The Note

W A S H I N G T O N June 4—
, 2003 -- To: 43@whitehouse.govFrom: SAOCc: Harriet MiersBcc: Mike.Allen@washpost.comSubject: OMG!

2003 Note Archives, updated weekly.

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Dear Mr. President,

We miss ya, cowboy. C):-)

You're doing great. The TV pictures are awesome.

But we bet you've got a hankering for some American food right about now.

Though we gotta recommend the shawarma in Aqaba. It's primo!

Hey — cool on the golf cart LINK

And not so cool on the Egyptian television thing, but at least you didn't throw up on anyone. LINKAll right: the big news.

This Sosa thing is JUST terrible. LINK

Some smart reporter is almost certainly going to ask you about it at the end of a photo op, so be ready.

Anyway, guess who's gay?

That's right! Richard Chamberlain. LINK

Yeah, we all knew it.

And did you hear about Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher? LOL. Lucky Ashton.

Yee-hah: Bob Smith is selling real estate. LINK

This op-ed is fun-ny. LINK

Gosh, you must be sooo happy you're not gonna have to get in your monkey suit for the Radio-TV dinner tonight.

All anyone there is going to be talking about is the leaked version of Senator Clinton's book, and we know how much you hate reliving the Clinton-Gore years, in which the lack of a dress code in the Oval Office was not even the worst thing going on in there.

And wouldn't you know it: they want to be fancy and all, so they're serving petit filet mignons.

Yeah, as if 100 grams of fat are really that different than 150!

Why would anyone ever order a petit filet? Get the big one! Sheesh. And they need to truck it in from Cattleman's Steak House in Midland.

None of that Hilton grub.


All right … Speaking of Midland … . We gotta get you to call Mike Conaway. Your ex business partner didn't win the run-off to be the new congressman from Lubbock and Midland. Randy Neugebauer is, we think we would all agree, a good man, as you would say.

Hey: our secret project to convince the world that Tom DeLay is our foil … . it's working!

We all know the score. Democrats didn't want a tax cut much at all. Now that their base is all riled up about this child credit thing (Marian Wright Edelman's birthday is Friday, for goshsakes.), they want a tax cut all of a sudden.

You wouldn't know it from the liberal media, but a lot of these folks don't pay any income taxes at all. And many get their payroll taxes zeroed out by the Earned Income Tax credit. (If it hadn't been for Ronald Reagan, that program would not be as strong as it is today.)

Yeah, Grassley wants a bunch of extra tax cuts now (YAY!). Yeah, the Dems want to cast the battle as one between Regular Joe and Joe Millionaire; do we off-set the new child tax credits by closing some "loopholes"?

Well, we might not have to make that choice anymore. Tom DeLay won't let it get to the floor.

What a great guy! He's sooo like Ashcroft (no matter what that Brill guy writes).

This is a great way out of a Texas-style ambush.

Inciden-tally, to use one of those David Gergen words, you remember all those discussions we had about big-spending states?

Well look at this: so what's the first thing the New Hampshire Senate did when it got its grubby hands on some federal cash?

Yep. A "feeding frenzy." LINKBut it was Democrats who INSISTED we give money to states. They wanted it more than they wanted the child tax credit.

We're not, uh, kissing your betoot, but we wanted to let you know that Ms. Lynne Cheney called you a "magnificent leader." LINK

And here's a rose that your daughters asked us to pass along to you: --They miss you and wish you well.

As do we.

l8tr, gtr.

Senator Clinton's book:

The AP's Calvin Woodward and Siobhan McDonough got a hold of a copy of Hillary Clinton's memoir, and disclose that the author "vividly describes her pain" over the Lewinsky scandal and the choice to run for SenateLINKThe skimming AP duo quote: '''The most difficult decisions I have made in my life were to stay married to Bill and to run for the Senate from New York.'"

The New York tabloids pick up the particulars with front-page stories.

