The Mini-Note

— -- The Note is undergoing some changes. In the meantime, The Mini-Note will provide you an early look at the must-read political stories of the day likely to dominate the political news cycle. If you want to get an early jump on the day in politics, you will want to make The Mini-Note your first stop of the morning.

We thank you for your continued readership during The Note's renovations.


Roll Call's Susan Davis: "FBI Raids Renzi Family Business; Congressman Leaves Intelligence Panel" LINK

Associated Press' Kathleen Hennessey: "McCain: Critics of Iran joke should "get a life"LINK

New York Times' Adam Nagourney: "In the Beverly Hills Style: Candidate's $400 Coiffure" LINK

ABC News' Dean Norland: "Reid Says Iraq War 'Lost'"LINK


National Journal: "National Journal Releases Results From Insiders Poll on 2008 Presidential Election"LINK

New York Sun's Josh Gerstein: "2008 Candidates Show Affinity for Atomic Energy" LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

USA Today's Mark Memmott and Jill Lawrence: "McCain's 'Bomb Iran' joke is moving up YouTube's charts" LINK

2008: Republicans: Romney:

Detroit Free Press' Kathleen Gray: "Romney dominates in Michigan fund-raising"LINK

Human Events' John Gizzy: "Is Romney The Connally of '08?" LINK

2008: Republicans: Brownback:

McClatchy Newspapers' Steven Thomma: "Early success is the key to Brownback's strategy"LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

Associated Press: "Hillary Clinton to Appear at Rutgers"LINK

New York Sun's Josh Gerstein: "Bill Clinton Says Gore Could Enter '08 Race"LINK

ABC News' Sunlen Miller: "Former President Bill Clinton Talks '08 Politics'"LINK

Bloomberg's Scott Cendrowski: "Lights, Camera, Action: Clinton Leads Obama in Hollywood Money"LINK

Washington Times' Donald Lambro: "Hillary's pressure bruises fundraising"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

Associated Press: "The kindred rise of Obama, Patrick"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

New York Times' Jeff Zeleny: "A Consultant in Dean's Run in 2004 Joins With Edwards" LINK

2008: independent: Bloomberg:

New York Sun's Grace Rauh: "Gingrich, Ford Laud Bloomberg's Leadership" LINK

Virginia Tech:

The Washington Post's E.J. Dionne: "Gun Law Pragmatism"LINK

McClatchy Newspaper's William Douglas: "Gun Control Changes Unlikely: Dems Fear Risking Gains Won in '06" LINK

New Hampshire:

ABC News' David Chalian: "Same-Sex Civil Unions Headed to Granite State" LINK

Gonzales:New York Times' Sheryl Gay Stolberg: "On a Very Hot Seat With Little Cover and Less Support" LINK

USA Today's David Jackson: "Rove's name keeps popping up in Dems' questions"LINK

Des Moines Register: "Grassley demands "straight story" from Gonzales"LINK

Politics of Iraq:

San Francisco Chronicle: Edward Epstein: "Dem leaders, Bush discuss war funding"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Noam N. Levey and James Gerstenzang: "GOP Sen. Snowe sponsoring Iraq withdrawal bill" LINK

ABC News' Teddy Davis: "Oliver Stone to Direct Anti-Iraq War Ad" LINK

Bush Administration agenda and personality:

The Hill's Mike Soraghan: "Three days after guilty plea, Griles ties the knot"LINK

Wall Street Journal's Deborah Solomon: "Treasury Nominee Withdraws"LINK


Politico: "Doolittle Gives Up Approps Seat"LINK


ABC News' Teddy Davis Reports: "'1984' Ad Creator Takes on Wolfowitz"LINK

Pelosi politics:

Wall Street Journal's David Rogers: "Postscript to Pelosi's Syria Trip"LINK

Casting and counting:

New York Times' Bob Driehaus: "Audit Finds Many Faults in Cleveland's '06 Voting"LINK

Political Potpourri:

Newsweek's Michael Hirsh: "A Titanic Task: The next U.S. president will have a tough job turning around the world's opinion of America, a new survey shows." LINK

Politico's Josephine Hearn: "Hispanic Caucus Raises Stakes in PBS Fight" LINK