The Note: Put on Some Speed

— -- WASHINGTON, Feb. 26

All of American politics 2007 (and, of course, most of 2008) will be determined by the fallout from Democratic efforts on Capitol Hill to force President Bush to change course in Iraq.

The implications of Democrats' success or -- under today's conventional wisdom -- failure to force the White House's hand will carom far and wide.

The overall Democratic strategic imperative remains the same -- use public opinion to pressure enough Republicans to go to the President and demand a change -- knowing that Democratic votes and voices alone won't do it.

This strategy has run into a number of problems, however, both political and substantive. Okay: mostly political.

Perhaps the Democrats, back in town this week and caucusing ferociously, will find a way to change the trajectory of the political debate, but they are losing fast.

To wit:

1. Doing massive code breaking on just how much ground the Democrats have lost, warrior Bob Novak Notes in a 100-proof must-read that (even) Sens. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Norm Coleman (R-MN) are not inclined to support deauthorization of the war, illustrating the backward movement. LINK

2. The White House is impervious to facts on the ground when it comes to changing course.

3. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is fearless, tactical, and loyal to the White House -- meaning everything is filibusterable.

4. Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) is, once again, Karl Rove's best friend, in terms of creating divisions within the Democrat Party and giving full-blooded life to the White House's "defund the troops" straw man. LINK

5. Most Blue State Republicans up in 2008, typified by John Sununu (R-NH), just aren't all that afraid of losing their seats over Iraq.

6. Democrats in the House and Senate are not coordinating very well on message or legislative strategy, and are starting to point fingers in that classic party circular firing squad manner.

7. Sen. Joe Lieberman (I/D-CT) -- flexing in a(nother) Wall Street Journal op ed today -- challenges Democrats to give the surge a chance to work through the summer, creating the patina of bipartisanship the Republicans need. LINK

8. Speaker Pelosi has allowed herself to be Cheneyed. (Pronounced "chee-kneed," not "chay-need.") The conservative base is fully rallied, easing pressure on GOP officeholders.

9. Chairman Levin saying he wants to "tie the President's hands" and knowing that that is not the best soundbite, but also knowing he can't unring the bell.

10. The White House's deft playing of the Petraeus card.

Sure, you can take your eye off of the Iraq ball and be distracted by 2008 must-reads from the last 72 hours (read them all), but that would be wrong:

1. Somebody has to explain how Newsweek got interviews with both David Geffen and Maureen Dowd -- and how MoDo's explanation of how the interview went (she led) -- and Geffen's kicker quote -- square with the conventional wisdom: "Geffen ...denies any animus against the Clintons. 'I think Bill Clinton is a great guy,' he tells NEWSWEEK. 'I support them both. I just don't think she can be elected president.'" LINK

2. Someone who is an insider you outsiders know is going to have to explain to you the major Gang of 500 signifigance of the Greg Craig vs Cheryl Mills subplot of the Obama/Clinton narrative. LINK

3. Someone finally dropped some oppo on Rudy (in Sunday's New York Post -- by the shoe-leathery Maggie Haberman -- on his anti-Republican, not-so-pro-Israel student writings). Wonder who -- and when and where the next batch falls. LINK

3. Someone is setting up John Edwards on Iowa expectations. Tom Beaumont in Sunday's Des Moines Register had this insanity: "New York Sen. Hillary Clinton and Illinois Sen. Barack Obama 'could carry on with only a reasonable finish in Iowa,' [University of Iowa political science professor Peverill] Squire said. 'But for Edwards, he really does need to land a knockout blow in Iowa to have the momentum he needs to carry him to the next couple of states.'"LINK

4. Someone working for John McCain better get the New York Times to understand that the Arizona Senator has some reasonable religious conservative support. LINK

5. Someone working for Hillary Clinton's better address her BIG problem with the Gang of 500, as Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post LINK Bob Herbert of the New York Times LINK, and Bill Kristol make mischief. LINK), keeping warm the Seelye/Connolly/Sobieraj seats until (hostile) beat reporters are assigned. (Anne Kornblut made a Sunday down payment in the Washington Post. LINK)

Fully on guard for a Roy Romer-41 moment over the war, President Bush meets with the nation's governors to discuss the "No Child Left Behind Act" in the State Dining Room at 11:20 am ET. Following the meeting, Gov. Janet Napolitano (D-AZ), the chairwoman of the National Governors' Association, will hold a short media availability in the White House driveway. The Washington press corps will hear from the bulk of the nation's governors -- including Gov. Bill Richardson (D-NM) -- at a 12:15 pm ET press conference at the J.W. Marriot Hotel.