The New York Post 's Kate Sheehy repeats the "explosive" details, with only a passing reference to the AP snagging an early copy. LINKThe New York Daily News's Leo Standora cites the AP story, and offers some reactions to Senator Clinton's candor. LINKThe New York Daily News' Paul Colford discusses how the leak will affect Simon & Schuster's rollout of the Clinton tome LINKThe Washington Post got it on the front page. LINKAnd in a related story, the Washington Post 's Lloyd Grove reports that former First Lady Barbara Bush is finishing up a little memoir of her own, and the (white) gloves are off, to the apparent consternation of libel lawyers. LINK

Big Casino budget politics:

The New York Times ' David Firestone trumpets Leader DeLay's view that the extension of the child tax credit to some low-income Americans isn't going to go anywhere in the House unless it is part of a much larger effort for more tax relief, and that leaves things still very much in the air. LINK

The Wall Street Journal 's Murray says that DeLay's pronouncements "dim" the "prospects" of any action.

The Los Angeles Times says it's because DeLay is uncomfortable with the idea of giving a tax break to people who don't pay taxes — Absolut Flesicher.LINK

USA Today 's take is slightly more optimistic about the credit being restored.LINKThe Washington Post front page is adorned with the work of Dana Milbank and Jonathan Weisman, who herald:

"Three successive tax cuts pushed by President Bush will leave middle-income taxpayers paying a greater share of all federal taxes by the end of the decade, according to new analyses of the Bush administration's tax policies." LINK"As critics of the tax cuts in 2001, 2002 and 2003 have noted, (sic), the very wealthiest Americans — those earning $337,000 or more per year — will be the greatest beneficiaries of the changes in the nation's tax laws. And, as administration officials have argued, low-income taxpayers will also enjoy a disproportionately lighter tax burden."

The Washington Post 's Goldstein and Dewar look at Medicare bill drafting in Senate Finance by tri-partisan centrist types. LINKAnd the Wall Street Journal 's pair of Lueck and Rogers get a little insider-y, behind-the-scenes at the administration's legislative strategy:

"Administration officials, who met Tuesday with Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassley (R., Iowa), remain concerned about elements of the moderates' plan. But the White House and the Republican leadership share a sense that the centrist approach is the best means to reach out to Senate Democrats and build momentum toward a Senate floor vote this month."

"If Mr. Grassley can close a deal with Montana Senator Max Baucus, the ranking Democrat on the Finance Committee, the White House is prepared to bite its tongue, at least for the time being. Conservative members of the Finance Committee, meanwhile, have pressed to offer drug coverage only to seniors who choose private plans, which they argue will make the program more financially sound and provide more-complete medical care."

The Wall Street Journal 's John Harwood interviews Dr/Sen/Leader Frist on the Medicare challenge.

Robert Samuelson says a big prescription drug benefit attached to Medicare is a horrible idea. LINKAlabama Governor Bob Riley considers increasing taxes, and somehow Grover isn't quoted in the New York Times story about it. LINK

ABC 2004: The Invisible Primary:

Today: Senator Graham is in San Francisco. Senator Lieberman campaigns in Detroit. Governor Dean is in New York City, as is Senator Kerry.

The Note has learned that Governor Dean has some pretty special hosts for his fundaiser tonight.

Break out the lemonade, the salad dressing, and the salsa: Democratic stalwarts Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman are holding this event for Dr. Dean.

While it isn't clear if this represents an official endorsement, that lovely couple can raise some serious money.

But Dean isn't the only candidate coupling with some prominent names today.

Political sources in Washington and New York tell The Note that Senator Kerry will publicly garner the endorsement of Manhattan Borough President C. Virginia Fields today at his event in Gotham City.

The geo-political and semiotic implications of this are just now coursing through The Note's brain.

Roll Call 's Mark Preston has Senator Ted Kennedy predicting Dick Gephardt's departure from the race for the White House and much of the Congressman's Hill support going to Kennedy's candidate, John Kerry.

"'We have had a meeting and the House Members are trying to work, our Massachusetts group [is] working [colleagues], but a lot of them are pulling toward Gephardt,' Kennedy said at a meeting with Roll Call reporters and editors. 'But I think after Gephardt moves on out, I think John is going to be in a strong position.'"

