The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

November 5, 2007— -- ABC News/Washington Post Poll:

ABC News' GARY LANGER: "POLL: A Year Before '08 Election, Public's Theme Is Discontent"LINK

Washington Post's Jon Cohen and Dan Balz: "Republican Nomination Most Open in Decades"LINK

2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

ABC News' Jan Simmonds: "Giuliani Impersonates Hillary, Says Bill Clinton Had Head in the Sand"LINK

New York Times' JIM RUTENBERG: "Still No Giuliani TV Ads, but He's Ready for the Web"LINK

Washington Times' Joseph Curl: "'Rudy' scores points on New Hampshire tour"LINK

Washington Time's S.A. Miller: "Giuliani expected to boost GOP in Northeast races"LINK

Washington Times' Joseph Curl: "Rudy' scores points on New Hampshire tour"LINK

Washington Times' S.A. Miller: "Giuliani expected to boost GOP in Northeast races"LINK

New York Daily News' DAVID SALTONSTALL: "Rudy Giuliani's off-the-cuff style has its risks"LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

Quad City Times' AMY LORENTZEN: "McCain reiterates support of attorney general nominee"LINK

Des Moines Register's JASON PULLIAM: "McCain: Pakistan's strife threatens U.S."LINK

Real Clear Politics' Reid Wilson: "McCain Plays Foreign Policy Experience Card"LINK

2008: Republicans: Thompson:

ABC News' BRIAN ROSS, ASA ESLOCKER and JUSTIN ROOD: "'Longtime Friend,' Thompson Adviser Has Rap Sheet"LINK

Washington Post's Matthew Mosk: "Thompson Defends Fundraiser With Criminal Record"LINK

Politico's Daniel W. Reilly: "Thompson supports state, local freedoms"LINK

New York Sun's RUSSELL BERMAN: "Thompson Wouldn't Seek Abortion Ban Amendment"LINK

2008: Republicans: Huckabee:

Newsweek's Holly Bailey: "The Other Man From Hope"LINK

USA Today's David Jackson: "Huckabee builds evangelical support"LINK

Associated Press: "Iowans gives Huckabee a second look"LINK

2008: Republicans:

Associated Press: "GOP Race in SC Reflects Larger Contest"LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

ABC News' Eloise Harper: "Former VP Mondale Endorses Clinton"LINK

ABC News' Eloise Harper: "Clinton: Bring Your Mops, Vacuum Cleaners and Brushes"LINK

New York Times' ADAM NAGOURNEY and PATRICK HEALY: "Different Rules When a Rival Is a Woman?"LINK

Politico's Ben Smith and David Paul Kuhn: "Feminists split on HRC sexism defense"LINK

Rocky Mountain News' M.E. Sprengelmeyer: "Already a hit with her gender, Clinton still has gaps to close":LINK

Quad City Times' Ed Tibbett: "Clinton in Q-C: Bush made Pakistan situation worse"LINK

Newsweek's Michael Isikoff: "The Hillary Paper Chase: 3,022,030 Documents To Go"LINK

Quad City Times' MIKE GLOVER: "Clinton rejects secrecy charge; collects Mondale's backing"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

ABC News' SUNLEN MILLER: "Obama Walking a Fine Line Engaging Clinton"LINK

New York Times' KATHARINE Q. SEELYE: "Obama Plays Convincing Obama in a Skit Mocking Clinton"LINK

Newsweek's Howard Fineman and Richard Wolffe: "What She Can't Do Is Have It Both Ways'"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

ABC News' MARY BRUCE and LINDSAY HAMILTON: "Edwards Adds to the Clinton 'Pile On'"LINK

ABC News' Raelyn Johnson: "Edwards Challenges Clinton on Peru Trade Deal"LINK

lNew York Times' JEFF ZELENY and MICHAEL COOPER: "Edwards Raises Criticism of Clinton Over Iraq Plan"LINK

2008: Democrats: Biden:

Des Moines Register's SARAH LEFEBER: "Biden plans talk with Pakistan president"LINK

2008: Democrats:

Washington Times' Donald Lambro: "Change called crucial for '08"LINK

New York Times' PAUL KRUGMAN: "Wobbled by Wealth?"LINK

Washington Times' Donald Lambro: "Change called crucial for '08"LINK

Washington Times' Christina Bellantoni: "Democrats eye Nevada caucuses"LINK

Chicago Tribune's Frank James: "Old drug lords respect Rudy but pick Clinton"LINK

2008: Bloomberg:

Newsweek's Jon Meacham: "How Bloomberg Could Shake Up '08"LINK

2008: Early States:

Newsweek's Evan Thomas and Richard Wolffe: "Despite Other States' Moves, Iowa Still Crucial"LINK

Politico: "State of the States: Caucuses closing in"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Mark Z. Barabak: "Where candidates go, these activists follow"LINK

2008: Fundraising:

Bloomberg's Jonathan D. Salant: "Watergate-Era Fundraising Returns With Clinton, Obama, Giuliani"LINK

2008: Congress:

The State's AARON GOULD SHEININ: "Graham win likely despite polls"LINK


Wall Street Journal's EVAN PEREZ and JACKIE CALMES: "Frustration Builds for Democrats"LINK

Election Day:

ABC News' TAHMAN BRADLEY: "Democrats Smell Victory in Kentucky Gov. Race"LINK