The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

October 19, 2007— -- 2008: Republicans:

Washington Post's Michael D. Shear and Perry Bacon Jr.: "Evangelicals Lukewarm Toward GOP Field"LINK

Wall Street Journal's JUNE KRONHOLZ: "Republicans Running Uphill"LINK

Chris Matthews': "What you see when the cameras aren't watching"LINK

USA Today's Kathy Kiely: "GOP veterans to leave battleground"LINK

USA Today's Jill Lawrence: "Candidates leave some Christians cold"LINK

Associated Press: "McCain, Romney Woo Social Conservatives"LINK

The State's AARON GOULD SHEININ: "McCain questions Romney's experience"LINK

2008: Republicans: Brownback:

Des Moines Register's THOMAS BEAUMONT: "Brownback, well behind, leaves race"LINK

ABC News' Julia Bain: "Brownback Bowing Out Tomorrow"LINK

New York Times' MICHAEL LUO and JULIE BOSMAN: "Social Conservatives Meet, Their Options Cut by One"LINK

Boston Globe's Michael Kranish: "Brownback may quit presidential run today"LINK

2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

Associated Press: "Giuliani: Torre Departure 'Very Sad Day'"LINK

Reuters: "Giuliani Bid In 2008 Challenges Republican Views"LINK

New York Daily News' DAVID SALTONSTALLL: "Southern conservatives open wallets for Rudy Giuliani"LINK

2008: Republicans: Huckabee:

New York Times' DAVID BROOKS: "From the Back of the Pack"LINK

Associated Press: "Huckabee: Give full picture of finances"LINK

Union Leader's TOM FAHEY: "Huckabee files for GOP primary"LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

New York Times' JENNIFER STEINHAUER: "Confronting Ghosts of 2000 in South Carolina"LINK

Associated Press: "Play of the Day: McCain Names Mannequin"LINK

Associated Press: "McCain Rules Out Independent Bid"LINK

The Hill's Klaus Marre: "McCain camp touts role as Clinton's toughest test"LINK

2008: Republicans: Paul:

ABC News' Z. BYRON WOLF: "Ron Paul: Republican or Revolutionary?"LINK

2008: Republicans: Romney:

ABC News' Jake Tapper: "Romney: Rudy 'Like Hillary'"LINK

New York Times' Sarah Wheaton: "Vote for Me"LINK

Politico's Mike Allen: "Romney courts Christians"LINK

Associated Press: "Romney slams U.N. for 'failure'"LINK

The Hill's Kevin Bogardus: "Romney's rivals brace for big January loan"LINK

Boston Herald's Dave Wedge: "Mitt 'happy' with controversial Jones endorsement"LINK

2008: Republican: Thompson:

ABC News' Christine Byun: "Thompson Attacks Rivals on Immigration"LINK

Bloomberg's Julianna Goldman: "Thompson's Populist Presidential Bid Scores Big With Small Campaign Donors"LINK

Associated Press: "Thompson Sought Inspector's Removal"LINK

Associated Press': "No Drilling In The Everglades"LINK


2008: Democrats:

Boston Globe's Scott Helman: "Democrats refining strategies as primaries near"LINK

Newsweek's Daniel Gross: "Dems Are the New Republicans"LINK

The Hill: "2008 and counting: Edwards hits Clinton on red-state credibility"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Ronald Brownstein: "Her vision or his?"LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

ABC News' Jake Tapper: "Yee-haw"LINK

Associated Press: "Clinton Health Plan for Americans Only"LINK

New York Times' Judith Warner: "The Clinton Surprise"LINK

Washington Post's Eugene Robinson: "The Power of 'Madam President'"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Peter Nicholas and Tom Hamburger: "An unlikely treasure-trove of donors for Clinton"LINK

Washington Times' Christina Bellantoni: "Hillary campaign eyes GOP women"LINK

The Hill's Alexander Bolton: "Sen. Clinton digs deep into D.C. donor pockets"LINK