President Bush raises money for Republican governors this evening when he delivers 6:35 pm ET remarks at a Republican Governors Association gala at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. Apart from the guv-related items on his schedule, President Bush takes part in a 2:30 pm ET Medal of Honor ceremony in the East Room. He also delivers the annual report to the Boy Scouts in the Diplomatic Room at 3:05 pm ET.

Jury deliberations in the trial of Scooter Libby were scheduled to resume at 9:00 am ET. After his surprise visit to Pakistan, Vice President Cheney is now in Afghanistan for a meeting with President Hamid Karzai.

Be sure to tune into Nightline at 11:30 pm ET for the latest installment of its 2008 campaign series. You can see ABC News' Terry Moran chat with former Sen. John Edwards (D-NC) in New Hampshire.

In his Nightline interview, Edwards talks about paying for his health care plan.

Edwards also says in the interview that the Geffen-related sparring between Clinton and Obama is "sad". LINK

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA) delivers 12:30 pm ET remarks stressing the importance of centrism in American politics at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

Gov. Richardson delivers 3:20 pm ET to the National Congress of American Indians 110th Congress Executive Council at the Wyndham Hotel in Washington, DC.

NGA Chairwoman Napolitano and Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R-MN), the vice chairman of the NGA, join Carl Schramm, the president and CEO of the Kauffman Foundation, at a 2:00 pm ET event celebrating Entrepreneurship Week USA at the J.W. Marriot Hotel.

Gov. Ed Rendell (D-PA) delivers 7:00 pm ET remarks on energy and jobs to the Apollo Alliance at the District of Columbia's Hotel Washington.

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani delivers a 12:00 pm ET keynote at the Hoover Institution Overseers Luncheon at the Willard Hotel Ballroom. Giuliani then attends a 6:00 pm ET event sponsored by the Virginia GOP at the Tysons Corner Marriott in Vienna, VA.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is in Alabama today raising support. He will be interviewed by Fox affiliate WBRC-TV at 2:00 pm ET.

With the March 1 Spartanburg and Cherokee County Straw Poll fast approaching, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) participates in a 12:00 pm ET forum with Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC) at Wade's in Spartanburg, SC. Brownback then holds a 4:30 pm ET town hall meeting at The Beacon.

Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) holds a 6:00 pm ET fundraiser and rally at Cuyahoga Community College in Highland Hills, OH.

Former Senator John Edwards (D-NC) holds a campaign fundraiser in New Jersey.

At the Louisiana Supreme Court Building in New Orleans, LA, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee holds a 11:00 am ET hearing on "Wetlands, Landfills, and Levees".

Reps. Barney Frank (D-MA) and Pete Stark hold a 2:30 pm ET briefing for members of Congress and their staffers on medicals costs and credit card debt at the Capitol.

The American Enterprise Institute was scheduled to hold a 9:00 am ET briefing on how the President's tax deduction for health insurance with former Rep. Bill Thomas (R-CA).

The Senate reconvenes at 2:00 pm ET and proceeds to the reading of the Washington farewell address by Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN). Then the Senate will begin a period of morning business. No roll call votes are expected.

The Campaign for America's Future moves to 1825 K Street today, joining several other progressive organizations that represent, in the words of the organization, "the new K Street."

Progressive Majority and the Ballot Initiative Strategy Center moved at the same time as the Campaign for America's future, joining Americans United and US Action, already in the building.

The Campaign for America's Future signed a 10-year lease for the space to accommodate the organization's growth since its founding 10-years ago by a network of 100 prominent progressive leaders.


