The Note: Pointy Fingers

— -- WASHINGTON, Sep. 27

While the New York tabloids, cable TV, talk radio, and bloggers of all stripes try to keep alive the "Godzilla versus King Kong" tong war (a/k/a: the Clintons versus the Bushes), others are peaking below the surface.

If you don't believe the Democrats can win the House and/or the Senate simply by being "not Republicans," you can grapple with the three biggest questions facing the minority-but-wants-to-be-the-majority party by taking time to read these brisk must-read pieces from the papers:

1. David Ignatius in the Washington Post on the Democrats' challenge in dealing with Iraq and actually presenting an alternative in the face of the NIE release. LINK

2. Peter Wallsten of the Los Angeles Times, rounding up the 42/43/44(?) feudin' by smartly leading with 43's base-stoking claims that the NIE leak was politically motivated. (Where's the evidence, sir?) LINK

3. When research is king: Adam Nagourney of the New York Times surveys the television campaign ad landscape and discovers that "at least 30 new campaign advertisements in contested House and Senate districts across the country on Tuesday. Of those, three were positive." LINK

More: "Across the airwaves, Democratic challengers are being attacked for having defaulted on student loans, declaring bankruptcy, skipping out on tax bills, and being a lobbyist, a trial lawyer or, even worse, a liberal. . . "

". . . Democrats are equally aggressive in their advertisements, going after Republicans on votes, ties to campaign contributors and, in the case of challengers, their own personal foibles."

Republicans will delight in how open Chairman Reynolds is about the strategy; Democrats will spit blood.

A man who knows the way to win, President Bush, attends a closed fundraiser for Republican Senate candidate Bob Corker at 12:00 pm ET in Memphis, TN. Later in the day Mr. Bush hosts President Musharraf of Pakistan and President Karzai of Afghanistan at the White House at 7:30 pm ET in Washington, DC.

The House Republican Conference on party matters takes place at 9:00 am ET at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, DC. Meanwhile, the House Democratic Caucus holds a closed meeting at 9:00 am ET on party matters at DCCC headquarters.

AFL-CIO President John Sweeney and Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) present the 2005 George Meany-Lane Kirkland Human Rights Award at 6:00 pm ET in Washington, DC.

The Republican Main St. Partnership holds its annual dinner featuring Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) at 6:30 pm ET at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington, DC.

The Senate Select Intelligence Committee holds a closed briefing on intelligence matters at 2:30 pm ET in the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, DC.

Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) joins twelve vets running for Congress as Democrats at the Phoenix Hotel at 9:45 am ET to discuss the Bush Administration's military policies and record on issues of concern to veterans. Of the 12 veterans who will be on hand today, two of them are Iraq veterans: Patrick Murphy, who is running in PA-10, and Andrew Duck, who is running in MD-06.

Oprah Winfrey airs a taped interview with Elizabeth, John, and Cate Edwards to talk about Elizabeth Edward's new book, "Saving Graces: Finding Solace and Strength from Friends and Strangers."

Politics of scrutiny: Clinton v. Green:

The Atlantic Monthly has posted part of their 13,000 word cover story on Sen. Clinton. It's one of the few times on record that Sen. Clinton apparently loses her cool in front of a reporter. LINK

Journalist Josh Green writes that he was pressing her for an instance in which she took a political risk in the Senate. They had a back and forth, he says it got very tense and finally she said: "Everything I do carries political risk because nobody gets the scrutiny that I get. It's not like I have any margin for error whatsoever. I don't. Everybody else does, and I don't. And that's fine. That's just who I am, and that's what I live with."

The full piece also includes a story about Mark Penn and Clinton's first senate race. He reports during that race, Penn had a secret war room to analyze whether she could run for president shortly after winning her Senate seat. He reports, the polling showed that, nope, she couldn't.

Maureen Dowd's pricey New York Times column charting Sen. Clinton's transformation from "bulldozing alpha" to "coalition-building gamma," has lots of stuff on the Green interview. LINK

Politics of 9/11: Clinton v. Bush:

"A political showdown at high noon . . . at question: who fought terrorism best," said ABC News' Diane Sawyer on "Good Morning America"

"The Bush v. Clinton blame game is reaching new heights with Hillary Clinton stepping in to stand by her man," said ABC News' Claire Shipman.

