The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

June 7, 2007— -- 2008: Iowa:

ABC News' Jake Tapper: "Giuliani, McCain to Skip Early Test of Strength in Iowa"LINK

Des Moines Register's Thomas Beaumont: "McCain follows Giuliani in skipping Iowa straw poll"LINK

New York Times' Marc Santora: "Giuliani and McCain to Skip Straw Poll in Iowa"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Michael Finnegan: "Giuliani, McCain leave a void in Iowa straw poll"LINK

Washington Post's Alec MacGillis: "They Know How to Caucus"LINK

2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

New York Post's Carl Campanile: "RUDY SIDESTEPS 'NO TAX' PLEDGE"LINK

New York Times' Michael Cooper: "Pennsylvania Republican, Convicted in '80s Bribery, Backs Giuliani"LINK

Wall Street Journal's Laura Meckler and John Harwood: "Giuliani Health Proposal Seeks Individual Coverage"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Michael Finnegan: "Giuliani, McCain leave a void in Iowa straw poll"LINK

The Hill's Alexander Bolton: "Lobbying by Rudy's firm draws fire"LINK

New Hampshire Union Leader's Faith Swymer: "Giuliani says President deserves more credit"LINK

2008: Republicans: Romney:

New Hampshire Union Leader's Mark Hayward: "Romney backs personal retirement accounts"LINK

2008: Republicans: Gingrich:

Associated Press' Libby Quaid: "Gingrich: 4-1 Odds Against GOP Bid"LINK

2008: Republicans: Thompson:

USA Today's Ken Dilanian: "Past as lobbyist may play into future as candidate"LINK

Israel Today: "Fred Thompson coming to Israel"LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

New York Post's Ian Bishop: "HILL'S $$ HAUL NEAR A RECORD"LINK

ABC News' Jennifer Parker: "Clinton Relies on Women to Help Make History"LINK

New York Times' Patrick Healy: "Goals Are Both Met and Missed in Clinton Fund-Raising"LINK

Politico's Ben Smith: "Highlights of the Hillaryland chronicles"LINK

Bloomberg's Margaret Carlson: "Clinton Buoyed by `Faith' and a Tight Script"LINK

Newsweek's Jonathan Darman: "Executive Disorder?"LINK

Union Leader's John Whitson: "Central wants Clinton's talk to grads to be by the book"LINK

Washington Post's Dana Milbank: "Hillary Fever Skips a Generation"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

Los Angeles Times' Mark Z. Barabak: "Obama's way is with words, not hugs"LINK

Bloomberg's Jonathan D. Salant: "Obama Faces `Glass-Houses' Criticism Over Campaign Fund Raising"LINK

New York Post's Maureen Callahan: "TURNING THEIR BARACK ON GOP"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

Robert D. Novak: "A Contender's Worn-Out Welcome"LINK

New York Sun's Jill Gardiner: "Edwards To Outline Security Plan"LINK

2008: Democrats: Richardson:

Associated Press' Barry Massey: "Richardson adept as recreational hunter"LINK


Pittsburgh Tribune-Review's Brad Bumsted: "Pa. Democrats favor Clinton for 2008"LINK

The Hill's Sam Youngman: "Victory in W. Va. could spread to other states"LINK

Washington Post's David Broder: "Candidates Lacking A Real-World Clue"LINK


Chicago Tribune's John McCormick: "Gore hits Chicago to chants of 'Run, Al, Run'"LINK


New York Times' Robert Pear: "Senate Rejects Changes to Immigration Bill"LINK

New York Times' Carl Hulse: "An Immigration Compromise Divides Republican Senators"LINK

Washington Times' Jon Ward and Ralph Z. Hallow: "White House surprised at GOP anger over speech"LINK

Washington Post editorial: "Pass the Immigration Bill"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Maura Reynolds: "Immigration bill supporters beat back key change"LINK

Politico's Carrie Budoff: "Call in the heavy hitter: Microsoft CEO lobbies Kyl"LINK

Associated Press' Charles Babington: "Obama, Graham trade barbs as immigration debate boils over"LINK

Jefferson Indictment:

ABC News' Jordan Hultine: "Brazile Calls for Jefferson's Resignation"LINK

Politico's Josephine Hearn: "Black lawmakers split on Jefferson"LINK

The Hill's Jonathan E. Kaplan: "CBC digs in for Jefferson"LINK

Libby Sentenced:

Washington Post's William Otis: "Neither Prison Nor Pardon: Justice in the Libby Case Lies With Bush's Third Option"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Peter Wallsten: "Libby pardon poses quandary for GOP hopefuls"LINK

Los Angeles Times editorial: "No pardon for Libby"LINK

Margaret Colgate Love, former United States pardon attorney, in the Los Angeles Times: "Begging Bush's pardon"LINK

President Bush:

ABC News' Jake Tapper: "'Homosexuality Isn't Natural or Healthy' Bush's Choice for Top Doc Compared Human Genitalia to Pipe Fittings and Said Homosexual Practices Can Cause Injury or Death"LINK

Vice President Cheney:

Washington Post's Dan Eggen: "Official: Cheney Urged Wiretaps"LINK


Washington Post's Paul Kane: "Sen. Stevens Told to Keep Records for Graft Probe"LINK


Washington Times' Jen Haberkorn: "Institution off D.C. menu"LINK