The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

September 18, 2007— -- 2008: Clinton Healthcare:

ABC News' TEDDY DAVIS: "Clinton's Middle Path on Health Care"LINK

Newsweek's Susannah Meadows: "How Hillary Won Over the Health-Care Industry"LINK

Time's Karen Tumulty: "Hillary's Health Care Do-Over"LINK

The Hill's Sam Youngman: "Clinton plan sparks frenzy"LINK

Associated Press' Beth Fouhy: "Clinton's health care plan mandates coverage"LINK

Des Moines Register's JENNIFER JACOBS: "Clinton plan requires insurance for all Americans"LINK

USA Today's Richard Wolf: "Clinton unveils details of her health care plan"LINK

USA Today's Ben Smith: "Hillary gets a health plan do-over'"LINK


Los Angeles Times' Michael Finnegan: "Clinton leads pack as GOP target"LINK

New York Times' PATRICK HEALY and ROBIN TONER: "Wary of Past, Clinton Unveils a Health Plan"LINK

Wall Street Journal's LAURA MECKLER and JACKIE CALMES: "Clinton Health Plan Courts Business Allies"LINK

Washington Post's Perry Bacon Jr. and Anne Kornblut: "Clinton Presents Plan For Universal Coverage"LINK

Washington Post's E. J. Dionne Jr.: "What She Learned . . .The Humility in Clinton's Health-Care Plan"LINK

Washington Times' Christina Bellantoni: "Hillary revisits health care"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Peter G. Gosselin and Peter Nicholas: "Clinton unveils new healthcare plan"LINK

McClatchy Newspaper's STEVEN THOMMA: "Clinton health plan targets uninsured'"LINK

Boston Globe's Marcella Bombardieri: "Clinton, rivals taking moderate healthcare stance"LINK

Bloomberg's Aliza Marcus: "Clinton's Health-Care Plan Echoes Her Rivals, Not `Hillarycare'"LINK

New York Sun's RUSSELL BERMAN: "Clinton Seeks New Chance on Health"LINK

Boston Globe's Lisa Wangsness: "In ways, Clinton healthcare plan resembles Romney's Mass. Solution"LINK

Mukasey Nomination:

Newsweek's Michael Isikoff: "Here Comes the Judge"LINK

Time's MASSIMO CALABRESI: "How Bush's AG Pick Irritates the Right"LINK

Politico's Carrie Budoff Brown: "White House asks for quick Mukasey confirmation"LINK

Wall Street Journal's EVAN PEREZ and PETER LATTMAN: "Mukasey Leanings Hard to Decode"LINK

New York Times' PHILIP SHENON and BENJAMIN WEISER: "A Washington Outsider With Many Sides"LINK

Washington Post's Michael Abramowitz and Dan Eggen: "With Justice Pick, Bush Hopes to Avoid a Fight"LINK

Washington Post's Amy Goldstein and Dafna Linzer: "A Conservative Record, But Not in Lock Step"LINK

Washington Times' Jon Ward: "Ex-judge for Justice chief"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Richard B. Schmitt: "Mukasey is drawn into an old fight"LINK

New York Newsday's TOM BRUNE: "Will Schumer see Mukasey to attorney general post?"LINK

Boston Globe's Sasha Issenberg: "Democrats tentatively welcome Mukasey"LINK

2008: Republicans:

Miami Herald's BREANNE GILPATRICK: "GOP hopefuls woo faithful in Lauderdale debate"LINK

The Hill's Alexander Bolton: "GOPers jockey for 2nd, 3rd in Iowa"LINK

The Hill's Mike Soraghan: "Murtha: GOPers to abandon Bush on Iraq after primaries"LINK

Christian Broadcasting Network's Michael F. Haverluck: "Top GOP Candidates Dodge Values Debate"LINK

2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

ABC News' Sunlen Miller: "Giuliani: Clinton Health Care Plan is a 'Clear March Toward Socialized Medicine'"LINK


Washingon Post's Alec MacGillis: "Giuliani-Mukasey Ties Go Back Decades"LINK

2008: Republicans: Romney:

Reuters' Jason Szep and Patrick Worsnip: "Romney urges U.N. to bar Iranian president"LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

Washington Times' Ralph Z. Hallow: "McCain sees downward spiral in Michigan"LINK

Washington Times' Ralph Z. Hallow: "Michigan chairman said to quit McCain campaign"LINK

New York Times' Jennifer Steinhauer: "McCain Gets Push From the Senior Bush"LINK

Arizona Republic's Dan Nowicki: "At tour's end, McCain is on the rise"LINK

The State's JOHN O'CONNOR: "McCain stands firm"LINK

2008: Republicans: Keyes:

Associated Press: "Keyes Makes 3rd Bid for Presidency"LINK

2008: Democrats:

ABC News' Teddy Davis, Jonathan Greenberger, and Donna Hunter: "Clinton, Obama Take No Funding Pledge"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

ABC News' Jonathan Greenberger: "Obama: We need a Democrat Who Doesn't 'Choke on the Word 'Union'"LINK


New York Times' MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUM: "Obama Urges Wall Street to Protect the Middle Class"LINK

Washington Times' Brian DeBose: "Obama tells Wall Street: Curb greed for U.S. good"LINK

Chicago Sun-Times' Lynn Sweet: "He gets their applause -- can he get their support?"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

ABC News' Rick Klein: "Edwards' Healthcare Shift"LINK

2008: Polls:

Baltimore Sun's Jennifer Skalka: "Clinton, Giuliani top Md. Poll"LINK

2008: Religion:

Washington Times' Stephen Dinan: "Candidates invite new questions about their faith"LINK

2008: Early States: South Carolina:

The State's AARON GOULD SHEININ: "Democrat, but socially conservative"LINK

2008: Congress:

The Hill's Aaron Blake: "Rep. Ramstad puts another swing district up for grabs"LINK


New York Times' CARL HULSE: "Key Senators Urge Shifting Responsibility to Iraq Army"LINK

Out Of This World:

Washington Post's Dana Milbank: "There's the Red Vote, the Blue Vote . . . and the Little Green Vote"LINK