ABC News' Jonathan Karl on Vice President Cheney making a surprise trip to Pakistan and Afghanistan to ask for help in the war on terror. LINK

"The trip comes as Afghan President Hamid Karzai and U.S. and coalition forces prepare for a major new "spring offensive" against Taliban militants."

The AP on Vice President Cheney's "secret talks" in Oman.LINK

Politics of Iraq:

While appearing Sunday on "Face the Nation," Gov. Schwarzenegger repeated his call for a timeline for U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq. Schwarzenegger first issued this call while appearing on ABC News' "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" in January.

Peter Nicholas has the story for the Los Angeles Times.LINK

The New York Daily News' Kenneth Bazinet on the latest Democratic proposal on Iraq.LINK

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Jack Kelly on what he calls the Democrats' "slow bleed" strategy for Iraq. LINK


Politico's Mike Allen has former Gore campaign manager Donna Brazille saying that Gore could "wait as late as the time states begin requiring delegate slates and statements of candidacy, since he could raise money quickly and much of the campaigns' budgets are devoted to a long nominating process he would avoid." LINK

"'He could come in at the end of the day as a candidate who can truly unite his party as well as his country,' Brazile said. 'He can help repair our country's image abroad. He's someone who can go toe-to-toe with world leaders and doesn't need a crash course in diplomacy.' She remembers back in the '80s when Gore was in Congress and used to often cite a quote from Gandhi, 'Be the change you want to see in the world." Brazile said: "I believe he has become that quote.'"

Allen has all the Gore blow-by-blow, but oddly leaves out his Ryan Secrest material.

The New York Post's Ian Bishop writes up former Vice President Al Gore's Oscar night. LINK

ABC News' Jake Tapper has an idea of what Al Gore's acceptance speech should have said last night. LINK

ABC News' George Stephanopoulos on former President Carter endorsing a Gore presidential run while appearing Sunday on "This Week." LINK

Edwards' Nightline interview:

John Edwards has said that he wants to pay for his health-care proposal by rolling back the portion of the Bush tax cuts that went to the wealthiest Americans.

In his uncut Nightline interview, ABC News' Terry Moran asked him where he is going to find the money if the Democratic Congress does not extend those tax cuts.

Here is the exchange:

MORAN: But the Democratic Congress is not likely to extend those tax cuts. So where are you going to find the money then?

EDWARDS: "Well, this depends on when the healthcare system is being implemented and exactly what's happened to the tax cuts at that point in time. The money is either there or it's not there from the tax cuts and right now those tax cuts exist. So I think it can be used as a revenue stream for now. If we have to make alterations or find other revenue streams, we'll do it."

MORAN: "Like what?"

EDWARDS: "There is no like what. I've got a way to pay for the healthcare system that I have under today's tax system and if somebody changes today's tax system, then we'll find a way to pay for it."

MORAN: "You're open to raising other taxes aside from the...

EDWARDS: "I will not raise taxes on the middle class. I think the middle class is struggling so much, or low income families, is struggling so much today, I think it would just be devastating, given what they're confronting."


The AP has a report that a poll conducted by Elon University shows Clinton and Giuliani have an early lead among voters in southeastern states.LINK

Appearing on ABC News' "World News" over the weekend, John Hendren examined how much candidates will likely shell out this election cycle and suggested that Vilsack might not be the only candidate to drop out because of fundraising concerns. LINK

2008: Republicans:

Politico's Jonathan Martin looks at the top three GOPers and the skepticism they face on abortion (the story was picked up by the Union Leader on Saturday).LINK

Following The Hotline's Marc Ambinder, the New York Daily News' David Saltonstall reports that neither Sen. John McCain nor former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani will attend an April debate in New Hampshire that was hoped to be dubbed "first in the nation."LINK

2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

New York magazine looks at Rudy Giuliani's prospects from the those-who-know-him-best perspective. LINK

Giuliani is planning his first big DC fundraiser at the home of a Bush Pioneer/ex-ambassador, reports Politico's Jonathan Martin.LINK

2008: Republicans: Romney:

