' David Kilpatrick reports that the Campaign Legal Center, a nonpartisan campaign finance group, has filed a complaint against the Web site of Rev. Jerry Falwell for encouraging people to vote for President Bush and give money to a political action committee. LINK USA Today 's Jim Drinkard writes about why Democrats are feeling good about their collective bank account and how they're partying to express that joy. LINKTwo of Detroit's big three automakers are among the most lavish spenders on convention parties for politicians, says the Detroit News. LINKDear Mrs. Dingell: can we borrow a golf cart through Thursday?

Democratic National Convention: outside the hall:What was all that worrying about? "Boston experienced virtually no reported crime on Monday and roads were unusually clear. Even the weather cooperated, with blue skies and none of the oppressive humidity generally associated with Boston summers," writes Elizabeth Mehren of the Los Angeles Times. LINK

Democratic National Convention: the media:Michael Moore and the frenzy: LINK

Jon Stewart and the media. LINKDavid Carr of the New York Times views the "hardy, predictable" behavior of the pesky media swarm greatly outnumbering delegates in Boston. LINK Democratic National Convention: opinion pieces and editorials:Kevin Hassett of the American Enterprise Institute argues in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that based on his economic proposals, Senator Kerry would increase the deficit by $2 trillion over 10 years.

The Washington Post 's ed board Notes "Possibly the worst thing in the [Democratic Party] platform is its unilateralist bent in threatening trade sanctions, a move that would trigger retaliation." LINKKerry's tediousness is his strength, writes David Brooks in today's New York Times . LINKJames Taranto picks on Chuck Todd in a Wall Street Journal op-ed about the predictive value of past elections.

The Big Four: Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin:The Florida Democratic Party has just over $105,000; the Florida GOP has more than $1.5 million. LINKThe AP on Kerry's stem cell research pleas, along with the injured Brevard County deputy. LINK and LINK and LINK

Florida delegates lapped up the attention: LINK and LINKThe Cincinnati Enquirer has the AP's David Espo's story with this headline: "Clintons promise to make Kerry next president." LINKThe Columbus Dispatch's Darrel Rowland's headline reads: "Voices from the past set the tone." LINKThe Columbus Dispatch's Catherine Candisky reports, "With the national spotlight on Kerry, Democratic officials are not interested in debating the gay-marriage issue. Not this week, anyway. They say it is critical for the party to focus on what unifies them and defeating President Bush." LINKThe Toledo Blade's Jim Provance has a story leading the paper's website about the subject of gay marriage at the convention. LINK

Provance writes, "Even openly gay and lesbian delegates caucusing as a group in Boston say that while equal rights for gays is important to them, it is not as important to the delegation as the war in Iraq or the national economy."

ABC News Vote 2004: Bush-Cheney re-elect Democratic National Convention:Note to Washington Bureau Chiefs: There are stories still to be covered outside of Boston. The Los Angeles Times' Kemper has all the details on the Bush Administration's draft rules for the new Medicare law once it is fully in effect come 2006. We wonder why the administration chose to release these rules this week. We're hoping Secretary Thompson gets back to us on that. LINK

The Washington Post 's Walter Pincus reports "President Bush and top administration officials took early steps yesterday to sort through recommendations of the Sept. 11 commission, while some in Congress cautioned against rushing too quickly into a reorganization of the U.S. intelligence system." LINKThe Washington Post 's Dana Milbank Notes "With all deliberate speed and a bit of pell-mell scramble, the White House is trying to keep up with lawmakers as they race to implement the recommendations of the Sept. 11 commission. While determined not to be outflanked by Democrats on terrorism with just 98 days before the election, there is one major recommendation Bush aides can't accept." LINKABC News Vote 2004: casting and counting:John Fund examines electronic voting machines in the Wall Street Journal , and the conspiracy theory about "Manchurian Programmers" who could hack into them. Oh dear — is this "Manchurian" thing going to be the new buzzword? Can't we just bring back adding "-gate" to the end of everything?

The AP reports "the nation's first trial to challenge punch-card balloting since the Florida fiasco four years ago opened Monday with a lawyer arguing that even isolated malfunctions in Ohio could change the November election results in this swing state." LINKABC News Vote 2004: battleground states:The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's Craig Gilbert's headline reads: "Clintons praise Kerry, fault Bush." LINK

David Yepsen of the Des Moines Register weighs in today on Sunday's Iowa poll where President Bush leads John Kerry 46 percent to 45 percent in the Hawkeye State. LINK

The newest poll in Nevada shows the race in the state has "tightened significantly," with BC04 holding only a 3 point lead over KE04, reports the Associated Press. Nader draws 4 percent. LINK