The Hill's Sam Youngman: "Clinton adviser downplays talk of inevitability"LINK

Associated Press: "Republicans block Clinton earmark for Woodstock museum"LINK

New York Daily News' MICHAEL McAULIFF: "Hillary talks U.S. eating habits at health care forum"LINK

Seattle Times' Jonathan Martin: "Cash race is blazing as Clinton visit nears"LINK

Christian Science Monitor's Linda Feldmann: "Clinton's lead is sweeping, but not clinched"LINK

2008: Democrats: Dodd:

USA Today's Richard Willing: "Dodd to block vote on eavesdropping bill"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

Boston Globe's Scott Helman: "Edwards campaign slams Clinton push for rural vote"LINK

Time's JAY NEWTON-SMALL: "South Carolina: No Haven for Edwards"LINK

Des Moines Register's TONY LEYS: "Postal workers back Edwards"LINK

2008: Democrats: Gore?

Concord Monitor's John P. Gregg: "From Draft Gore to write him in"LINK

2008: Democrats: Gravel:

Miami Herald's BETH REINHARD: "Gravel alone on Florida trail"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

New York Times' Jeff Zeleny: "Obama Camp Ramps Up Its War Room"LINK

Associated Press: "Obama Touts Foreign Policy Record"LINK

New York Daily News: "Obama shows his groove on 'Ellen'"LINK

Variety's TED JOHNSON: "Obama edges Hillary in Q3 biz funds"LINK

2008: Democrats: Richardson:

Des Moines Register's WILLIAM PETROSKI: "Richardson: Ditch cowboy diplomacy"LINK

2008: Presidential Candidates:

Politico's Ben Smith: "Penn says Clinton already beat Giuliani"LINK


2008: Election Issues: Religion:

New York Times' Laurie Goodstein: "Religious Leaders on Left/Right Plan Forum"LINK

2008: Election Issues: Taxes:

New York Post's Charles Hurt: "'BIG-TAX' TALE ON DONKEY"LINK

2008: Early States:

New York Times' Jeff Zeleny: "Pelosi's Top Billing at Big Iowa Event"LINK

Union Leader's John DiStaso's: "December option chills primary"LINK

Associated Press: "New Hampshire: We just may vote in December"LINK

2008: Political Contributions:

New York Times' PAUL KRUGMAN: "Death of the Machine"LINK

Wall Street Journal's STEPHEN MOORE: "Comfy With K Street"LINK

USA Today's Fredreka Schouten: "Small donors can be big deal for candidates"LINK




ABC News' Jake Tapper: "A Stark Remark"LINK

Bloomberg's Laura Litvan and Nicholas Johnston: "Pelosi Makes Political Misstep in Reversing Course on Armenian Genocide"LINK


ABC News' Jake Tapper: "House Fails to Reverse Child Health Veto"LINK

New York Times' ROBERT PEAR and SHERYL GAY STOLBERG: "House Sustains President's Veto on Child Health"LINK

Associated Press: "Health Deal Sought After Veto Upheld"LINK

Washington Post's Jonathan Weisman and Christopher Lee: "Democrats Press Ahead on SCHIP"LINK

Wall Street Journal's Editorial: "Child Offensive"LINK

Michael B. Mukasey:

Washington Post's Dan Eggen and Paul Kane: "On Day 2, Democrats See Change In Mukasey"LINK

Washington Times' Jerry Seper: "Mukasey dodges questions about waterboarding"LINK


New York Times' DENNIS HEVESI: "Adm. William Crowe Dies at 82; Led Joint Chiefs"LINK

Political Humor:

Associated Press: "Ben Stein crosses party lines to help buddy Franken in Senate race"LINK

The State's NEIL WHITE: "Colbert runs; S.C. smiles"LINK

Chicago Sun Times: "Colbert candidacy will put some humor on ballot"LINK

New York Daily News: "Obama leads Clinton, Giuliani in Halloween costume polls"LINK