SNEAK PEEK: GOP Field Spars in NH

Republican Debate Number Five, Still No Thompson

September 4, 2007— -- It's hard to believe that it's been exactly one (long) month since the Republican presidential field last gathered on stage together for a debate. But the candidates haven't let the lack of close proximity dampen their criticism of their opponents.

The eight Republican presidential candidates square off in another 90-minute debate Wednesday at the University of New Hampshire at 9:00 pm ET. The debate is being televised by Fox News Channel and Fox News Radio.

Since their August 5 grilling at the hands of ABC News' George Stephanopoulos, we have seen Romney attack Giuliani on sanctuary cities, Giuliani throw it back at Romney on crime and safety, Brownback call out Romney for flip flopping on abortion, Huckabee question Romney's credentials on gun rights and on and on and on…

Do the candidates have any new lines in store for us on Wednesday night? (One thing we don't expect to hear - wide stance.)

Fox News' Brit Hume moderates with questions from Chris Wallace and Wendell Goler.

Also Wednesday night, the ever-coy Fred Thompson finally ends his trial of the "absence makes the heart grow fonder" theory and is expected to announce he is running for president.

Don't look for the former senator turned actor on the stage in Durham, because he is not participating in the debate. But viewers will get to see a 30-second ad from the Thompson campaign airing once on Fox during the debate and throughout the day on Thursday only on Fox, ABC News' Christine Byun reports.

Thompson's online message officially launching his '08 campaign will happen shortly after midnight Thursday but Jay Leno and his Tonight Show audience will be the first to hear him announce that he's in when the candidate pays a visit to the Burbank studio.

Before the debate...

Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani have no public events.

John McCain is in New Hampshire for a (closed press) tour and town hall meeting at the offices of Fidelity in Merrimack at 10:00 am ET. At 12:15 pm ET, McCain attends a meet in greet with the Chester Fire Department in Chester. He also attends a pre-debate party in Durham at 7:00 pm ET.

Mike Huckabee is also in Durham pre-making a pre-debate appearance at an 8:00 pm ET party.

As for the Democrats…Hillary Clinton attends the 3:00 pm ET "Club 44 Women's Forum" at the Sheraton Philadelphia Center City Hotel, where she is joined by Senior Advisor Ann Lewis, Emily's List President Ellen Malcolm, former congress woman Patricia Schroeder and Rep. Allyson Schwartz.

Her husband former President Bill Clinton appears on CNN's "Larry King Live" at 9:00 pm ET, ostensibly to promote his new book "Giving".

Cocktail circuit alert! There's a 6:30 pm ET book release party for Hillary Clinton pollster Mark Penn's new book Microtrends at Corcoran Gallery of Art.

Barack Obama continues on the second day of his two day whirlwind tour of Iowa with Meet the Candidate events at 1:00 pm ET in Storm Lake, and 3:30 pm ET in Spencer. He ends the day with a fundraiser in Chicago.

John Edwards has no public schedule. His wife Elizabeth attends a 7:00 pm ET fundraiser in Detroit, Michigan.

Bill Richardson attends the 1:00 pm ET annual South Carolina AFL-CIO meeting in Aiken and holds series of meet and greets in South Carolina. He'll be in Myrtle Beach, Florence and McCormick.

Fresh off his Middle East peace mission, Dennis Kucinich is in Washington, DC for remarks to the Alliance for Retired Americans at their legislative conference.

Joe Biden continues his trip to Iraq.

On Capitol Hill…

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff testifies before the House Committee on Homeland Security priorities at 10:00 am ET.

The House Judiciary Committee holds a 10:15 am ET hearing on the NSA wiretapping program and update in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance ACT (FISA).

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer holds his regular 11:30 am ET pen and pad briefing with reporters.

The CATO institute holds a 12:00 pm ET briefing in the Rayburn House Office building on "Should Congress Reauthorize No Child Left Behind".

Down under…

President Bush continues his trip to Australia for the APEC Conference, he meets and lunches with Prime Minister John Howard before meeting with the Governor General and dining with Prime Minister Howard.

POLITICAL STORIES ON ABCNEWS.COM:ABC News' Brian Wheeler "Biden to Iraq Tonight"LINK

ABC News' Bret Hovell "High School Leader to McCain: 'You're No Leader'"LINK

ABC News' Z. Byron Wolf "Senate Sandwich: Ethics Investigation Edition"LINK

ABC News' Gary Langer "Clinton vs Giuliani on Long DriveLINK


McCain Defends AgeMcCain jokes with New Hampshire student when asked if too old to be president.LINK

Australian PM Stands By BushABCNews' David Kerley sits down with Australian PM John Howard to discuss his commitment to Iraq.LINK

Gates More Optimistic Than EverSec. Gates talks exclusively with ABCNews' Jon Karl about progress in Iraq.LINK

Nightline Webcast: On the Trail09.04.07: Nightline is on the road in Iowa with the presidential candidates.LINK

Full-Throttle CampaigningGeorge Stephanopoulos answers some quirky questions about the 2008 candidates.LINK

Bush Changing Course?President Bush hints it may be time to pull some U.S troops from Iraq.LINK

Senator's Children Speak OutMichael Craig and Shea Howell discuss their father's resignation.LINK