The Note's Sneak Peek:

August 1, 2007— -- When Barack Obama asserted himself on foreign policy last week, saying he would meet with leaders of rogue nations, Hillary Clinton smacked down that position as "irresponsible and frankly naïve"

But Obama's announcement today that he would use military force if necessary to hunt down terrorists in Pakistan drew nary a peep from the Clinton campaign.

Both Clinton and Obama will be in DC Thursday tending to Senate duties.

John Edwards responded to Obama on Tuesday with a statement saying that "maximum diplomatic and economic pressure" on states like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia should be the first option while adding that he would not hesitate to use force against terrorists.

Joe Biden congratulated "Johnny-Come-Lately" Obama for adopting his own views on fighting al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. "Much of what Senator Obama has proposed Senator Biden has already initiated or accomplished," the campaign said in a statement, reports ABC News' Brian Wheeler. LINK

The White House asserted its own policy of respecting the sovereignty of Pakistan is the correct one -- but left it at that.

Thursday it's Michelle Obama's turn at the campaign podium. The Illinois Senator's spouse will make her first formal policy remarks at 11am in front of the Iowa State Education Association conference in Storm Lake.

Michelle Obama largely will reiterate her husband's stance on education, but this is the fist time she will address specifics such as "No Child Left Behind," ABC News' Sunlen Miller reports. Mrs. Obama then heads to Des Moines for a meeting with "African Americans for Obama" at 5 pm.

Uncertainty hangs over the 10:00am ET Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Thursday on the U.S. Attorney investigation and there are conflicting reports about whether Scott Jennings, Karl Rove's deputy, will make an appearance, ABC News' Jason Ryan reports. Tony Snow said today a Fred Fielding letter will explain Rove's status for the hearing, but it's unlikely the deputy chief of staff will be spotted on Capitol Hill.

Both Rove and Jennings were issued subpoenas to testify tomorrow. This all comes as the Department of Justice released another 40 pages of emails on the firings.

TiVo alert! Rudy Giuliani on Charlie Rose Wednesday night.

Mitt Romney starts the day early in Iowa with an "Ask Mitt Anything" in Urbandale at 8:45 am ET and holds a media availability at 9:50 am ET.

In the wake of Giuliani's health-care rollout and looking ahead to the Romney health-care rollout which is coming either later this month or in September, ABC News' Teddy Davis looks at the battle lines emerging between the top Republicans on health care with Giuliani offering more for free-market purists in the primaries and Romney posing the greater threat to Democrats on health care in the general. LINK

Speaking of Giuliani, Drew Cline wrote up Obama's speech under a "Obama Picks Up Giuliani Terminology" header. LINK

John McCain is in Washington, DC with no campaign events planned.

John Edwards has no public schedule.

Mike Huckabee spends the day in Iowa beginning with a Pastors Leadership Meeting in Grundy Center at 11:00 am ET, speaks at a Fair Tax Rally in Grundy Center at 2:00 pm ET, attends a Faith and Family 'Meet Mike Huckabee' in Ames at 5:00 pm ET and a house party at 7:30 pm ET.

Sam Brownback is in Washington, DC.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich delivers 9;00 am ET remarks to the Young America's Foundation's 29th annual National Conservative Student Conference at the Marvin Center in Washington, DC.

Joe Biden appears on NPR's "The Diane Rehm Show" at 10:00 am ET, CNN's "Situation Room" at 4:00 pm ET and on Fox News' "On the Record with Greta van Susteren at 10:00 pm ET.

The YearlyKos Convention kicks off in Chicago and Howard Deans speaks at an 8:00 pm ET reception about a voter protection project that the DNC will announce Thursday. The Democratic '08ers will be speak to the Convention on Saturday.

Bill Richardson campaigns across Iowa. His first stop is in Eldridge at 2:45 pm ET, second in West Liberty at 6:00 pm ET and third in Coralville at 7:45 pm ET.

President Bush meets with his Cabinet at 9:55 am ET

Vice President Cheney attends a tribute for late Rep. Guy Vander Jagt at 4:00 pm ET up on the Hill. Joining Cheney will be Rep. Charlie Rangel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Rep. Tom Lantos, and NRCC Chair Tom Cole. The event takes place in 1100 Longworth.


ABC News' Rick Klein and Eloise Harper "Clinton Team Admits Mistakes"LINK

ABC News' Jason Rood "Classified Spending Still High, Report Says"LINK

ABC News' Brain Wheeler Biden: "Obama, 'Johnny-Come-Lately'"LINK


Obama Tough on TerrorismLINK

George Stephanopoulos discusses the freshman senator's foreign policy plan.LINK

Rep. Kucinich challenges former Sec. Rumsfeld during Capitol Hill hearing.LINK

Rumsfeld Takes No ResponsibilityLINK