The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

October 26, 2007— -- 2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

ABC News' Z. Byron Wolf: "Pro-Abortion Rights Giuliani Courting Whole-life Brownback"LINK

New York Times' MICHAEL BRICK: "'80s Plot to Hit Giuliani? Mob Experts Doubt It"LINK

Washington Post's Benjamin Wallace-Wells: "Giuliani's Policy Professor"LINK

Politico's Jonathan Martin: "Sam Brownback warms to Giuliani"LINK

Associated Press: "Giuliani Jokes About Reports of Mob Hits"LINK

Newsweek's Richard Wolffe: "Giuliani Time"LINK

The Hill's Aaron Blake and Alexander Bolton: "Brownback alters view"LINK

New York Post's Charles Hurt: "WHY RUDY'S RIDING HIGH"LINK

Associated Press: "Giuliani's police chief could be problem"LINK

2008: Republicans: Romney:

ABC News' Matt Stuart: "Mitt Romney Invokes Lewinsky Scandal"LINK

Boston Globe's MICHAEL LEVENSON: "Romney assails Clintons as lacking in family values"LINK

Boston Globe's Scot Lehigh: "Romney's faux pas"LINK

Associated Press: "Romney Open to Iran 'Bombardment'"LINK

Union Leader's FAITH SWYMER: "Romney hounded by marijuana advocate"LINK

Associated Press: "Romney embraces Jones endorsement despite anti-Mormon views"LINK

2008: Republicans: Thompson:

ABC News' JAKE TAPPER and KATIE HINMAN: "Low Key or Low Energy? Thompson's Doing It His Way"LINK

The Hill: "2008 and counting: GOP didn't look to Thompson last year:LINK

Des Moines Register's JONATHAN ROOS: "Thompson campaign adds Iowa staff"LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

New York Times' Jim Rutenberg: "McCain's 'Secret Strategy Memo' on Giuliani"LINK

New York Times' MICHAEL COOPER and MARC SANTORA: "McCain Rebukes Giuliani on Waterboarding Remark"LINK

Wall Street Journal's Susan Davis: "McCain, FOX at Odds Over Ad"LINK

Des Moines Register's TOM WITOSKY: "McCain: No waterboarding, period"LINK

2008: Republicans: Huckabee:

Wall Street Journal's John Fund: "Another Man From Hope"LINK


2008: Republicans: Paul:

New York Times' JULIE BOSMAN: "Flush With New Millions, Underdog Vies to Compete"LINK

The Hill's Alexander Bolton: "Rep. Ron Paul plans ad blitz, personal appearances in N.H."LINK

2008: Republicans:

ABC News' Bret Hovell: "Huckabee and McCain share AARP stage"LINK

Washington Times' Deborah Simmons: "In bed with Rudy and Mitt"LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

ABC News' Eloise Harper: "Clinton E-Mail: Obama Changed on Iran"LINK

New York Times' MARK LEIBOVICH: "A No-Nonsense Style Honed as Advocate"LINK

New York Times' Katharine Q. Seelye: "Clinton E-Mail Hits Obama on Iran"LINK

New York Times' PATRICK HEALY: "Clinton Celebrates 60 With a Concert and a Jab at a Certain New Red Sox Fan"LINK

Associated Press: "Clinton Uses Birthday to Raise Funds"LINK

Washington Times' Donald Lambro and Christina Bellantoni: "Polls put Hillary ahead, but she's still no shoo-in"LINK

New York Sun's R. EMMETT TYRRELL, JR.: "Seven Things About Clinton"LINK

Associated Press: "Analysis: It's Clinton's Race to Lose..."LINK

Salon's Walter Shapiro: "Is Hillary running away with the race?"LINK

Sacramento Bee's Dan Smith: "Clinton maintains big advantage in California"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

Los Angeles Times' Andrew Malcolm: "Obama plans L.A. HQ opening -- with unfortunate words"LINK

New York Sun's NICHOLAS WAPSHOTT: "Obama Fails To Quell Row Over an Anti-Gay Singer"LINK

The State: "Vigil set to protest Obama campaign event"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

ABC News' Raelyn Johnson: "Edwards Slams Clinton, Romney on Iran"LINK

Indianola Record Herald's JOE WINN: "Edwards takes aim at insurance firms"LINK

2008: Democrats: Dodd:

New York Times' JIM RUTENBERG: "Playing Up the Value of Experience and a Cheap Haircut"LINK

2008: Democrats:

New York Times' Ariel Alexovich: "Biden and Kucinich Outline Health Care Plans"LINK

2008: Early States:

ABC News' David Chalian and Mike Chesney: "Iowa Dems Expected to Caucus Jan. 3"LINK

New York Times' JEFF ZELENY: "Iowa Democrats Recommend Jan. 3 for the State's Caucuses"LINK

Union Leader's JOHN DISTASO: "NH primary: Room to breathe?"LINK

Des Moines Register: "Youths told: Give pledge on caucus"LINK

2008: Presidential Candidates:

Washington Post: "McCain and Clinton"LINK

Campaign Contributions:

USA Today's Fredreka Schouten and David Jackson: "Baseball bosses play on political field"LINK

Political Coverage:

Washington Post's Howard Kurtz: "Mainstream Blogs Open Floodgates for Political Coverage"LINK


New York Times' MARC SANTORA: "Rivals From Both Parties Spar Over Response to Iran"LINK

Tax Policy:

Bloomberg's Alison Fitzgerald: "Republicans Welcome Rangel's Tax Bill as Election-Year `Gift'"LINK