"Even though many observers of the process, including Kennedy himself, acknowledge that the importance of Congressional endorsements is overstated, his pointed analysis of Gephardt's chances of gaining the nomination illustrates that the rival campaigns can overlook no aspect of what is essentially a zero-sum game."

"Indeed, Gephardt is not taking the Congressional endorsement game lightly. He unveiled an endorsement list of 30 House Democrats last month that included Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and even Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.), Senator Kennedy's son."

"A senior Gephardt presidential aide shook off Kennedy's remark."

"'I assume Senator Kennedy meant that, following President Gephardt's second term, Senator Kerry will be in a strong position with House Democrats in the 2012 race,' said Erik Smith, the Missouri Democrat's spokesman."

"Outside the Capitol, Kennedy said he plans to play a visible role in the Kerry campaign, serving as a surrogate speaker and helping to raise the money needed to run a competitive primary effort. But Kennedy is careful not to appear as though he has a great deal of influence over Kerry."

With Dean and Kerry both in Manhattan last night, that seemed like the place to be to cover the Invisible Primary.

But it turns out that just a few miles down the road, in the City Where the Street(s) Are Filled with Katz (and Dogs), the real action was taking place.

According to The Note's Special Correspondent on the scene in Philadelphia:

"The who's who of the Philadelphia political scene was on hand Tuesday night to witness Ken Jarin receive the ADL Torch of Liberty Award. Who's Ken Jarin and why should I care?"

"Ask Al Gore, Dick Gephardt and Hadassah Lieberman. All three were on hand to pay their respects to the man who holds they keys to a great deal of political and financial support in the City of Brotherly Love (and Sisterly Affection). Jarin, along with his colleague and partner Alan Kessler, cut their teeth in the Gore '88 campaign and are being heavily courted by the '04 wannabes."

Jarin, we are told by Democrats who know, can unlock a lot of the Rendell donor money.

The Associated Press reports, "'Elect Al Gore 2004,' a grass-roots group that wants the former vice president and U.S. senator to run for the White House again after a 2000 campaign, is trying to push him onto the ballot. It plans a rally June 14 at the Bicentennial Mall in Nashville." LINKThe Wall Street Journal 's Dreazen on A4 surveys the Democratic presidential candidates on the FCC media ownership rule, and includes this choice stuff:

"It's part of a pattern of George W. Bush caring more about the interests of big business than he does about the interests of ordinary people, and you'll see candidates use the FCC thing as part of a broader indictment,' says Mark Mellman, a Democratic pollster and strategist. 'Even today, that general issue is one of Bush's biggest weaknesses.'"

(Note Note: is that REALLY the right way to identify Mr. Mellman these days?)

"Bush strategists hoped they had neutralized such attacks with the president's support of the Sarbanes-Oxley bill on corporate governance, and aggressive prosecution of boardroom crime by the Justice Department and securities regulators. The issue didn't help Democrats in midterm elections, when Enron Corp. was in the headlines. More recently, the administration says its tax cuts removed several million people from the income-tax rolls altogether, and will create jobs and promote economic growth. As for the FCC action, Republicans suggest the issue will make little impression beyond Washington. 'It's a big stretch to say there's going to be a significant reduction in the diversity of voices,' says Fred Steeper, a pollster who advised Mr. Bush's 2000 campaign. 'There's still going to be CNN versus Fox.'"

"Yet the prospect of rising media concentration has hit a raw nerve, as have tax cuts for the wealthy, which are under assault from Democrats and even a few Republicans. A last-minute change to the most recent tax bill — which offers huge benefits to the richest Americans but moderate relief to most others — dropped a promised child-credit break for many low-income families."

Harold Meyerson writes on the op-ed page of the Washington Post in response to Al From and Bruce Reed, and pegged to the start of the Campaign for America's Future, and he says that liberals are right about how to win the White House. LINKInvisible indeed — the New York Post 's Page Six actually runs a blind item about the hijinks of a badly behaved sister-in-law of a "Democratic presidential candidate." LINK Roll Call 's Emily Pierce takes a look at Senator Dianne Feinstein as a possible running mate on the 2004 Democratic ticket.

"Senator Bob Graham (D-Fla.), who is running for president, suggested he would consider Feinstein for anything from running mate to a prominent spot in his administration."

