Morning Show Wrap

NEW YORK, NOV. 1, 2004 — -- A product of Noted Now and The Note


On GMA, ABC's Peter Jennings asked Kerry to name three mistakes he has made during the campaign. Kerry declined to answer, saying, "I haven't-- I, I just am not in a position to stop about this campaign right now. I mean I've made mistakes along the way in this campaign - for certain-- either in things I've said or judgments I've made. But I got two and a half days left Peter not to evaluate the past but to talk about the future."


President Bush told NBC's Brokaw that he does not think the election is a referendum on Iraq, he thinks it is a referendum on leadership. Bush disputed the notion that the country is divided. He said it will be a close election but we are one nation. Asked if he would deliver the substantive change people want, according to Brokaw, in a second term, Bush said he thinks his tax cuts are working and he knows his strategy of spreading freedom is working. Bush signaled that he would be bringing about substantive change in areas like strengthening Social Security.


"Today" aired NBC's Tom Brokaw asking Kerry if he would reach out to Bush to help heal the wounds of the nation and if he would allow Bush to reach out to him to heal the wounds of the nation. Kerry said he plans on winning and that he is going to reach out to every American and make an effort to heal those wounds. He said he was going to reach out to "statesmen" like Bob Dole and Warren Rudman. Kerry's decision to mention Dole was interesting given the disparaging comments Dole made about Kerry's Purple Heart at the height of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth controversy.


ABC's George Stephanopoulos said that both campaigns honestly believe they are going to win, based on their "very different" models of who is going to turn out. "Both of them have an eerie confidence," Stephanopoulos. "Democrats say 110, 115, 120 million are going to vote… and these new voters are going to carry them to victory. Republicans say no way: We know who are base is. They're going to come out." Stephanopoulos also noted that many of the battleground states could all break the same way, and that "if the number of provisional ballots exceed the margin of victory, it could be days – weeks before we know who won."

Tim Russert said he doesn't know who has the momentum. Traditionally, Russert said that if an incumbent is below 50 percent. It is very hard for an incumbent to win a race. But is this a traditional race, Russert asked, will undecideds break for the challenger? Or is the specter of terrorism so great that they will go to the incumbent, Bush. Does Kerry have a big edge among newly registered voters that is not showing up in polls? Russert did some Electoral College math in front of a large Electoral College map.


On "Today," James Carville said he's never seen young people so energized to take their country back and they are going to turn out in droves. Tucker Eskew of the Bush campaign responded to the Osama Bin Laden tape by saying "we've been over there on there turf" and that OBL is "sitting in some cave somewhere" outfitted to allow him to set out video messages "not dispatching terrorists."


ABC's Terry Moran said enthusiasm is what it's all about at this point in the race. Video included of Bush telling an Ohio reporter that he was unphased that Bin Laden has not been caught and that it's only a matter of time until he is caught.

ABC's Dan Harris reported that "unlike the President, who has a simple message—trust me to protect you from the terrorists—John Kerry believes he can and must walk and chew gum at the same time, politically speaking. So his closing argument has two parts: he can do better on national security and the economy. Harris noted the Red Skins defeat.

GMA played extensive sound from Chelsea Clinton's appearance on the trail on Saturday afternoon, as well as sound from Jenna and Barbara Bush and Lynne Cheney introducing her granddaughter in a skeleton costume as "John Kerry's health plan."

GMA's picture of the morning was Rove, Bartlett, Hughes, and McClellan in duck hunting garb.

NBC's Norah O'Donnell said today will be Bush's longest day.

NBC's Carl Quintanilla one final schedule appearance in Florida before moving on to what his campaign believes is the real battleground: Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan. Quintanilla noted the Red Skins win and the history. Quintanilla said Kerry will end his day with a 2 am rally in Wisconsin. "There will be no 24-hour blitz to the finish this year.

CBS' Bill Plante introduced his package saying the campaign is saying "the key to victory now is turnout." Plante featured Bush advisors in duck hunting garb and sound from Norman Schwarzkopf.

CBS' Julie Chen reported that nearly two million Floridians will have voted by tomorrow. CBS' Jim Acosta Noted from Florida that if Kerry "wins here, his chances are bright."


NBC's Campbell Brown did a rare piece on Senate races for "Today." Among the races looked at were the ones in South Dakota, Alaska, Colorado and Kentucky. Charlie Cook said the Democrats basically have to "run the table" to recapture control. "That happens from time to time. But not very often." Brown noted that Colorado's Democratic Senate candidate, Ken Salazaar, who is "running as a centrist," refused to appear with Kerry until two weeks ago.

On "Imus," Sen. John McCain predicted that Republicans would "probably pick up one or two races.