The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

July 20, 2007— -- Politics of Iraq:

ABC News' Z. Byron Wolf: "Ambassador: U.S. 'Buying Time at a Cost of the Lives of Our Soldiers'"LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Greg Jaffe and Yochi J. Dreazen: "Gap Widens Over Iraq Approach"LINK

Washington Times' David R. Sands and Sara A. Carter: "White House lowers bar for Iraq success"LINK

Bush Administration:

New York Times' Jim Rutenberg: "Bush Attacks Democrats on Budget"LINK

The Associated Press: "Bush Chief of Staff Could Be Cited"LINK

Washington Post's Dan Eggen and Amy Goldstein: "Broader Privilege Claimed In Firings White House Says Hill Can't Pursue Contempt Cases"LINK

Washington Times' Stephan Dinan: "Bush: Americans will realize need for aliens"LINK

The State: "Bush to visit Charleston in Democrats' wake"LINK

2008: Iowa:

The Des Moines Iowa Register's Michael Beaumont: "Iowa GOP expects bigger straw poll than '99"LINK

2008: Republicans:

Los Angelos Times' Michael Finnegan: "Lobbying records heat up Thompson, Romney rivalry"LINK

2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

New York Daily News' Celeste Katz: "South Carolina firefighters back Giuliani"LINK

New York Times'Marc Santora: "Giuliani Sees Progress Since Sept. 11, but Criticizes Bush's Way of Pursuing Al Qaeda"LINK

USA Today's Susan Page: "Giuliani: U.S. should focus more on Pakistan"LINK

2008: Republicans: Tancredo:

Radio Iowa's O. Kay Henderson: "Tancredo says stakes at Straw Poll are sizable"LINK

2008: Democrats:

New York Times'Dan Frosch: "Democrats Start Scramble for '08 Convention Rooms"LINK

Boston Globe's Jenn Abelson: "Poverty is key theme for Democrats in '08 Edwards, Obama jostling for votes"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

The Concord Monitor's Walter Alarkon: "Obama: 'It is time to bring our troops home'"LINK

Associated Press' Philip Elliott: "Obama: Don't Stay in Iraq Over Genocide"LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

ABC News' Jake Tapper: "Clinton Demands Pentagon Plan for Withdrawal"LINK

New York Daily News' Michael Saul: "My wife doesn't have to be a man to lead, sez Bill"LINK

New York Daily News' Richard Sisk and Kenneth R. Bazinet: "Hil helps enemies, sez Defense big"LINK

New York Times' Katherin Q. Seelye: "Women Supportive but Skeptical of Clinton Poll Says"LINK

New York Times' Patrick Healy: "For Clinton, Wooing Women Requires a Careful Balance"LINK

Associated Press: "Petagon Aide Says Clinton Helps Enemy"LINK

New York Post's Ian Bishop: "Pentagon: Hill Is Helping Foe"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

The Wall Street Journal's Christopher Cooper: "Edwards, Trailing Rivals, Holds Sway Over Party's Agenda"LINK

2008: Democrats: Biden

Times' Joe Klein: "Joe Biden's Quest"LINK

2008: Democrats: Richardson:

Iowa Radio's O. Kay Henderson: "Richardson proposes U.S. envoy to improve U.S. relations with Muslim world"LINK

Associated Press' Barry Massey: "Richardson's Assets Soar in Recent Years"LINK


The Wall Street Journal's Kevin J. Delaney and Amy Schatz: "Google Goes to Washington With Own Brand of Lobbying"LINK

New York Times' Christopher Drew: "Overhaul Plan for Vote System Will Be Delayed"LINK

Washington Times' Audrey Hudson: "Tipster shields lifted by Democrats"LINK

Washington Post's Paul Kane and Shailagh Murray: "Reid Unmoved by Calls For Iraq Compromise Top Senate Democrats Expect GOP to Face Rising Public Pressure to Withdraw Troops"LINK

New York Post's Carl Campanile: "Dems More Fired Up Than GOP: Newt"LINK

Washington Times'Eric Pfeiffer: "GOP fights for stalled judicial nominee"LINK

2008: Election:

Washington Times' Jennifer Harper: "'08 hopefuls hype flag, children"LINK

Chicago Sun Times'Lynn Sweet: "Romney targets Obama - with a twist"LINK

2008: Fundraising:

Washington Times' Donald Lambro: "Money said poor predictor of candidate's nomination"LINK


New York Times' Carl Hulse: "Breakdown in Relations in the Senate Hobbles Its Ability to Get Things Done"LINK

New York Times' Robert Pear: "Senate Panel Adds Billions for Health"LINK


Washington Post's Carol D. Leonnig: "Plame's Suit Against Top Officials Dismissed"LINK