"'Whatever Dianne wants to do, President Graham will assist her and look forward to serving her in any capacity,' Graham said in an interview."

"It was almost two decades ago, in 1984, that Feinstein was first seriously considered for her party's national ticket, when as a well-known mayor she was passed over for the vice presidential nomination in favor of former New York Rep. Geraldine Ferraro."

"'I was on what we called the bridesmaids list,' said Feinstein, who said she would look very carefully at any renewed offers from the Democratic presidential nominee in 2004 to be his or her running mate."

"But some political strategists downplay the idea of Feinstein rounding out the 2004 Democratic ticket, primarily because her popularity in California is not needed to improve the electoral outcome in a state that has been voting overwhelmingly Democratic in the past few presidential races."

The Tacoma News Tribune's Joseph Turner reports that "Washington will join the frenzy of 'Super Tuesday' next year by holding its presidential primary election on March 2, along with such heavyweight states as California, New York, Ohio and Texas." LINKSome information about "America's Hometown Forum" in Jasper County, Iowa on June 21: So far, Governor Dean, Senators Graham, Kerry, and Edwards, Congressman Kucinich, and Reverend Sharpton are expected to attend.

There's a one-hour forty-five-minute section that's billed as a "panel discussion" with the candidates.

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and a gaggle of Democratic stars will headline the Florida Democratic Party's Jefferson Jackson dinner on June 28 in Hollywood.


Promise watch: "On a campaign swing here yesterday, U.S. Senator John Kerry pledged that he would replace more than 2 million jobs lost during the current administration in his first 500 days in office, if elected President." LINK

You'll recall that that pledge got dropped from the Lake Placid speech because, the Senator said, the lectern was too low for him to see his text clearly.


The Shreveport Times' Don Walker reports that Reverend Sharpton "told an overflow crowd at Lake Bethlehem Baptist Church on Tuesday night, 'somebody's got to stand up for the truth.'" LINKLIEBERMAN

The Hartford Courant's David Lightman writes up Senator Lieberman's absence from the Campaign for America's Future forum in Washington. And make sure to check out Jim Shea's parody of Joe & Hadassah's diary. LINK

Bye Bye Bye:

"The Woodbury Democratic Town Committee recently approved a resolution signaling its refusal to endorse the presidential candidacy of Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-CT), citing disagreement with the senator's stands on the Iraq war and other issues," reports. LINK


The Graham campaign will probably like Carl Hulse's New York Times ' story about the Graham diaries, at a minimum because the sooner these stories get written and get out of the way, the better it is for them. LINK

Hulse gets access to some of the back issues of the diaries, which are along the lines of what we have seen in the past, and the scribe gets an interview with the Senator, who offers his usual explanations of why he chronicles his life the way he does.

Gephardt's Erik Smith dismisses the focus/flap as much ado about nothing, as does Charlie Cook (who is described, nonetheless, as not being too bullish on the Senator's chances to win nomination for other reasons).

A Minnesota psychologist summons up expertise to describe it as "a bit compulsive."

And The Note publishes this paragraph without comment: "The day after the May 6 announcement of his presidential candidacy, Mr. Graham's logs were parodied by The Washington Post . Katie Couric of the 'Today' show, apparently not realizing that it had all been a spoof, subsequently questioned him about an entry that said, 'Ascend stage, stumble, regain balance.'"

Sidebar excerpt!!! LINKThe Raleigh News & Observer's Muriel Dobbin tackles Bob Graham in this week's installment of the paper's presidential candidate profile series. There's not much new here and surprisingly no reference to the notebooks.LINK"At 66, Graham is the oldest Democratic candidate. He looks like the genial grandfather he is, boasting about his 10 grandchildren who call him and his wife 'Deedle and Doodle.'"

"He is a low-key lawmaker, respected for being willing to work across party lines in the Senate. His stump speeches are considered less than riveting. When he was Democratic chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, he was reportedly nicknamed 'the tortoise' for meandering six-part questions."

Graham's questioning the administration about declassifying the 9/11 report and his opposition to the war in Iraq get played up high. His workdays, however, are relegated to the last three graphs.


