The Note: The Speech He Never Gave

WASHINGTON, Nov. 3, 2004 — -- NOTED NOW



Morning Show Wrap

Evening Newscasts Wrap

78 Days Until Inauguration Day


Here's what you can't expect from today's Note:

1. Precise word on when "all this" will be over.

2. A comprehensive explanation of Ohio election law, the status of any outstanding Buckeye votes, and the identity of John Kerry's "Warren Christopher" (or, if he's smart, his "Jim Baker.")

3. A semi-coherent narrative about how Karl, Karen, Matthew, Ken, Lynne, and the rest "did it."

4. An explanation of why it's absurd for the Bush campaign to argue that it's "our" fault the campaigns get early exit poll numbers -- and then somehow use that argument to accuse the networks of creating misleading expectations about who is "winning."

5. A staccato, user-friendly review of the best of the network exit poll demographics.

6. The first Al From, Barbara Boxer, Bob Borsage, E.J. Dionne, Joe Klein, Carl Pope, etc., etc., etc. circular-firing-squad, hand-wringing debate about "what happens to the Democrats now?"

7. Cabinet and White House staff shuffling speculation.

8. The juicy tick tock of last night (including the 3:00 am to 6:00 am period when some of you had the nerve to sleep).

9. The first serious speculation about the seismic linkage between New Hampshire governor-elect John Lynch (D), his consultant Mandy Grunwald, and her friend, Hillary R. Clinton.

10. The names of the operatives and lawyers from both sides who have quietly been dispatched to the coverage area of the Columbus Dispatch.

11. George Bush's schedule for today; John Kerry's schedule for today.

12. The highlights of the down ballot race results.

13. Predictions about the second-term Bush agenda (assuming there is one... ). (Note the double entendre!!!)

14. Any reminder of Howard Fineman's pre-election prediction on Imus.

15. Any Michael Barone-ish copy about what "all this" says about the American Condition.

16. Anything about NBC's "interesting" decision not to project Nevada after projecting Ohio.

17. Not a syllable about Rudy versus Pataki; Owens versus Allen; Hagel versus Santorum; or McCain versus everyone.

18. Details of the first post-election Frist/Daschle talk.

19. How all the talk of issues, tactics, strategy, personalities, battleground states, ads, etc., etc., etc. is meaningless, because the more likeable guy wins every time.

20. No links to Nagourney, Balz, Allen, Fournier, Brownstein, Bumiller, Zeleny, Nichols, or anyone else.

And/but for all this and more, check out Noted Now on for all the latest political news during what promises to be an interesting day. LINK

If you have never read Noted Now before (but love The Note) today is your lucky day.