On GMA, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said, "I think as the most experienced professional in the Democratic Party he didn't walk onto that set and suddenly get upset. I suspect he decided in advance he was going to pick a fight with Chris Wallace and he was going to become emotional. Although, I imagine he got away with himself. I don't think he intended to be leaning forward and punching Chris with his finger and be quite as visibly angry as he got. But I think he decided long before he went on that program that the first time they asked him a hard question he was going to attack Fox for this. . . Clinton's basic style is to counter punch by declaring any question about him as a sign you are a crazed right-winger and therefore the question is illegitimate."

More Gingrich: "As a calculated political decision, it is reasonably smart because Bill Clinton is more popular than Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid or Howard Dean or any Democrat who is not very well known and therefore he can rally the base in an off year election. . . On the other hand, it is very bad for the Democrats if they are looking to spend all of October arguing about terrorism because the country generally feels much safer with Republicans in fighting terrorism than they do with the Democrats."

On Don Imus' program, Chris Wallace of Fox News claimed he was "genuinely shocked" by Clinton's anger and instinctively thought "don't let him roll over me and don't get in a fight" while realizing "I got a helluva story."

ABC's Jake Tapper and Avery Miller break down the "war of words" incited by the hunt for Osama bin Laden. LINK

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who jabbed Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice pretty hard yesterday (". . . ask Secretary Rice how much attention they paid to terrorism in the first 8 months, ask them how many meetings they had about terrorism, ask them what they did with Dick Clark . . ."), is the featured guest lecturer at 10:00 am ET at the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service, Little Rock, AR.

Tapper has more on Albright on his Political Punch blog: LINK

"It's War," reads the New York Post wood with photos of Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton pitted against each other. LINK

"Hil Hits Back" reads the New York Daily News front page. LINK

The New York Times: LINK

Bloomberg News: LINK

NIE politics:

ABC's Jessica Yellin reports that one Bush Administration official in a position to know says: No, they won't be declassifying more of the NIE.

Asked if the NIE mad the case that the US is safer because of Iraq?

This Administration official wrote: "We believe the report doesn't make a judgment on the issue if we are less safe because we are in Iraq. It says there are several factors fueling their recruiting efforts, which includes Iraq."

The official wrote that the report makes it clear -- "that the difference between victory and defeat in Iraq has a direct impact on the global jihadist movement."

"It states: 'Should jihadists leaving Iraq perceive themselves, and be perceived, to have failed, we judge fewer fighters will be inspired to carry on the fight."

"Portions of the report appear to bolster President Bush's argument that the only way to defeat the terrorists is to keep unrelenting military pressure on them. But nowhere in the assessment is any evidence to support Mr. Bush's confident-sounding assertion this month in Atlanta that 'America is winning the war on terror,'" writes David Sanger of the New York Times. LINK

The DSCC plans to pressure Republican Senate candidates today to declare whether they are with President Bush or "the 16 intel agencies who think Iraq has exacerbated the terror threat."

The Way to Win:

As Matt Drudge revealed to the world yesterday in a DEVELOPING *****WORLD EXCLUSIVE*****, The Way to Win, the new book from Mark Halperin of ABC News and John Harris of the Washington Post, has a lot of material in it about Drudge himself. LINK

The book can be pre-ordered today through The Way to Win website. LINK

But if you want a free copy autographed by the authors, you can enter today's trivia contest, drawn from the book itself.

Today's question involves Bill Clinton and Fleetwood Mac. To win a free autographed copy of The Way to Win, go to the book's website at for the question and the simple directions for entering. LINK

Yesterday's question was: What future computer mogul serviced the Hewlett-Packard desktop computers that Karl Rove used in his Austin, Texas direct mail business during the early 1980s?

The answer was Michael Dell.

Our winner is Jeremy B. Van Haselen of Houston, Texas.

