The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

August 20, 2007— -- 2008: ABC News Democratic Debate

ABC News' Russell Goldman: "Dems Come out Swinging on Experience vs. New Vision"LINK

New York Times' Jeff Zeleny: "Chances for Everybody, in Time, in Latest Debate"LINK

Politico's Richard Allen Greene: "Egged on, rivals bash Obama on experience"LINK

New York Sun's Josh Gerstein: "Democrats Swing Hard at Obama"LINK

Associated Press' Ron Rournier: "It's experience vs. change for Dems"LINK

Associated Press' Philip Elliot: "Obama: Experience can be a bad thing"LINK

Washington Post's Anne E. Kornblut: "Democratic Rivals Caution Against Swift Iraq Pullout"LINK

Wall Street Journal's Jackie Calmes: "Democratic Hopefuls Seek Chinks In Front-Runners' Armor"LINK

Rocky Mountain News' M.E. Sprengelmeyer: "Clinton, Obama become the issues"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Mark Z. Barabak and Peter Nicholas: "Clinton, Obama take center stage at Iowa debate"LINK

Bloomberg's Heidi Przybyla: "Clinton, Obama Warn in Debate Iraq Withdrawal Will Take Time"LINK

Chicago Tribune's Rick Pearson: "Obama fires back on experience issue at Iowa debate"LINK

Des Moines Register's Thomas Beaumont: "Clinton, Obama fend off criticism in debate"LINK

USA Today's Jill Lawrence: "Clinton takes on rivals, Rove in debate"LINK

Washington Times' Christina Bellantoni: "Candidates press Hillary and Obama"LINK

McClatchy Newspaper's Steven Thomma: "Troop pullout not simple for Democrats"LINK

2008: ABC News Democratic Debate: Winners & Losers:

Des Moines Register's David Yepsen: "Obama may be biggest debate winner"LINK

Politico's Roger Simon: "Obama rises above sea level"LINK

The New Mexican's Steve Terrell: "An assured Richardson brings his 'A' game"LINK

Washington Post's Chris Cillizza: "Debate Roundup: The Silence of the Pack"LINK

2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

New York Times' Adam Nagourney: "Iowans Check Out Giuliani"LINK

2008: Republicans: Thompson:

Los Angeles Times' Joe Mathews: "Thompson's hometown is getting ready for Freddie"LINK

ABC News' Teddy Davis and Christine Byun: "Thompson and Romney Radio Foe Joke About Open Mics"LINK

2008: Republicans: Huckabee:

Union Leader's Dan Tuohy: "Huckabee buoyed by showing in Iowa poll"LINK

2008: Republicans: Paul:

Washington Times' Greg Pierce: "Paul victory"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

Politico's Mike Allen: "Obama to turn down additional fall debates"LINK

Chicago Sun Times' Jennifer Hunter: "Obama to curb participation in debates, forums"LINK

Chicago Tribune's John McCormick: "Obama previews veterans speech"LINK

Union Leader's Laurie A. Ovens Patey: "Obama kicks off three-day NH campaign swing"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

Associated Press' Mike Glover and Jim Kuhnhenn: "Edwards to divest funds"LINK

2008: Democrats: Biden:

Associated Press' Jim Kuhnhenn: "Biden airs ad in Iowa"LINK

2008: Early States:

Des Moines Register's David Yepsen: "Caucuses leave trail of impacts"LINK

2008: Religion:

Wall Street Journal's Michael M. Phillips: "Power of Prayer"LINK

Wall Street Journal's Arthur C. Brooks: "Our Religious Destiny"LINK

2008: Congress:

Washington Post's Jonathan Weisman: "A Rush To Frame Views on Congress"LINK

Spartanburg Herald-Journal's Jason Spencer: "GOP rally in county might put Graham on hot seat"LINK


Associated Press: "Roadside bomb kills Iraqi governor"LINK

Sen. Joe Lieberman in the Wall Street Journal: "Al Qaeda's Travel Agent"LINK

Washington Post's Michael A. Fletcher: "Keeping a Lonely Vigil at Camp Casey"LINK

Reuter's David Morgan: "U.S. foreign policy experts oppose Bush's surge"LINK

Bush Administration:

Washington Post's Peter Baker: "As Democracy Push Falters, Bush Feels Like a 'Dissident'"LINK

Robert Novak: "Pakistan Showdown"LINK

Karl Rove:

Politico's Josh Kraushaar: "Rove takes parting shots at Democrats"LINK

Washington Post's Howard Kurtz: "Karl Rove, Insider With an Outsize Reputation"LINK

Bloomberg's Alison Fitzgerald: "Rove Says He Built Coalitions, Democrats Divided U.S."LINK

Associated Press' Deb Riechmann: "When it comes to Clinton, Karl Rove isn't quitting yet"LINK

Michael Deaver 1938-2007

Lou Cannon in the Washington Post: "The Man Behind the Magic"LINK


Burlington Free Press' Sally Pollak: "Holy cameo, Batman!"LINK