Jennifer Dobner and Glen Johnson of the Associated Press report on the polygamy practiced by Gov. Romney's great-grandfather (five wives) and great-great grandfather (twelve wives).LINK

The AP's Jim Davenport on Romeny's endorsement from South Carolina State Rep. Alan Clemmons, who is also of the Mormon faith.LINK

The Politico's Mike Allen reports that Romney wrongly portrayed the current President Bush as having -- at one time -- been in favor of abortion rights. LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

Roll Call's Lauren Whittington was first to report that Sen. John Warner (R-VA) is backing Sen. McCain's presidential bid despite their disagreements on Iraq. LINK

The State's Aaron Gould Sheinin reports that although Sen. McCain currently leads in South Carolina's GOP primary poll, his numbers are in some ways lower now than they were when he was defeated in 2004 by then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush.LINK

2008: Republicans: Hagel:

USA Today's Kathy Kiely looks at how Nebraska voters feel about their Republican Senator being so vocally opposed to President Bush's Iraq policy. LINK

2008: Republicans: Hunter:

Dana Wilke of the San Diego Union Tribune on Rep. Duncan Hunter's (R-CA) moves to woo South Carolina's "staunch" Republicans.LINK

"It's a state whose textile industry has been battered by overseas competition, a welcoming environment for Hunter's protectionist trade views," writes Wilke.

2008: Democrats:

Lee Bandy of The Politico on the Democratic Party's comeback kids. LINK

The Washington Times' Donald Lambro has Democratic consultants warning that the "bitter fight" between Clinton and Obama could undermine the Democrats' chances of winning back the White House. LINK

The Chicago Sun-Times' Lynn Sweet on "the Bill Clinton elephant['s]" affect on Obama/Clinton fundraising in California. LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

Bloomberg's Kristin Jensen reports that Sen. Clinton will accept the Service Employees International Union's challenge to "walk" in a member's shoes for a day in the hopes of scoring the union's endorsement. LINK

"[The] T-shirts and buttons promoting Clinton's presidential run boldly declare 'Hillary,' placing her with Brad and Angelina in the pantheon of first-name-only celebrities," writes the Boston Globe's Joseph Williams on the presidential candidates de-emphasizing of her maiden "Rodham," and while her campaign insists nothing has changed, others suggest "'Dropping "Rodham'...would erase feminist overtones and soften her image, taking the edge off one of the more sharply polarizing figures of the last two decades."LINK

The New York Daily News' Celeste Katz on Clinton's hosting of the African-American Heritage awards event that AFSCME held in Manhattan. LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

Speaking about the 2002 vote to authorize the use of force in Iraq, Sen. Obama tells the New York Times' Jeff Zeleney: "There are people who sincerely believe that this was the best course of action, but in some cases politics entered into the calculation. In retrospect, a lot of people feel like they didn't ask hard enough questions." LINK

Rep. Arthur Davis (D-AL) remembers his days at Harvard Law School, hearing an orientation speech by then-third-year student Brack Obama. "Everyone who encountered (him) knew that they were seeing someone who was going to be a leader," said Rep. Davis, "whether that meant a Supreme Court justice -- which was everyone's favorite fantasy in law school -- or a congressman, or senator or president." Ben Evans of the Associated Press has the story.LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Allan Brandt examines just how hard it's going to be for Obama -- to quit smoking that is. LINK

ABC News' John Hendren and Lindsay Hamilton on Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's calling Obama a "very appealing and a great person…an extraordinary person."LINK

More on Rice from the New York Post:LINK

Mary C. Curtis of McClatchy reports on Sen. Obama's visit to Orangeburg, SC, site of the "Orangeburg massacre" in 1968, where the Senator weathered "questions tinged with a so-what-is-your-plan skepticism." LINK

The Louisville Courier-Journal's Joseph Gerth reports on Sen. Obama's enthusiastic reception in Louisville, where one attendee gushed that Obama reminded him "of both Kennedys and Martin Luther King." LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

