The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

October 22, 2007— -- Republican Debate:

ABC News' David Chalian, Jan Simmonds, and Christine Byun: "Heated Republican debate focuses on the battle for the true conservative"LINK

New York Times' Katharine Q. Seelye: "Debate Wrap-Up: Everyone vs. Clinton"LINK

New York Times' MICHAEL COOPER and MARC SANTORA: "At Debate, G.O.P. Race Becomes More Personal"LINK

Washington Post's Dan Balz and Michael D. Shear: "Attacks Sharpen Among Party's Principal Rivals"LINK

Associated Press: "Quotes From the GOP Presidential Debate"LINK

Reuters: "Top Republicans defend conservative credentials"LINK

Politico's Jonathan Martin: "Republicans trade blows at fiery debate"LINK

Boston Globe's Michael Kranish: "GOP hopefuls turn up the heat"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Michael Finnegan: "Thompson, Giuliani spar over conservative records"LINK

USA Today's David Jackson: "Republican hopefuls spar over who's the real conservative"LINK

Bloomberg's Catherine Dodge and Nicholas Johnston: "Giuliani, Romney, Thompson Attack Each Other, Clinton in Debate"LINK

Washington Times' Joseph Curl: "GOP debate signals race to the right"LINK


Wall Street Journal's AMY SCHATZ and SUSAN DAVIS: "Clinton Is Focus of Debate"LINK

2008: Republicans:

ABC News' Mary Bruce: "Giuliani Knows 'Virtually Nothing About Foreign Policy' Biden says"LINK

Washington Times' Ralph Z. Hallow and Stephen Dinan: "Values voters back Mike, Mitt"LINK

New York Sun's RUSSELL BERMAN: "Romney, McCain Lock Horns Over Shifts in Position"LINK

2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

Washington Post's Robert D. Novak: "Californians for Rudy"LINK

The Hill's Sam Youngman: "Perkins: Giuliani supports marriage amendment"LINK


Wall Street Journal's MICHAEL M. PHILLIPS: "Social Issues Dog Giuliani"LINK

2008: Republicans: Huckabee:

Time's JOHN MCINTYRE: "What if Huckabee Wins Iowa?"LINK

Concord Monitor's MIKE PRIDE: "Voters should get to know Huckabee"LINK

Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier's AMY LORENTZEN: "Huckabee's band to play historic Surf Ballroom"LINK

2008: Republicans: Hunter:

San Diego Union Tribune's DANA WILKIE: "What's in a name?"LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

Bloomberg's Nicholas Johnston: "McCain Says Supporting Immigration Legislation Hurt Campaign"LINK

Associated Press: "McCain claims conservative clout needed to beat Hillary"LINK

2008: Republicans: Paul:

Time's Howard Fineman: "It's Independents' Day"LINK

2008: Republicans: Romney:

Bloomberg's Nicholas Johnston: "Romney Says Mormon Leaders Won't Have Influence If He's Elected"LINK

Washington Times' Eric Pfeiffer: "Romney: Beliefs won"LINK

Concord Monitor's LAUREN R. DORGAN: "Romney took '94 lessons to heart"LINK

2008: Republicans: Tancredo:

Denver Post's Anne C. Mulkern: "Tancredo runs hard, but to what?"LINK

2008: Republicans: Thompson:

New York Times' Marc Santora: "For Thompson, It Was Florida in Four Minutes"LINK

The Hill's Sam Youngman: "Thompson fares poorly in 'values' straw poll"LINK

2008: Democrats:

Union Leader's GARRY RAYNO AND MICHAEL COUSINEAU: "Hard work, little return"LINK

Baltimore Sun's Rick Pearson: "Democrats: GOP holds no monopoly on values"LINK

2008: Democrats: Biden:

The Hill's Klaus Marre: "Biden: GOP candidates, except McCain, know 'virtually nothing' about foreign policy"LINK

Des Moines Register's JOHN CARLSON: "Carlson: Biden takes a hit by funding vehicle that saved Iowans"LINK