Meanwhile, the DC book party for The Way to Win was hosted by ABC's George Stephanopoulos and the Washington Post's Liz Spayd at David Greggory's restaurant, where the food was typically delicious, the drinks festive, and the book displays ultimately purloined.

Tim Griffin, Grover Norquist, and Time's Mike Allen kicked off the party. Senator John McCain leant his sanguine, merry presence, and was quickly enveloped by the crowd. Unflappable Congressman Rahm Emanuel accepted the good vibes of Democrats who greeted him as a potential savior. Governor Mitt Romney arrived, with venerable party animal Ron Kaufman in tow, direct from a fundraiser with President Bush for three gubernatorial candidates (including Iowa's Jim Nussle). Senator Hillary Clinton exclaimed to boyish trio Jonathan Prince, Jake Siewert, and Mike Feldman that they looked all "grown up." Charles Gibson chatted with Karl Rove. The homophonous duo of Terri McCullough and Terry McAuliffe hung out with Senator John Sununu.

Also there: Renaissance supercouple Dee Dee Myers and Todd Purdum; spokeswonders Ron Bonjean and Kevin Madden fresh off the Hill; inexhaustible, global Jay Carson; the New York Times' Adam Nagourney popping in for approximately 30 seconds, presumably taking a break from penning his boffo front-page piece; glowing honeymooners Jake Tapper and Jennifer Brown; Public Strategy's David Bates; better half Mary Matalin; ever-elegant Ben Bradlee and Sally Quinn; dapper glacier explorer Dan Balz; tag-teaming Bill and Su-Lin Nichols; and the lovely Ann O'Hanlon, amusedly brushing aside awestruck queries on how she held down the Harris fort.

All went off beautifully, thanks to the amazing team of the ABC News DC bureau, honchoed by Andrea Jones, Jane Aylor, Alison Bridgman, and Julia Hoppock.

Bush Administration agenda:

It looks like only one of the two remaining big ticket security items will get wrapped up this final and frenzied week on the Hill. Legislation concerning the treatment of suspected terrorist detainees appears headed for passage, but legislation on the President's warrantless wiretapping program doesn't seem to be ready for pre-election movement. The New York Times' Carl Hulse and Kate Zernike have the details. LINK

2006: landscape:

Keying off of a Washington Monthly series of essays from conservatives entitled "Time for Us to Go," The Wall Street Journal's Yochi J. Dreazen looks at the disillusioned conservatives who believe the GOP has gone adrift on issues ranging from the growth of the federal government to the expansion of executive power to the war in Iraq. The RNC will laugh, however at the examples used.

Noam N. Levey of the Los Angeles Times looks at the impact of the GOP's values agenda on the party's turnout plan. LINK

USA Today has found a way to measure the affect that the "marriage gap" may have on the upcoming election finding that residents' marriage status may be an indicator of which way a congressional district votes. Democratic districts tend to have a lower number of married people than Republican held districts. You have to read this one in full to totally to get it. LINK

"Twenty-seven of the 38 Republican-held districts with seats considered vulnerable by independent political analysts have fewer married people than found in the average GOP district."

The Canton Repository reports on the success of Karl Rove's 72-Hour Task Force strategy in winning the Canton mayoral race for Janet Creighton. While skeptics questioned Rove's involvement in Canton, it "offered the opportunity to further fine-tune the program in a state everybody knew would be a crucial battleground." LINK

A Mason-Dixon poll shows Bush becoming more unpopular in Nevada. Approximately 49% of "likely Nevada voters" view the President unfavorably, versus 41% who view him favorably. Ten percent are neutral about Bush. The article says that his popularity has declined by 23 points in 2 years. The poll also shows that Sen. Harry Reid's (D-NV) popularity is at the same spot as it was in April of 2006: 43% favorable, 39% unfavorable, and 16% neutral. LINK

2006: House:

Gingrich made some November 7 predictions with ABC News' Diane Sawyer on "Good Morning America" when asked if he thought Democrats would take the House. "I think your earlier news report about the stock market and the 62 cent a gallon drop in gasoline, I think their chances are much less today than they were a month ago. And if we get a month more of gasoline prices going down and stock prices going up and arguing over terrorism, I think Republicans will keep the House," Gingrich answered.

