The Note's Sneak Peek

June 15, 2007— -- Start planning your Tuesday.

The Democratic '08ers hold two multi-candidate forums on that day.

At Washington's Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, the Democratic '08ers will make their pitches and answer questions in front of the nation's public employees union – the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees.

Richardson: 8:15 - 8:40

Kucinich: 8:40 - 9:05

Clinton: 9:05 - 9:30

Edwards: 9:30 - 9:55

Obama: 9:55 - 10:20

Biden: 10:20 to 10:45

Following the open press forum which will be moderated by NBC's Chris Matthews, AFSCME's members will hold a closed press "freedom hall" discussion to share their thoughts on which of the '08ers made a positive impression and which ones didn't really answer the questions.

It's all part of AFSCME President Gerry McEntee's 2008 strategy of "drilling deeper" into the views of his members than he did in the last presidential cycle when he came out early for Howard Dean's presidential bid and later came to regret it.

For anyone prepping a candidate, here is some advice based on a Thursday ABC News interview with McEntee.

For Obama: McEntee says he doesn't hold it against you for skipping AFSCME's forum in Carson City. But stopping short of fully universal health care may be a problem. He also thinks that you better come out against the Korean trade deal and that you better do it fast. "I think he has got to take a stand on that," McEntee told ABC News, "I don't think there is any question about that." (Edwards and Clinton have already come out against the Korean trade deal but Obama has said that while he has reservations about the deal, he is waiting to evaluate the impact of the new Rangel-Pelosi trade principles on the agreement).

For Edwards: Drop the "they voted quietly line" of criticism against Clinton and Obama on the war funding vote -- it's tough enough for McEntee to follow let alone for some guy in Kalamazoo. "I don't think that excites anybody," McEntee told ABC News. "I know it didn't excite me and I live with this stuff."

For Clinton: Keep doing what you're doing. He's still waiting for the full details of your health-care plan but he sees that same "ready to be president" quality that he saw in Bill Clinton when he came out early for him. "She looked so presidential up there," said McEntee about the recent Democratic debate in New Hampshire, "with all these guys in blue suits, and she's right in the middle and kind of chastising them for knocking one another and not going after Bush."

The Campaign for America's Future (the same liberal group which booed Hillary Clinton last year on Iraq) will hear from six '08ers at the Washington Hilton Hotel.

Gravel: 8:00 am ET

Clinton 8:15 am ET

Kucinich: 8:30 am ET

Richardson 9:00 am ET

Obama 12:00 pm ET

Edwards 12:30 pm ET.

But before we get ahead of ourselves by looking at Tuesday, here is your Saturday through Monday schedule . . .

Saturday politics:

Several '08ers spend Saturday in Iowa.

Edwards takes his wife on the campaign trail with stops in Grinnell, Coralville, Iowa City, Tripton and Clinton.

Barack Obama meets and greets in Fort Dodge, Webster City, and Story City, finishing with a potluck in Boone.

Mitt Romney, who came under criticism from the Iowa Democratic Party on Friday for backing personal Social Security retirement accounts, speaks at the town hall in Dubuque and hosts a luncheon in Cedar Rapids.

John McCain raises money in Birmingham, Ala.

Hillary Clinton's raises money at Joe T. Garcia's Mexican Restaurant in Fort Worth, TX. Clinton adviser Terry McAuliffe told the Star Telegram that Clinton "loves Mexican food and wants to have their enchiladas." LINK

The Senator then heads to Oklahoma City for a more formal fundraiser at 9:00 pm ET.

Mike Huckabee focuses on Texas money Friday and Saturday at various private fundraising parties.  He will also appear on local Texas media and speak at a church service on Saturday.

Mike Gravel makes his opinion on taxes to the National Taxpayers Union Foundation and Iowans for Tax Relief with a speech on Washington, DC, at 8:20 pm ET.

Dennis Kucinich is in Florida for the weekend.

The POTUS spends Saturday in Crawford Texas.

Sunday politics:

Romney stays in Iowa for events in Burlington, Wapello and Muscatine.

John and Elizabeth Edwards have a full schedule with events in Sioux Centre, Le Mars, Cherokee, Storm Lake, Sac City and Carroll.

Monday politics:

On Monday, the First Lady hosts the Senate Spouses luncheon in the East Room of the White House at 12:30 pm ET. Among the '08er spouses, Cindy McCain is confirmed as attending. Confirmed as not attending are: Bill Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Jill Biden. Still TBA: Jackie Clegg Dodd and Mary Brownback, reports ABC News' Sunlen Miller.

(Entertainment will be provided by Marvin Hamlisch of A Chorus Line fame).

Barack Obama meets his supporters in Newton, IA before enjoying an "Evening in the Park" in Ottumwa, IA.

Hillary Clinton holds a fundraiser in East Brunswick, NJ, while Bill Clinton addresses the Economic Club of Grand Rapids, Mich. Clinton's remarks are expected to focus on the Middle East and the work of his foundation.

Sam Brownback takes his "Parker to Ames Tour" to Iowa with visits to Oskaloosa, Knoxville, Indianola, Winterset, Adel, Guthrie Center and Perry.

Four hundred immigrants from beyond the beltway arrive at Union Station, Washington, DC to meet with congress and add their voices to the debate.