The Mini-Note

— -- The Mini-Note

April 11, 2007

The Note is undergoing some changes. In the meantime, The Mini-Note will provide you an early look at the must-read political stories of the day likely to dominate the political news cycle. If you want to get an early jump on the day in politics, you will want to make The Mini-Note your first stop of the morning.

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New York Times' Adam Nagourney and John Broder: "Some in G.O.P. Express Worry Over '08 Hopes"LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

Politico's Roger Simon "The Reinvention of John McCain: Victory or Palookaville"LINK

Tribune's Jill Zuckman Jill Zuckman: "Short of funds and hurt by verbal gaffes, the next mission: Reviving John McCain"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Terry McDermontt: "McCain not running from his war stance"LINK

The Associated Press' Liz Sidoti: "McCain Pleads for Patience in Iraq"LINK

Washington Post's Alec MacGillis: "McCain Likely to Find Friendly Audience at VMI Remaining in Iraq Essential, Cadets Say"LINK

2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

New York Times' Marc Santora: "In Alabama, Giuliani Calls Confederate Flag a Local Issue" LINK

Newsday's John Riley: "Will Rudy remember his Long Island roots?"LINK

New York Sun's Ryan Sager: "Questions on Schiavo Bedevil Giuliani" LINK

2008: Republicans: Romney:

New York Times' Michael Luo "Romney Says He'll Expand Armed Forces by 100,000LINK

The Hill's Alexander Bolton: "Romney's $2.5M leads ad spend"LINK

2008: Republicans: F. Thompson:

Washington Times' Ralph Z. Hallow: "Thompson stirs up conservative buzz"LINK

2008: Democrats:

The Hill's Sam Youngman: "Trippi: Top Dems' fundraising success leaves 'no excuses'"LINK

Washington Post's Zachary A. Goldfarb: "Democratic Hopefuls Court Activists in 'Virtual Town Hall'"LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

ABC's Teddy Davis: "Clinton Ties Troop Funding to Withdrawal"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

Boston Globe's Rick Klein and Joseph Williams: "Obama's silence on Imus alarms some blacks"LINK

The NY Daily News' Helen Kennedy: "Obama's big night- Buzzes through city with 3 fat cat soirees, rakes in at least 700G"LINK

NY Post's James Fanelli: "Obama A-Doors His New N.Y. Supporter"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

Associated Press' Beth Fouhy: "Edwards to Work Nursing Home Shift"LINK


New York Times' Maureen Dowd: "Daddies in a Panic, and Mommy, Too"LINK

2008: Senate:

Union Leader's John Distaso "Dems press Shaheen to challenge Sununu"LINK

New Hampshire:

Union Leader Tom Fahey: "Strong feelings on civil unions"LINK

Casting and Counting:

New York Times' Ian Urbina: "Panel Said to Alter Finding on Voter Fraud"LINK

Imus Fallout:

The NY Daily News' Jonathan Lemire: "Rudy, McCain say they forgive and support"LINK

Iraq Politics:

Politico Michael O'Hanlon: "What Would the Iraq Study Group Do?"LINK

Washington Post's Michael Abramowitz and Jonathan Weisman: "Bush Invites Democrats to Discuss Iraq Hill Leaders Wary of President's Tone on Spending Measure"LINK

Washington Post's Peter Baker and Thomas E. Ricks: "3 Generals Spurn the Position of War 'Czar' Bush Seeks Overseer For Iraq, Afghanistan"LINK

ABC's Jonathan Karl: "EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon Considers Extended Tours for All Soldiers" LINK

Gonzales Politics:

Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg Poll: "Most say Gonzales should quit over fired prosecutors" LINK

Newsday's Laurie Kellman: "Democrats Turn Up Heat on Gonzales"LINK

Associated Press: "Smoking gun absent on fired attorneys"LINK

Democratic Agenda:

Politico's Josephine Hearn: "Liberals Worry Pelosi Is Favoring Moderates" LINK

The Hill's Elana Schor and Jeffrey Young: "Democrats setting veto"LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Sarah Lueck: "Key Senate Figure Walks Fine Line- Finance Chairman Baucus Champions Issues From Both Parties"LINK

Political Potpourri:

NY Post's Andy Geller: "W.'s Man 'Wolf' is Whistled Ex-Aide Got Gal Pal 200G State Dept. Job" LINK

The Hill's Ian Swanson: "Dean on mission to Denver"LINK

The Hill's Sam Youngman: "The Air War: Fletcher's ads effective; Northup's are weaker"LINK