News Journal's NICOLE GAUDIANO: "Cash-poor Biden still hopeful about Iowa"LINK

Baltimore Sun's Rick Pearson: "Biden: Democrat rivals playing to audience's wishes"LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

New York Times' JIM RUTENBERG: "Clinton Finds Way to Play Along With Drudge"LINK

Washington Post's Editorial: "Dishwashers for Clinton"LINK

Chicago Sun Times' Lynn Sweet: "I take nothing for granted: Clinton"LINK

Newsweek's Michael Isikoff: "Papers? I Don't See Any Papers"LINK

Des Moines Register's JENNIFER JACOBS: "Clinton tries to curb negative perceptions"LINK

New York Daily News' Michael McAuliff: "Embattled Hillary defends her vote on Iran"LINK

ABC News' Eloise Harper: "Rob Reiner Sings For Clinton"LINK

Wall Street Journal's JACKIE CALMES: "Clinton Book Fatigue-Despite Slow Sales, New Bio Joins the Lot"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

ABC News' David Muir: "Is Iowa John Edwards' Last Hope?"LINK

2008: Democrats: Kucinich:

Monterey Herald's JULIA REYNOLDS: "Kucinich pushes Bush impeachment"LINK

Orange County Register's RICHARD CHANG: "Kucinich senses 'groundswell'"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

ABC New's Sunlen Miller: "Obama Airs "Conventional" TV ad in the Granite State"LINK

USA Today's Martha T. Moore: "Oprah becomes test of what an endorsement means"LINK

Chicago Sun Times' STEVE HUNTLEY: "Obama's next step could be to Springfield"LINK

Washington Times' Christina Bellantoni: "N.H. backers aim to gin up 'Obamania'"LINK

Union Leader's TRENT SPINER: "Michelle Obama speaks to parents"LINK

2008: Democrats: Richardson:

Associated Press: "Richardson supports limiting raises"LINK

Reno Gazette Journal's ANJEANETTE DAMON: "Richardson lags in Nevada despite strengths"LINK

Reno Gazette Journal's ANJEANETTE DAMON: "Q & A with Bill Richardson"LINK

2008: Early States:

Reuters: "In New Hampshire, health care sways elderly votes"LINK

Des Moines Register's David Yepsen: "A new GOP try to dodge Iowa?"LINK

Dallas Morning News' TODD J. GILLMAN: "Immigration a hot issue in mostly white New Hampshire"LINK

2008: Campaign Spending:

New York Times' LESLIE WAYNE and ARON PILHOFER: "As Coffers Expand and Contract, Strategies Emerge"LINK

2008: Presidential Election Issues: Religion:

Washington Post's Sridhar Pappu: "Looking for a Candidate to Call Their Own"LINK

Washington Times' Ralph Z. Hallow: "Values Voters find no satisfactory candidate"LINK

2008: Presidential Election:

Washington Times' Suzanne Fields: "The long trail to November"LINK

Associated Press: "Unions Holding Off on Endorsements"LINK

Des Moines Register: "Insights from the candidates, in their own words:LINK

New York Daily News' MICHAEL McAULIFF and ADAM LISBERG: "McCain, Richardson would go on Imus after his radio return"LINK

2008: Fundraising:

Newsweek's Anna Quindlen: "Dialing For Dollars"LINK

2008: Presidential Election Issues: Housing Market:

Anita F. Hill: "Women and the subprime crunch"LINK

2008: Presidential Election Coverage:

Washington Post's Marc Fisher: "XM radio channels '08 election run-up"LINK

Bush Administration:

Associated Press:"Presidential Cabinet Members Start Blogs"LINK


ABC News' JOHN HENDREN: "Cheney: 'We Will Not Allow' Iran Nukes"LINK

Political Humor:

ABC News: "The Comedy of Politics"LINK

New York Times' Michael Falcone: "Colbert: I Am a Candidate (And So Can You!)"LINK

The State's Neil White: "Colbert making big bucks for schools"LINK