ABC News' Teddy Davis on Edwards' interview on 'Face the Nation' where he said that while pursuing a phased withdrawal from Iraq, he would prepare a containment strategy in case the situation goes "in the wrong direction."LINK

Blogger Lindsay Beyerstein writes for Salon of her decision to turn down a blogging position with the Edwards campaign -- the position that would eventually end badly for Amanda Marcotte. Upon getting the initial offer, Beyerstein wrote, "I couldn't believe what I was hearing. A bunch of Internet staffers with private blogs sounded like a disaster waiting to happen."LINK

2008: Democrats: Richardson:

Jeff Jones of the Albuquerque Journal has a story on Richardson's strategy to raise funds from small donors all the way to big time business people.LINK

2008: Democrats: Dodd:

"With friends like these," laments a Hartford Courant editorial about Sen. Dodd's fourth place showing in Connecticut primary polls. Writes the Courant, that while Sen. Dodd has a lot of work to do to distinguish himself, "There's no question that Mr. Dodd is presidential. He is as qualified as anyone else running and more qualified than most."LINK

Sen. Dodd, speaking to San Diego Union-Tribune columnist Ruben Navarrette, Jr., talked about the difficulties of explaining his position on the handling of detainees in the war on terror. "They've decided that they'd rather be considered strong on terrorism, even if it means they're weak on the Constitution," said Sen. Dodd of fellow Democrats. "The irony is, of course, that in being weak on the Constitution, you're being weak on terrorism, too."LINK

The Nation's Ari Melber on progressive darling Ned Lamont's support of Sen. Dodd's efforts to restore habeas corpus. LINK

2008: Democrats: Kucinich:

Sabrina Eaton of the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported Sunday that Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) claims he is ready to mobilize his reordered 100,000 volunteers.LINK


Politico's Jonathan Martin chatted with Gov. Mark Sanford (R-SC), who wouldn't rule out accepting a veep nod. LINK


Molly Ball of the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports on the "edict" laid down by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to Nevada Democrats to remain neutral in the state's presidential caucuses, and how his son Rory Reid's breaking of said edict by endorsing Sen. Clinton may cause a domino effect of bandwagon-jumping.LINK

The Las Vegas Review-Journal's Molly Ball on the efforts by the liberal Netroots to convince the Nevada Democratic Party to avoid "legitimizing" Fox News by having it moderate an upcoming Democratic presidential debate. A petition drive by hopes to persuade the party to disassociate itself from what DNC Chairman Howard Dean once called "a propaganda outlet of the Republican Party." LINK

Libby trial:

The Washington Post's E.J. Dionne writes the prosecution in the Libby trial has demonstrated that Vice President Cheney directed his former chief of staff to destroy Amb. Joe Wilson's credibility and it isn't, E.J. says, the first time Cheney has "smeared."LINK

Don't ask, don't tell:

ABC News' Jake Tapper and Tom Giusto offer an article about the controversial measure "don't ask, don't tell" which Congress is now reexamining.LINK

Pelosi politics:

The Economist's Lexington column writes that Pelosi is "turning out to be one of the Democrats' best assets."


The Los Angeles Times' Erika Hayasaki has Al Sharpton and Strom Thurmond's unlikely connection. LINK

The New York Daily News' Austin Fenner and Adam Lisberg on Sharpton:LINK

Mike Jaccarino of the New York Daily News with the perspective of white Sharptons in Florida...LINK

Tuesday politics:

On Tuesday, President Bush meets at 9:10 am ET with the President of El Salvador, Elisa Antonio Saca Gonzales. participates in a 10:25 am ET ceremonial swearing-in for the Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte at the U.S. State Department in Washington, DC. President Bush will welcome the Miami Heat basketball team at 3:45 pm ET in the East Room of the White House to congratulate them on their last NBA championship.

The NGA holds its closing news conference on Tuesday at 11:45 am ET.

