The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

August 17, 2007— -- 2008: Thompson:

ABCNews' Jake Tapper: "He Said, He Said: Thompson on Abortion" LINK

Des Moines Register's THOMAS BEAUMONT: "GOP leaders: Thompson must make the most of face time in Iowa" LINK

Politico's Peter A. Brown: "Not exactly born to run"LINK

2008: Giuliani:

Washington Post's Michael D. Shear and Dan Balz: "Romney, Giuliani Escalate Their Immigration Fight"LINK

New York Times' Russ Buettner: "For Giuliani, Ground Zero as Linchin and Thorn"LINK

Boston Globe's Campaign Notebook: "'Leave my family alone,' Giuliani tells critic at N.H. meeting"LINK

Politico's Jonathan Martin: "Rudy attacks Mitt's 'sanctuary city' barb"LINK

Des Moines Register's THOMAS BEAUMONT: "Giuliani: December caucus wouldn't change Iowa plans" LINK

Union Leader's TRENT SPINER: "Rough day for Rudy"LINK

2008: Romney:

Boston Globe's Lisa Wangsness: "For Romney, a nuanced cry for change"LINK

Quad City Times' Mike Riopell: "Romney takes first place in Illinois straw poll"LINK

Concord Monitor's LAUREN R. DORGAN: "Mitt & Rudy, an odd couple" LINK

2008: Huckabee:

Associated Press' PHILIP ELLIOTT: "Huckabee arrives tracking Iowa straw" LINK

Washington Times' Stephen Dinan and Eric Pfeiffer: "Straw poll revives Huckabee's bid"LINK

2008: Obama:

Associated Press' RON FOURNIER and MIKE GLOVER: "Obama Pledges to Clean Up Washington"LINK

New York Times' Jeff Zeleny: "Obama Takes Sharper Tone to the Trail"LINK

Associated Press': Obama defends maverick foreign policy stand"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Ronald Brownstein: "YouWho?"LINK

Chicago Tribune's John McCormick: "Obama defends policy comments"LINK

Des Moines Register's JASON CLAYWORTH: "Obama: I'm challenging conventional wisdom"LINK

2008: Clinton:

Quad City Times'Dan Gearino: "Clinton takes a stand against, and money from, telemarketers"LINK

Nashua Telegraph's KEVIN LANDRIGAN: "Clinton praised for protecting seniors"LINK

2008: Edwards:

Reuters' Steve Holland: "Edwards would open talks with Iran if elected"LINK

Wall Street Journal's CHRISTOPHER COOPER: "Edwards, Foreclosure Critic, HasInvesting Tie to Subprime Lenders"LINK

Politico's Jeanne Cummings: "Edwards fails to get Dems to ban together"LINK

Des Moines Register's Tony Leys': "Edwards points finger at moneyed interests"LINK

Quad City Times' Charlotte Eby: "Edwards, Obama push their credentials at the Iowa State Fair"LINK

2008: Biden:

USA Today's Martha T. Moore: "Biden has better visit to club 20 years later"LINK

2008: Dodd:

Des Moines Register's JASON PULLIAM: "Dodd discusses college loan help"LINK

2008: Richardson:

Des Moines Register's DANNY VALENTINE: "Richardson unveils tax, budget proposals"LINK

Santa Fe New Mexican's: "Richardson Watch"LINK


Washington Times' Christina Bellantoni: "Democrats vie for most electable"LINK

New York Times' Editorial: "Changing the Terms of Debate"LINK

Boston Herald's Editorial: "Some wisdom to old conventions"LINK

Los Angeles Times' TINA DAUNT: "Black celebs are major players"LINK

Chicago Tribune's Rick Pearson and Monique Garcia: "For GOP, straw poll nothing like Iowa's"LINK

First Family:

Washington Post's Amy Argetsinger and Roxanne Roberts: "Jenna and Henry: Now They're Really, Really Official"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Maura Reynolds: "Bush's daughter Jenna gets engaged"LINK


Los Angeles Times' Rick Pearson: "Illinois' Hastert details decision to leave"LINK

Chicago Tribune's Rick Pearson: "Hastert won't run again, felt like a 'prisoner' as House Speaker"LINK

Chicago Tribune's Rick Pearson: "'Coach' is ready to leave the game"LINK

USA Today's Richard Wolf: "Hastert united the GOP after unlikely ascension"LINK

2008: House:

Politico's Josh Kraushaar and Patrick O'Connor: "Dems could be comfortably seated in '08"LINK


Washington Post's Peter Whoriskey: "Jury Convicts Jose Padilla of Terror Charges"LINK

Chicago Tribune's James Oliphant: "Jose Padilla's conviction for terrorism, a victory for Bush"LINK