The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

September 4, 2007— -- MUST-READS:

New York Times' Edmund Andrews: "Envoy's Letters Counter Bush on Dismantling of Iraq Army"LINK

Reuters: "China rejects U.S. charge it hacked Pentagon"LINK

President Bush in Iraq:

ABC News' Jonathan Karl and Martha Raddatz: "Bush, Rice, Gates Make Surprise Visit to Iraq"LINK

New York Times' David Cloud and Steven Lee Myers: "Bush, in Iraq, Sees Possible Reduction in Troop Levels"LINK

Washington Post's Michael Fletcher and Ann Scott Tyson: "In Iraq, Bush Cites Gains"LINK

Associated Press' Deb Riechmann: "Into the Night and Off to Iraq"LINK

New York Sun's Eli Lake: "Bush Maps Showdown on the War"LINK

Newsweek's Babak Dehghanpisheh: "Bush's 'Hail Mary' Visit"LINK

Time Magazine's Massimo Calabresi: "Bush's Surprise Iraq Visit"LINK

Congress Returns:

Associated Press' Jim Abrams: "Iraq tops agenda as Congress returns"LINK

Boston Globe's Marcella Bombardieri: "Congress returns, ready for confrontation"LINK

Politico's Patrick O'Connor "Congressional players likely to be influential"LINK

The Hill's Manu Raju: "Dems face fall tests"LINK


Washington Post's Dan Balz: "The Candidates Turn Up the Heat At Summer's End"LINK

2008: Republicans:

New York Times' Katharine Q. Seelye: "Within G.O.P., Stumping Fails to Impress"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Janet Hook: "GOP hopefuls are staying Bush's course"LINK

Nashua Telegraph's Kevin Landrigan: "Plenty has changed in GOP race"LINK

2008: Republicans: Romney:

ABC News' Matt Stuart: "Romney sees '08 move to Iraq support role"LINK

Washington Post's Perry Bacon Jr.: "Mitt Romney, Basking In the Momentum"LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

Des Moines Register's Maggie O'Brien: "McCain honors veterans in Iowa"LINK

2008: Republicans: Thompson:

Associated Press' Philip Elliott: "Romney jokes about Thompson delays"LINK

2008: Democrats:

New York Times' Adam Nagourney: "For Democrats, Primary Field Gives Confidence"LINK

Quad City Times' Charlotte Eby: "Clinton, Edwards court labor unions"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Peter Nicholas: "Democrats seek change, with some style"LINK

New York Newsday's Glenn Thrush: "Front runners' Iowa run-in"LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

ABC News' Kate Snow and Eloise Harper: "Iowa Clinton Supporters 'Kick Her Tires'"LINK

New York Times' Patrick Healy: "Bill Clinton's Challenge: Keep the Focus on His Wife"LINK

Washington Post's Dan Balz: "Hillary Clinton, Stumping With Burgers and Bill"LINK

Wall Street Journal's Jackie Calmes: "Two-for-One Deal, Take Two"LINK

New York Sun's Russell Berman: Obama, Edwards Bracket Clinton as an InsiderLINK

Des Moines Register's Thomas Beaumont: "Clinton touts experience to quiet critics"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Peter Nicholas: "Clinton: Change is better with experience"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

ABC News' Jonathan Greenberger: "Obama to Hillary: No, I'm the 'Change' Candidate"LINK

Washington Post's Anne E. Kornblut: "Barack Obama, Drawing the Big Crowds"LINK

The Hill's Sam Youngman: "Campaigning in N.H., Obama targets Clinton"LINK

New Hampshire Union Leader's Dan Tuohy: "Obama promises to fight special interests"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

Associated Press' Ramesh Santanam: "Edwards wins steelworker, mine worker endorsements"LINK

Des Moines Register's Tony Leys: "Edwards vows to protect unions"LINK

Washington Post's Alec MacGillis: "John Edwards, Enjoying Timely Endorsements"LINK

2008: Democrats: Biden:

Des Moines Register's Jayson Clayworth: "Biden: Bush strategy a mess"LINK

2008: Fundraising:

Washington Times' Bill Gertz: "Chinese donor sounds like '96"LINK

Washington Post editorial: "Bundlers Behaving Badly"LINK

2008: Early States:

Union Leader's Nancy Foster: "Pride, politics on parade in Milford"LINK

Des Moines Register's Jason Clayworth: "Richardson: Keeping Iowa first is God's will"LINK

The State's Delawese Fulton: "Politics and lollipops"LINK

The State's Roddie Burris: "Celebrities make cameo appearances for candidates"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Scott Martelle: "The political machine vs. the grass roots"LINK

2008: Potpourri:

Associated Press' Calvin Woodward: "Candidates See Sarkozy As Beacon of Change"LINK

2008: Congress:

Politico's Jeanne Cummings: "Congressional showdown likely soon"LINK

President Bush:

Politico's Jonathan Martin: "Bush book walks line of accuracy, sympathy"LINK