The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

November 1, 2007— -- 2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

Time's Michael Duffy: "Was Rudy the Real Debate Winner?"LINK

ABC News' Jan Simmonds: "Giuliani Says Gov't Needs "Flexibility" on Waterboarding"LINK

Union Leader's SUZANNE BATES: "Giuliani drums up support in Nashua, criticizes Clinton"LINK

Associated Press' SARA KUGLER: "NY Mayors See Route to White House"LINK

2008: Republicans: Romney:

Des Moines Register's GRANT SCHULTE: "Romney to reveal his plan for trade"LINK

Associated Press: "Romney Releases Free-Trade Proposal"LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

ABC News' Z. Byron Wolf: "McCain, Warner, Graham Subtly Endorse Mukasey"LINK

New York Times' Jim Rutenberg: "New McCain Ad: 'Guts'"LINK

Associated Press: "McCain Clarifies Health Care Plan"LINK

2008: Republicans: Thompson:

ABC News' Christine Byun: "Thompson: Clinton 'Dodging Hard Issues'"LINK

New York Sun's JOSH GERSTEIN: "Thompson Compares Fund-Raising Of N.Y. Senator With 1996 Scandal"LINK

2008: Republicans: Huckabee:

ABC News' Kevin Chupka: "Huckabee Reaches October Funraising Goal"LINK

2008: Republicans: Paul:

Time's JOEL STEIN: "The Ron Paul Revolution"LINK

New York Sun's SETH GITELL: "Candidate Paul May Be Nader With a Twist"LINK

2008: Republicans: Hunter:

Associated Press: "Hunter files for primary ballot"LINK

2008: Bloomberg?

Washington Times' Ralph Z. Hallow: "GOP hopes Bloomberg runs"LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

New York Times' STEVEN GREENHOUSE: "Union Gives Endorsement to Clinton"LINK

New York Times' Adam Nagourney: "A Day Later, Clinton Embraces Spitzer's License Effort"LINK

Politico's Kenneth P. Vogel: "Clinton accused of illegal fundraising"LINK

New York Times' GAIL COLLINS: "Everybody vs. Hillary"LINK

Washington Post's Anne E. Kornblut and Dan Balz: "Clinton Regroups As Rivals Pounce"LINK

Washington Post: "Clinton vs. the GOP On Presidential Papers"LINK

Wall Street Journal's Editorial: "Hilliam Clinton"LINK

Boston Globe's Marcella Bombardieri: "Clinton careful to preserve options"LINK

New York Sun: "Clinton Refuses To Back Rangel Tax Plan"LINK

The Hill's Sam Youngman: "Campaign call reveals Clinton debate concern"LINK


Associated Press' BETH FOUHY: "Analysis: Sidestepping Risky for Clinton"LINK

Concord Monitor's Joelle Farrell: "General lends Clinton a hand"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

Chicago Sun Times' Jennifer Hunter: "Obama's jabs at Hillary just bounce off"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

Associated Press: "Edwards' SEIU Endorsement Questioned"LINK

Associated Press: "Edwards air TV ad in Iowa"LINK

Concord Monitor's LAUREN R. DORGAN: "Edwards endorsed by SEA - or was he?"LINK

2008: Democrats: Richardson:

New York Times' JULIE BOSMAN: "Richardson: 'I'll Never Mislead You'"LINK

2008: Democrats: Biden:

Michigan Daily's Justin Schon: "Biden will fight for education"LINK

2008: Democrats:

Boston Globe's Stephanie Vallejo: "Rivals differ on effect of Iran measure"LINK

Associated Press' AMY LORENTZEN: "Obama Says Clinton Dodges Hard Questions"LINK

Democratic Debate:

Time's Joe Klein: "Hit Her Again!"LINK

Politico's Mike Allen and Jonathan Martin: "Clinton foes pounce on 'crack in armor'"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Peter Nicholas and Michael Finnegan: "Clinton's rivals see an opening"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Robin Abcarian: "UFOs invade presidential debate"LINK

Newsweek's Richard Wolffe: "A Drop of Blood in the Water"LINK

2008: Early States:

Wall Street Journal's AMY SCHATZ: "Have a Laptop? You, Too, Can Sway New Hampshire Race"LINK

USA Today's Fredreka Schouten: "Bulk of candidates' time, cash goes to early states"LINK

Asociated Press: "Seeking relevance, R.I. sets Feb. 5 primary"LINK

Washington Times' Donald Lambro: "Undecided undertow"LINK

Associated Press: "Candidates: Make me your backup"LINK

Union Leader's John DiStaso: "Granite Status: Waiting for Michigan"LINK

2008: Presidential Candidates:

New York Times' MICHAEL COOPER: "Biden-Giuliani Smackdown Enlivens Campaign Trail"LINK

Politico's David Paul Kuhn: "Clinton would cream Giuliani, poll finds"LINK

2008: Presidential Election:

USA Today's Susan Page: "A year before voting, a nation of discontent"LINK


New York Times' MARC SANTORA: "Immigration: From Talking Point to Sore Point"LINK

Wall Street Journal's JUNE KRONHOLZ: "Immigration Burns Candidates"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Joe Mathews and Nicole Gaouette: "Illegal immigrant licensing drives debate"LINK

Michael B. Mukasey:

Washington Post's Dan Eggen and Paul Kane: "Two More Democrats To Oppose Mukasey"LINK

Bush Administration:

ABC News' Jonathan Karl and Kirit Radia: "Bush Loyalist Karen Hughes Resigns"LINK

Donald Rumsfeld:

Washington Post's Robin Wright: "From the Desk of Donald Rumsfeld . . ."LINK


Associated Press: "Iraq Assignments Upset Some Diplomats"LINK


Robert Novak: "Nancy Pelosi and her 'Committee of One'"LINK


Los Angeles Times' James Rainey: "Is there truthiness to his '08 bid?"LINK