The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

August 14, 2007— -- Rove Resigns:

ABC News' Jake Tapper: "Rove: 'I'm Moby Dick'"LINK

New York Times' Jim Rutenberg and Stephen Lee Myers: "Rove Will Resign as Bush Adviser at End of Month"LINK

Washington Post's Paul Kane: "Democrats Continue to Seek Testimony From Rove"LINK

Washington Post's Anne E. Kornblut and Michael D. Shear: "'Architect' Envisioned GOP Supremacy"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Maura Reynolds: "Bush losing key advisor at a low ebb"LINK

Wall Street Journal's John McKinnon and Jackie Calmes: "After Rove, Strategy Choices Loom"LINK

Boston Globe's Michael Kranish: "Rove exit could launch new political strategy"LINK

Politico's David Paul Kuhn: "Rove leaves during historic GOP downturn"LINK

Time Magazine's Massimo Calabres: "The Post-Rove White House"LINK

Washington Times' Jon Ward and Joseph Curl: "Bush adviser Rove resigns"LINK

Houston Chronicle's Julie Mason: "President is not expected to fill Rove position"LINK

Rove Resigns: Opinions & Analysis:

ABC News' Rick Klein: "10 Lessons From Karl Rove"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Tom Hamburger and Peter Wallsten: "Rove's imprint is deep; but is it lasting?"LINK

New York Times Editorial: "Mr. Rove Gets Out of Town"LINK

Washington Post's Eugene Robinson: "Goodbye, 'Boy Genius'"LINK

New York Times' Adam Nagourney: "Legacy Laden With Protégés"LINK

Robert Novak: "Karl Rove's Legacy"LINK

Grover G. Norquist: "The Architect's Great Project"LINK

Joshua Green in the New York Times: "A 'Great Society' Conservative"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Jonah Goldberg: "Bush's Napoleon"LINK

Wall Street Journal: "Rove's Brain"LINK

Boston Globe: "The mark of Rove"LINK

Boston Globe's Peter S. Canellos: "Rove helped shape a winning strategy"LINK

E.J. Dionne Jr.: "The mastermind steps out"LINK

Politico's Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen: "Rove bows out despised and deified"LINK

2008: Polls:

CBS News: "Giuliani Maintains Strength"LINK

2008: Republicans:

Washington Times' Eric Pfeiffer: "GOP candidates agree to YouTube debate"LINK

Concord Monitor's Lauren Dorgan: "Romney, Huckabee revel in Iowa wins"LINK

2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

Reuters' Steve Holland: "Giuliani says U.S. will need long presence in Iraq"LINK

New York Daily News' David Saltonstall: "Tougher Rudy to hit back on immigration"LINK

2008: Republicans: Romney:

Boston Globe's Lisa Wangsness and Ross Kerber: "Romneys are worth up to $250m"LINK

New York Times' David D. Kirkpatrick: "Romney Breaks Down His Millions in Income Last Year"LINK

Washington Post's John Solomon and Matthew Mosk: "Romney's Old Ties To Firm Pay Off"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Dan Morain: "Romney portfolio has link to Sudan"LINK

Boston Herald's Dave Wedge: "Sox fans, it's true: Mitt's a YES man"LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

The State's Aaron Gould Sheinin: McCain thinks he still has shot to winLINK

Associated Press' Jim Davenport: "McCain Calls Iowa Poll 'Meaningless'"LINK

Arizona Republic's Dan Nowicki: "McCain has big appeal with vets"LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

Los Angeles Times' Peter Nicholas: "Clinton's first lady records locked up"LINK

New York Times' Patrick Healy: "'Not Invisible to Me'"LINK

USA Today's Susan Page: "Clinton gets close-up glimpse of nurse's life"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

Associated Press' Philip Elliot: "Obama gets warning from friendly voter"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

Des Moines Register's Tony Leys: "Tardy Edwards keeps supporters waiting in heat"LINK

ABC News' Sunlen Miller: "Elizabeth Edwards Unplugged"LINK

Boston Globe's Jenn Abelson: "Edwards takes risk staking run on Iowa"LINK

2008: Democrats: Richardson:

New York Daily News' Michael Saul: "Richardson can't say no on veep"LINK

2008: Democrats: Biden:

Nashau Telegraph's Kevin Landrigan: "Biden pushing veterans' needs"LINK

Union Leader's Son Hoang: "Biden says current policy is "breaking" military"LINK

2008: Iowa & New Hampshire:

Quad City Times' Ed Tibbetts: "Democratic candidates flocking to corn boil fundraiser"LINK

Concord Monitor's Sarah Liebowitz: "Criticized voting system used here"LINK

2008: Conventions:

Washington Post's Jeffrey H. Birnbaum: "Convention Party Favors Include Face Time"LINK


Politico's Patrick O'Connor: "Will Hastert say farewell on Friday?"LINK

Bloomberg's Laura Litvan: "Pelosi Aims to Prove Support Helps More Than Hurts Candidates"LINK