Morning Show Wrap

N E W Y O R K, June 15, 2004 —
-- A product of Noted Now and The Note

Evening Newscasts Wrap

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The headlines on all three morning shows began with "terror at the mall."

"Terror" at the Shopping Mall

Asa Hutchinson, the Undersecretary of the Department of Homeland Security, was interviewed on NBC's "Today Show" and the CBS "Early Show."

A Hutchinson SOT was used in the 7 am news segment on ABC's "Good Morning America."


All the morning shows prominently featured yesterday's Clinton-Bush lovefest.

ABC's Claire Shipman focused on Chelsea Clinton, who "glows in the spotlight" and "dazzled everyone" with her "glam lifestyle" but is also very serious – "She's not living in Carrie Bradshaw life," said US Weekly News Director Mark Malkin.

ABC's Diane Sawyer quickly noted the difference between the official White House portraits of Jackie Kennedy and Hillary Clinton, who is much more prominent in her portrait than is Kennedy. "It says a lot about the differing roles in first ladies in just 30 years," Sawyer said.

NBC's "Today Show" devoted its close-up segment to "Clinton: The Comeback Kid." After playing a few SOTs from yesterday's "love-in," NBC's Matt Lauer asked NBC news analyst Dee Dee Myers, a former Clinton aide, "Where was Al Gore?"

"Good question," replied Myers, a former Clinton aide. "I don't know. He was certainly invited. One would expect that he would be there."

Myers was surprised because although things "didn't end on a high note," between Clinton and Gore, according to Meyers, they had repaired their relationship.

Myers remembered that in 1995 Clinton graciously presided over the unveiling of Bush 41's portrait. Myers said Bush 43 returned the favor on Monday.

As for Clinton's coming book tour, Myers described it as a little "book selling" and a "little Bush-bashing."


After discussing Monday's "love fest" between Clinton and Bush on NBC's "Today Show," Myers was asked about veepstakes and said, without attributing to anyone, that Sen. John Edwards is "at the top of a lot of people's lists." She also floated the names of Gov. Tom Vilsack and Sen. Joe Biden.

"We've seen the coming and going of the McCain boomlet," she added.

Myers surmised that Kerry would choose someone who was: (1) qualified to be president, (2) that he was comfortable with, and (3) someone who brought something special to the ticket.

Iraq's Interim Prime Minister

Iraqi interim Prime Minister Dr. Iyad Allawi appeared on CNN's "American Morning" and "Fox and Friends" and made no news.

"Under God"

Michael Newdow, the atheist who sued his daughter's school district, told CNN's Bill Hemmer on "American Morning" that yesterday's 8-0 ruling would not stop him from continuing to fight against using the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Enron's Manipulation of Western Power Market

Washington Sen. Maria Cantwell role in investigating Enron's manipulation of the Western power market got lots of coverage on the CBS' Early Show.

Fingerprints, Mugshots, DNA?

In a "Fingerprints, Mugshots, DNA?" segment, NBC's "Today Show" held a joint interview with the ACLU's Barry Steinhardt and Bruce Harrington of "Californians for the DNA Fingerprint."

Senate Disclosure Forms

On CNN's "American Morning," Jack Cafferty discussed some of the juicier details from the Senate disclosure forms that were made public yesterday, including Sen. Ted Kennedy's single parking space that yields $2,500 in income and Sen. Dick Lugar's 1993 Ford Taurus which is valued at $1,059.75.