In a must-read, the Colorado Gazette reports: "In a shocking new tack, Republican congressional candidate Rick O'Donnell said Tuesday that the Bush administration has bungled the war in Iraq and the United States should change course there."


The DCCC and Tammy Duckworth camp are incensed by Republican Peter Roskam criticizing Duckworth's position that a pullout of US troops should be linked to ensuring that police and national guard forces can defend the country as "cut and run."

The race to replace Rep. Harold Ford (D-TN) gets the New York Times treatment with a look at how race-based politics are never far from surface in Memphis. LINK

Per the Washington Post's Jim VandeHei and Chris Cillizza, Joy Padgett, running to replace Rep. Bob Ney's seat in Ohio's 18th district, is hard pressed to find a big-name GOPer with no strings of scandal attached. VandeHei and Cilliza report that Democratic candidate Zack Space believes that Padgett's ties to Ney will weaken her campaign run. LINK

James Nash of the Columbus Dispatch reports that First Lady Laura Bush's fundraised over $150,000 in her visit to Ohio for candidate Joy Padgett. LINK

Below an Al Gore banner ad (at least when we looked), the Seattle Times reports that Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA) remains "unsure about climate change or what role humans might play." LINK

2006: Senate: Allen v. Webb:

The New York Times reports a third acquaintance, in as many days, has come forward alleging she heard Sen. Allen use the "n" word in the 1970s. Sen. Allen's campaign says the incident never happened and continues to stand by Allen's full-throated denial on Monday. LINK

Democrat Jim Webb declined to say definitively Tuesday whether he had ever used a common derogatory term to describe blacks, reports the AP's David Espo.

"'I don't think that there's anyone who grew up around the South that hasn't had the word pass through their lips at one time or another in their life,' Webb told reporters."

When will Allen do Oprah? (Or Charlie Rose? Or, better yet, an ABC News sit-down network interview?)

The Washington Times Notes Republican efforts to get Virginia Senator George Allen's campaign back on track and his camp says the press has given his opponent, a "free pass."


The Washington Post Notes that the attack ads run by the Allen and Webb camps are barely keeping up with the hip-high negativity, with Webb's latest ad attacking Allen on his decision to go to war. LINK

Richmond Times Dispatch: LINK

2006: Senate:

U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) continues to dispute whether he is under federal investigation, reports Deborah Howlett of the Newark Star-Ledger. This past Sunday, in an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos on "This Week", Menendez acknowledged the ongoing investigation. Howlett compares statements from both the Kean and Menendez campaigns from yesterday versus the Stephanopoulos interview transcript.LINK

Disputing a lot of the reporting that has emphasized illegal immigration as the key issue in the Arizona Senate race, the Los Angeles Times points out that Arizona voters understand that immigration reform is a complex issue and voters consequently are considering other issues as they choose between incumbent Republican Jon Kyl and Democratic challenger Jim Pederson. An excellent report. LINK

"Contrary to expectations, the race has been largely devoid of the shrill rhetoric and inflammatory imagery that has fueled so much of the immigration discussion elsewhere, including Washington. Most Arizonans seem to take a nuanced stance; they are eager to stop the flood of illegal migrants but willing to accommodate those already here. In short, the voters have moved ahead of the politicians, analysts say, and grown too sophisticated to accept sound-bite solutions."

Roll Call's John Bresnahan and Erin P. Billings on Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) accepting the post as the next National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman.

Harold Meyerson of the Washington Post writes in an op-ed that Republican candidate Lincoln Chafee (R.I.) and others who call themselves "moderate Republicans" should prove it and vote for a Republican majority leader who does not align with what Meryerson thinks of as "the extreme right."LINK

Democrats poke fun and respond to Republican candidate Michael Steele's ads that prominently feature a puppy with their own ad, in an effort to paint him as weak on issues and tied to President Bush, writes the Washington Post's Ann Marimow. Marimow Notes that "Steele's quick retort yesterday labels the Democratic spots as 'nasty ads from the Washington crowd.' He brings back the puppy, which growls in agreement."LINK