John Wagner of the Raleigh News & Observer reports Senator Edwards will keynote at the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund dinner next week in Washington. LINK

"MALDEF's stated mission is to foster better public policy and provide legal safeguards for the 40 million Latinos living in the United States. Among other recent activities, the group has actively opposed President Bush's contested nomination of Miquel Estrada to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. Edwards, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is also opposed to the nomination."

"Latinos represent a growing force in Democratic politics, notably in the early presidential nominating states of Arizona and New Mexico."

The AP's Bob Johnson reports that "Edwards raised more than $100,000 at a fund raising reception attended by four-time heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield, who was in Montgomery to play in a celebrity golf tournament to benefit the Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation." LINK

The campaign announced this morning the endorsement of Bill de Blasio, who managed Senator Clinton's campaign in 2000, the Clinton-Gore campaign in New York in 1996, and now serves on the New York City Council.


The Manchester Union Leader writes up the announcement of Jim Demers as Gephardt's state chair. LINK


The AP reports: "Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich called on the Defense Department on Tuesday to release the unedited footage of the rescue of Pfc. Jessica Lynch from an Iraqi hospital and to answer questions about her injuries. LINK'''Nothing the administration has said about Private Lynch has been verified by private news reports,' the Ohio congressman said Tuesday."

"'It's time to find out the truth.'"

Kucinich will demand the release of raw intelligence used the by the Bush administration to flesh out its Iraq policy.

Legislative Agenda:

The AP's Jim Abrams reports, "Culminating an eight-year struggle, congressional opponents of an abortion procedure they call partial birth abortion are on the verge of passing a law barring doctors from using it." LINK"The House on Wednesday is expected to approve the ban by a comfortable margin. After minor differences with a Senate-passed bill are worked out, the legislation would go to President Bush, who is ready to sign it into law."

"Abortion rights groups say they would immediately go to court to challenge the law, which would be the first to prohibit a certain abortion procedure since the 1973 Supreme Court decision establishing the right to choose an abortion."

The Washington Post 's Ruth Marcus writes on the debate LINK, as does the New York Times ' ed board. LINKThe AP's Jesse J. Holland writes, "In what Democrats called an annual GOP rite of spring, the Republican-controlled House on Tuesday passed an amendment to the Constitution to criminalize flag burning for the fifth time in eight years." LINKAt 10:00 am this morning, the Continuity of Government Commission, jointly sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute and the Brookings Institution, was to officially release a report detailing its recommendation that Congress adopt a constitutional amendment to ensure that the House and Senate could continue to function in the wake of terrorist attacks that killed or incapacitated members of Congress.

The commission concluded that the federal government needs a method faster than a months-long special election to reconstitute the House of Representatives should a catastrophic event incapacitate or kill members. And while governors are empowered to replace deceased senators through appointments, there is no provision for replacing incapacitated members.

Former Wyoming Republican Senator Alan Simpson and former White House Counsel Lloyd Cutler chaired the commission which included former Speakers Newt Gingrich and Tom Foley, as well as Kweisi Mfume, Donna Shalala, Norm Ornstein, Thomas Mann and others.

In the report's introduction, co-chairs Simpson and Cutler write: "The commission will issue subsequent reports on the continuity of the presidency and the Supreme Court. We chose to begin with Congress because it is the institution least able to reconstitute itself after a catastrophic attack. While some protections exist for reconstituting the presidency pursuant to the presidential Succession Act, under our current constitutional framework, Congress would have a far more difficult time filling large numbers of its own vacancies after an attack. It might not function well or at all for many months. Ensuring the continuity of Congress is now a more pressing need than at any previous time in our history. According to two of the 9/11 plotters, the fourth plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was headed for the Capitol, and it is entirely conceivable that Congress will again be a target."

Bush-Cheney Re-Elect:

Roll Call 's Ed Henry reports Ed Gillespie will be tapped as the RNC's new chairman upon President Bush's return to Washington.

"Über-lobbyist Ed Gillespie is expected to be named chairman of the Republican National Committee within the next week or so, according to sources close to the White House."