Sen. Dodd attends a dinner with influential progressives organized by America Coming Together's Steve Rosenthal and Planned Parenthood's Cecile Richards in Washington, DC

Sen. Brownback speaks at a New Jersey fundraiser for Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ), and then addresses the Tuesday Group's monthly meeting of conservative activists and officials

Sen. Clinton delivers the keynote address to the Apollo Alliance summit in Washington, DC

DNC Chairman Howard Dean (VT) attends the 6:00 pm ET Grand Opening of the Navajo Nation Washington Office in Washington, DC.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) delivers 5:00 pm ET remarks to the International Franchise Association at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, NV.

Gov. Napolitano delivers 12:30 pm ET remarks on how increased border patrol efforts around highly populated areas is leading more people to cross through harsh Arizona territory, causing a "dramatic" number of immigrant deaths.

The Senate (Select) Intelligence Committee holds a 2:30 pm ET closed hearing on "Compartmented Programs" in the Hart Senate Office Building.

The Senate Appropriations Committee hears 2:30 pm ET testimony from Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Iraq-Afghanistan War funding in the Dirksen Senate Office Building.

The Senate Armed Services Committee holds a 9:30 am ET hearing with testimony from National Intelligence Director John McConnell on global threats to U.S. Security in the Hart Senate Office Building.

The Senate Finance Committee holds a 10:00 am hearing on "America's Energy future" with testimony from Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D-MT) in the Dirksen Senate Office Building.

Kansas City, KS holds its mayoral primary election.

Wednesday politics:

On Wednesday, President Bush has a 1:55 pm ET meeting with military service organizations in the Roosevelt Room at the White House.

ABC News' George Stephanopoulos moderates a 9:30am ET panel discussion on the 2008 election at the Brookings Institute, Washington, DC.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) participates in a 6:30 pm ET dialogue series with the Cooper Union Lincoln at the Great Hall in New York City, NY.

The Senate Judiciary Committee holds a 10:00 am ET hearing on "Comprehensive immigration reform" with testimony from Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez in the Dirksen Senate Office Building.

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates holds a 10:30 am ET briefing at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC. At 12:00 pm ET, Gates hosts an honor cordon to welcome South Korean Minister of National Defense Kim Jang-soo at the Pentagon.

The House Armed Services Committee hears 10:00 am ET testimony from Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne and Air Force Gen. Michael Moseley testify on the "FY2008 National Defense Budget Request from the Department of the Air Force."

The House Foreign Affairs Committee hears testimony at 10:00 am ET on Iraq from former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Richard Holbrooke in the Rayburn House Office Building.

The House Judiciary Committee hears 3:00 pm ET testimony from CEO of Sirius Satellite Mel Karmazin on the proposed XM-Sirius Satellite Radio merger in the Rayburn House Office Building.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will hold a 12:00 pm ET hearing on the effects on first responders' health during 9/11.

The House Veterans' Affairs Committee holds a full committee hearing at 10:00 am ET on the FY2008 Veterans Affairs Budget.

Thursday politics:

On Thursday, President Bush departs to the Mississippi Gulf Coast and New Orleans, LA.

Spartanburg and Cherokee Counties in South Carolina hold a 2008 straw poll at 7:00 pm ET.

The 34th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) begins at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC. The '08ers speaking to CPAC are: Gov. Romney, former Gov. Jim Gilmore (R-VA), Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO), Sen. Brownback, former Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AK), Rep. Hunter (R-CA) and former House Speaker New Gingrich (R-GA).

Gingrich delivers a 8:00 pm ET speech to the Northern Virginia Society of Financial Services Professionals at the Ritz Carlton in McLean, VA.

Gov. Romney serves as a special guest at the 6:00 pm ET Derry, Portsmouth, and Hampton Republican Committees Lincoln Day Dinner in NH.

The House Armed Services Committee hears 9:30 am ET testimony from Navy Secretary Donald Winter on the Navy's FY2008 budget in the Rayburn House Office Building.

Friday politics:

On Friday, President Bush makes 5:45 pm ET remarks at a McConnell for Senate and NRSC reception in Louisville, KY.

Former President Bill Clinton (D-AR) takes part in the Landon Lecture series with 4:30 pm ET remarks at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS.

Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) campaigns at a 6:00 pm ET Jones County Beef & Noodle Dinner at the Moose Lodge in Anamosa, IA.