Missouri Democrats think Democratic candidate Clair McCaskill is failing to capitalize on ballot initiatives to increase the minimum wage and approve stem cell research in order to beat Sen. Jim Talent (R-MO), writes The Hill's Jonathan Kaplan.LINK

2006: Governor:

A leading budget specialist said yesterday that over the past four years of Gov. Romney's administration, taxes and fees increased by more than $700 million. Boston Globes' Brian C. Mooney lays out what the news might mean for Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey's (R-MA) battle against Deval L. Patrick (D-MA)LINK

Another Mason-Dixon poll on the Florida governor race shows the GOP candidate Charlie Crist (R-FL) ahead of Jim Davis (D-FL) by 15 points. Of the 625 likely voters polled, 51% favored Crist while 36% favored Davis. The Davis campaign attributes the disparity to not running any TV ads since the Sep. 5th primary. LINK

On the issue of property taxes and Florida: "Charlie Crist said Tuesday he will push for a constitutional amendment to lower property taxes if the state legislature does not approve doubling the homestead exemption." Davis' plan is to stop "lawmakers from shifting state burdens to local government." LINK

Amidst rumors of party discord, gubernatorial candidate Davis and his former foe in the Democratic primary Rod Smith (D-FL) appeared together. Smith pledged his full support for Davis. LINK

In the New York gubernatorial contest: "Mr. Faso, the former leader of the Republican minority in the State Assembly, repeatedly charged that the programs proposed during the campaign by Mr. Spitzer, a Democrat, would drive up spending and lead to tax increases down the road. Mr. Spitzer, who pledged that he would not raise taxes, painted Mr. Faso as being to the right of most New York Republicans, noting (sic) his opposition to abortion rights, among other things," writes Michael Cooper of the New York Times on the first gubernatorial debate of the season in the Empire State. LINK

The New York Post on the use of awkward metaphors at the debate. LINK

"John Faso got KO-ed," writes David Saltonstall of the New York Daily News. LINK

A new Quinnipiac University poll out this morning shows Gov. Ed Rendell (D-PA) leading Lynn Swann (R-PA) 55 to 39 percent among likely voters. Part of what is helping Rendell maintain that overall 16 point edge is the overwhelming support he seems to be getting from independents who split 63 to 29 percent in his favor according to the survey.


Des Moines Register's Thomas Beaumont highlights the Iowa trips for potential presidential candidates Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA), Gov. George Pataki (R-NY), Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN), and Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL). LINK

2008: Republicans:

Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) continues his week of big get rollouts. As Romney travels in the Hawkeye State today he plans to announce that Iowa House Speaker Christopher Rants has joined the Commonwealth PAC as an advisor.

From the release set to go out later today: "Governor Romney has tirelessly crisscrossed this state on behalf of Republican candidates," said Rants. "The organization he has put together will prove to be very valuable to our efforts. I appreciate his vigorous campaigning on our behalf, and I am proud to join his team."

After basking in that Schwarzenegger star glow today, Gov. Pataki (R-NY) plans to wing his way back to New York in time to host a fundraiser on Thursday for Florida GOP gubernatorial candidate Crist.

Dave Saltonstall of the New York Daily News reads a lot into Giuliani's scheduled November 12 speech in Wilkes Barre, PA. LINK

Kerry "pretty much feeling" what it takes to run again:

During a learning class held at C-SPAN's studios on Tuesday, Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) said he's "pretty much feeling" what you need to feel to run for President.

Since losing the 2004 presidential election, Sen. Kerry has been actively laying the groundwork to run again. These comments put him rhetorically one step closer.

KERRY: ". . . You just gotta make the judgment. You also have to make the judgment, which I'm pretty much feeling, I'm saying that I have something to say, I have some unfinished business from the last round, I don't like what they did, I don't like how they framed it, and I don't like what they're doing for the country today, and I think we can do better. . . "

The class is now online at and will re-air Friday at 10:00 a.m. ET on C-SPAN-3. You can watch it here: LINK

Scroll to the last two minutes if you are in a rush.