"Gillespie, who cut his teeth as a GOP communications aide on Capitol Hill, is working with attorneys to sever ties with his lobbying shop, Quinn Gillespie & Associates. The goal is to allow him to keep some sort of equity interest in the firm he founded."

"President Bush is expected to officially tap Gillespie soon after he returns to the country from his mission to the Middle East. The former House GOP staffer will replace RNC Chairman Marc Racicot, who is taking a senior position with the Bush-Cheney re-election effort."

"The RNC membership is expected to formally approve Gillespie's nomination at an annual meeting next month."

Much less starchy than, it's the Bush-Cheney re-elect's unofficial, unofficial blog: LINK … which announced its first National Bush Meetup Day. (That's June 10). LINK

Anyone who knows anything about the Net is aware of the profound influence of conservative sites like National Review Online. A heap of well-deserved attention

has been lathered on Governor Howard Dean's web efforts, but we wouldn't underestimate the ability of young conservatives to match for Bush what young liberals have done for Dean.

The young guy behind it all, Kevin Patrick, says he's received "unofficial encouragement" from the Bush campaign.

ABC's Ed O'Keefe relates the following from yesterday's party policy luncheon:

"For anyone wondering if Senator John McCain (R-AZ) is tempted to go the way of his idol, President Teddy Roosevelt, in mounting an second run and/or Independent bid, the maverick Senator offered today:"

"Q (rough): 'If you were running against President Bush, would you use this issue, the issue of the lack of weapons of mass destruction, as a point against him?'"


"'If I were running against Bush right now, I would be smoking something very strong; (something) that's not even going to be made legal in Canada.'"

Politics:Washington's getting a new advocacy group, or at least a new little sister to an already existing group. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is opening its doors this week and launching its inaugural program, the "Campaign Against Cancer" — in Iowa and New Hampshire of all places.

From the group:

"ACS CAN is dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major public health problem through voter education and issue campaigns aimed at influencing candidates and lawmakers to support laws and policies that will help people fight cancer."

"'Cancer is a political issue and it's time to flex our political muscle,' said Daniel E. Smith, National Vice President for Government Relations at ACS CAN. 'Many important decisions impacting cancer are made outside of a doctor's office-- in state houses, in Congress, and at the White House. ACS CAN and the Campaign Against Cancer will enable millions of people whose lives were irrevocably changed by cancer to put politicians on notice that they are being held accountable.'"

The group is preparing to use candidate questionnaires to create voter guides to be handed out just prior to next year's primaries and caucuses.

And Mr. Smith, as a former senior Tom Harkin aide, knows a thing or two about organize, organize, organize (and get hot at the end).

The Hill's Alexander Bolton reports that "Democrats are ramping up efforts to launch a liberal think tank in September that they say will give their party the unified message it lacked in 2002 and counter the well-funded network of conservative policy shops." LINK

The American Majority Institute "will have an annual operating budget of at least $10 million, a sum that would immediately make it the largest Democratic think tank in town."

The group "moved into new offices at 15th and H Streets N.W. this week and has already filled some key slots. [John] Podesta will serve as president; Laura Nichols, who worked as communications director for former House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt (D-Mo.), will be senior vice president; Sarah Wartell, who served as chief of staff for the National Economic Council in the Clinton administration, will be the chief operating officer; and Neera Tanden, former policy director and deputy campaign manager for Senator Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), will oversee domestic policy. Organizers will spend the summer raising money and hiring more staff before the formal launch in September."

The San Francisco Chronicle's Carla Marinucci writes, "The drive to recall Gov. Gray Davis has set off an unexpected tug-of- war between rival Republican camps supporting the effort — a rift that could affect the outcome of an election to decide the Democratic governor's fate." LINK

The New Orleans Times-Picayune's Bill Walsh reports, "A coalition of Southern and Western states, backed by influential local utility companies, appears to have short-circuited federal plans aimed at eliminating bottlenecks and price disparities in the nation's electricity system." LINK

"Saying they are fighting to preserve their lowest-in-the-nation electricity rates, the coalition states have amassed substantial political momentum on Capitol Hill to roll back a proposal by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to more broadly share electricity around the nation, one of the most controversial sections of the omnibus energy bill pending in the Senate."