Secretary of Education Rod Paige visited Las Vegas yesterday to spread the good word of the administration, but his stop was not without controversy. LINKDetroit Free Press columnist Chris Christoff looks at Wayne County in the Detroit metro area and says it may represent yet another key, historically Democratic stronghold in the battleground state "slipping into the Republican fold." LINKIt's unexpected, but news that West Virginia's state government suddenly finds itself "flush with cash" and a budget surplus could mean good things for BC04's chances in the state. LINK

If the size of donations is a barometer of a candidate's support in a state, then it is worth Noting that KE04 has already raised $850,000 in West Virginia this year, more than seven times the amount Al Gore raised in 2000. LINK

North Carolina delegates to the convention continue to get the red-carpet treatment, reports the Winston-Salem Journal. Wonder why? LINK

Nader-Camejo '04:Michigan delegation annoyed by Nader. LINK

The AP Notes Al Gore's plea to third party voters. LINK

Nader submits signatures in Missouri yesterday. LINK


Beginning at 4:00 pm ET:— Former New Hampshire Governor and Kerry-Edwards Campaign Chairwoman Jeanne Shaheen emcee's Tuesday's convention program. — Senate Minority Leader Thomas Daschle (D-S.D.) addresses the convention on "the strength of the Democratic Party and its vision foran America that lifts up working families and is respected in the world."— Senator Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) addresses the convention.— Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, and founder and chair of the Democratic Study Group onNational Security, addresses the convention on national security.— Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) addresses the convention.— James Forbes, senior minister at Riverside Church, New York, addresses the convention.— Rep. Michael Honda (D-Calif.) addresses the convention.— Rep. James Langevin (D-R.I.) addresses the convention.— Former Ambassador and former Senator Carol Moseley-Braun, (D-Ill.), a 2004 presidential candidate, addresses the convention.— Ilana Wexler, a 13-year old founder of Kids for Kerry, addresses the convention.— To mark the 40th anniversary of Fannie Lou Hamer's courageous and historic efforts to integrate the all-white Mississippi delegation, the2004 Democratic Convention will feature a tribute to Hamer on Tuesday night. The tribute will feature Maya Angelou, the Freedom Singers,members of the original Mississippi Democratic Freedom Party, and a video documentary of Hamer's life.— Former Gov. Howard Dean, a 2004 presidential candidate, addresses the convention.— Rep. Richard Gephardt (D-Mo.), a 2004 presidential candidate, addresses the convention.— Ron Reagan, son of the former President Ronald Reagan, addresses the convention on embryonic stem cell research.— Christie Vilsack, first lady of Iowa, addresses the convention.— Gov. Janet Napolitano (R-Ariz.) addresses the convention on "John Kerry and John Edwards' service to the nation and fight for averageAmericans."— Chris Heinz, stepson of John Kerry, addresses the convention.— Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of John Kerry, addresses the convention.— Illinois state senator Barack Obama, a Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, delivers the 2004 Democratic National Convention's keynote address.


KERRY / EDWARDS— 10:00 am: Senator John Kerry holds a rally at Hampton Roads Naval Museum, Norfolk, Va.— 4:00 pm: Senator Edwards is wheels down in Boston— 6:00 pm: Senator John Kerry holds a rally at the Philadelphia Museum ofArt, Philadelphia, Penn.

BUSH / CHENEY— 12:00 pm: Vice President Cheney delivers remarks at rally for troops at Camp Pendleton, Calif.— 4:00 pm: Vice President Cheney delivers remarks at a luncheon for congressional candidate Roy Ashburn, Bakersfield, Calif. — 10:30 pm: Vice President Cheney delivers remarks at a reception for senatorial candidate Bill Jones, Riverside, Calif.


— 8:00 am: Former Gov. Howard Dean (D-Vt.) hosts a fundraiser for Mass.Reps. Bill Straus and Charley Murphy, Boston Mass.— 9:30 am: Daily DNC Convention press briefing is held at the Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston, Mass. — 10:00 am: RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie and other Republican leaders hold a news conference to discuss the opening day of the Democrat convention,Boston, Ma.— 10:00 am: The Democratic National Committee Finance hosts a policy briefing by President Bill Clinton, Boston, Mass.— 10:00 am: The Commerce Department releases new-home sales figures for June.— 10:30 am: The Democratic National Committee hosts "A Salute to Those who Served and Sacrificed" featuring fmr. Senator Max Cleland (D-Ga.), Rep.Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Senator Thomas Daschle (D-S.D.), and retired Gen. Wesley Clark among others, Boston, Mass. — 11:45 am: The Democratic Governors National Policy Forum holds a media availability, Boston, Mass.— 12:30 pm: Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge speaks before the Council for Excellence in Government, Washington, D.C.— 7:30 pm: The Boston Pops presents "A Musical Salute to Senator Ted Kennedy" featuring Bono, Glenn Close,Yo-Yo Ma, and Brian Stokes Mitchell, Boston, Mass.