2008: Democrats:

The Los Angeles Times reports on the '08 Democratic presidential hopefuls who've been out on the stump for gubernatorial candidate Phil Angelides (D-CA), and the others who are due in soon.LINK

"Here comes the parade, from Washington and beyond: former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina and Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and John F. Kerry of Massachusetts. Due in soon are New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, Sen. Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut and retired Army Gen. Wesley K. Clark. And former Vice President Al Gore, who is or isn't thinking about another White House run, depending on the latest rumor."

Mike Dorning of the Chicago Tribune reports on speculation surrounding a salary hike of Democratic Sen. Barack Obama's wife Michelle. LINK

Casting and counting:

The New York Times looks at the Boxer/Dodd/Feingold attempt to provide funding for election officials to offer a printed voter verifiable receipt to voters using electronic machines. The bill's fate is uncertain with a few days left on the pre-election legislative calendar. LINK

Dean's Democrats:

Your upcoming New York Times Magazine includes a Matt Bai piece looking at Howard Dean's 50-state strategy and the Dean v. Emanuel/Schumer feud. The Donna Brazile/Rahm Emanuel encounter outside the DNC is priceless. So, too, is this Macker to Dean transition moment:

"There were awkward moments during Dean's first months in Washington, early in 2005, when he found himself working among the party leaders he had repeatedly maligned. In his first official visit to the newly renovated D.N.C. building, Dean was greeted in the lobby by his predecessor, Terry McAuliffe, a close friend of the Clintons and probably the most gifted fund-raiser in the party's history, whom Dean's supporters had long pilloried as the personification of a party run by hacks and obsessed with corporate money. McAuliffe, a man of maddeningly good cheer, pointed to the new wall-size glass building dedication in the lobby, which featured McAuliffe's name at the very top, followed by a list of contributors. 'Now, Howard,' he said, 'don't you go chiseling that down.'"

In The Note yesterday, we inadvertently referred to Terry McAuliffe's successor as Howard Dead. The Good Doctor is, of course, very much alive.

More schedule items:

House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) holds a news conference on the current status of the Defense Authorization Bill at 1:30 pm ET at the US Capitol.

RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman headlines an early morning event in Washington, DC for Rep. Bob Beauprez (R-CO), who is running for governor of Colorado. Sen. Wayne Allard (R-CO) will also speak at the breakfast, along with RGA Executive Director Phil Musser.

Former DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe and former RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie keynote a forum entitled "Public Policy for Economic & Corporate Growth" from 12:00 pm to 2:30 pm ET at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

Democratic Senate candidate Jim Pederson and Gen. Wesley Clark hold a town hall meeting at 2:00 pm ET in Phoenix, AZ to discuss the War in Iraq.

Former Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani (R-NY) travels to Florida to campaign for Rep. Clay Shaw (R-FL), who will not be present, at 10:30 am ET in Palm Beach Gardens, FL and Charile Crist at 3:00 pm ET in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) and FCC Chairman Kevin Martin announce a task force on "Media and Childhood Obesity" at 2:00 pm ET at the US Capitol.

Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN) attends the DLC Fall Conference in Washington and a fundraiser for Nevada Secretary of State Candidate Ross Miller.

EMILY's List President Ellen Malcolm releases polls on five battleground House races via conference call at 11:00 am ET in Washington, DC.

Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and Rep. Fortney "Pete" Stark (D-CA) speak at the The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) rally to urge voters to make the next Congress the "Health Care Congress" at 10:00 am on the West Front Lawn of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC.

Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA) speaks at The Air Force Assn. (AFA) Air and Space Conference at 8:30 am ET to discuss "The Role of Congress in Providing National Defense" at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC.

Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Rep. Katherine Harris (R-FL), and others participate in the Allstate Foundation and the National Network to End Domestic Violence Fund Second Annual Economic Empowerment Conference at 6:00 pm ET at the L'Enfant Plaza Hotel at Washington, DC.

Former Gov. Jim McGreevey (D-NJ) signs copies of his new book at Books-a-Million in Washington, DC.

The Chamber of Commerce holds a 10:00 am ET briefing on China-WTO compliance.