Meanwhile, a "former Enron official who allegedly designed several infamous power- trading schemes was arrested and led out of his new employer's office in handcuffs Tuesday to face charges he conspired to manipulate California's energy market," writes the San Francisco Chronicle's Mark Martin. LINK

Adam Clymer of the New York Times went to Anchorage to write up the prospects of Senator Lisa Murkowski, and the fellas at the DSCC will just love the quotes from Teamster/GOPer Jerry Hood. LINK

The Boston Globe 's Names column reports that a preview of Rory Kennedy's HBO documentary series "Pandemic: Facing AIDS" will be attended by Orrin Hatch, Bill Frist, Tom Daschle, Nancy Pelosi, Jospeh O'Neill (director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy), and Uncle Ted. LINKThe New York Daily News' Joel Siegel writes that Andrew Cuomo's political comeback may well be hampered by Eliot Spitzer's advantages. LINK

Re: the Denver mayoral run-off:

The Denver Post reports on John Hickenlooper's big win last night in the Mile High City. LINK"'It's like having the finest glass of beer and wanting the flavor to linger forever,' [Hickenlooper] said."

The AP's Judith Kohler writes, "A brew pub owner who earned supporters with comical ads and promises of new ideas overwhelmingly won a runoff election for mayor and the chance to help a once-booming city now grappling with budget shortfalls." LINK"John Hickenlooper won 65 percent, or 69,526 votes on Tuesday to defeat City Auditor Don Mares, who finished with 35 percent, or 38,126 votes."

"In elections that shocked some locals," a 26-year-old house painter/puppeteer/activist named Jason West and two running mates "pulled off a rarity for Green Party candidates by winning majority control of the [New Paltz Village, N.Y.]. As the new mayor plans to improve the sewers and run village vehicles on soy-based fuel, some residents of this Hudson Valley college town are apprehensive, reports the AP's Michael Hill. LINKThe AP's Lara Jakes Jordan hears that Vice President Cheney will stump for Senator Arlen Specter, who faces a primary challenge from Representative Pat Toomey. LINKThe Vice President will attend "a Harrisburg fund-raiser set for later this month."

"Florida's elections supervisors are warning that the 2004 elections, which include the presidential race, could be plagued with problems if they are again forced to have two primaries," the Associated Press reports. LINK"After the 2000 presidential election, with its long recount fight, lawmakers agreed to eliminate the October runoff primary for the 2002 election but bring it back in 2004."

"Florida is one of 11 states that holds a second, runoff primary if no candidate receives more than 50 percent of the vote in the first primary."

The State's Rick Brundrett writes that former South Carolina Governor David Beasley "was the first witness in a federal civil trial in Columbia [on Tuesday] over claims by seven South Carolinians that [video poker king and Beasley political adversary Fred] Collins and his company had caused them to become addicted to gambling machines." LINKThe AP's Suzanne Gamboa reports that Kansas and Texas have different opinions on where Ike considered home. LINK"Kansans like Ike enough to erect a Dwight D. Eisenhower statue in the U.S. Capitol. Texas lawmakers say folks should remember the former president was born deep in the heart of the Lone Star State."

Election law proposals in California angered the state's Republican minority, who think the Democrats want to use them to keep control of the government. LINK

The League of Conservation Voters has signed up Bradley 2000 New Hampshire State Director Mark Longabaugh as its senior vice president for political affairs. That's in advance of the LCV's effort to be more than a bit player in the general election.

Indianapoliseye, an online newsmagazine, profiles Mitch Daniels. LINK

Bush Administration strategy/personality:

"Tommy Thompson said Tuesday that he will not stay for a second term as secretary of health and human services," the Associated Press reports. LINK"Thompson did not answer directly a question about whether he would stay through President Bush's re-election campaign and the election in November 2004."

The Associated Press reports that "President Bush plans to nominate Daniel Bryant to run the Justice Department's Office of Legal Policy, which helped assemble the anti-terror proposals that became the USA Patriot Act, the White House said Tuesday." LINK