The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

November 6, 2007— -- 2008: Republicans: Thompson:

ABC News' Christine Byun: "Thompson $$ Man Resigns"LINK

Washington Times' Joseph Curl: "Thompson talks guns in N.H."LINK

Union Leader's Stephen Beale: "Thompson says it's about strength"LINK

Concord Monitor's Kate Davidson: "Thompson: Cut corporate taxes"LINK

2008: Republicans: Romney:

Boston Globe's Michael Levenson: "Romney wins backing from Paul Weyrich"LINK

New York Times' Michael Luo: "Romney Gets Major Backer on the Right"LINK

Boston Herald' Dave Wedge: "Mitt's poll toll"LINK

Associated Press: "Romney calls Musharraf move disappointing, says aid should remain"LINK

2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

ABC News Jan Simmonds: "Giuliani Shows Love For Dems and Huckabee"LINK

New York Times' Michael Cooper: "Giuliani Says Successes Surpass Kerik's Mistakes"LINK

Union Leader's Stephen Beale: "Giuliani points to his record"LINK

Associated Press: "Giuliani says focus on gains, not errors"LINK

Concord Monitor's Joelle Farrell: "A willingness to fight"LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

Washington Post's E. J. Dionne Jr.: "Can McCain Make It Back?"LINK

Des Moines Register's Jason Clayworth: "McCain: GOP rivals are wrong on torture"LINK

Des Moines Register's Tony Leys: "McCain: Ethanol subsidy unneeded"LINK

2008: Republicans: Huckabee:

Tennessean's Jennifer Brooks: "Huckabee finds good will in Thompson territory"LINK

2008: Republicans: Hunter:

ABC News' Z. Byron Wolf: "Shades of the Shah"LINK

2008: Republicans: Paul:

ABC News' Z. BYRON WOLF: "Ron Paul Is Money"LINK

New York Times' David D. Kirkpatrick: "Ron Paul Raises More Than $4 Million in One Day"LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

ABC News' RICK KLEIN: "Pelosi: Clinton Camp Played Gender Card"LINK

Associated Press: "Group Sues to Get Clinton Records"LINK

New York Times' PATRICK HEALY: "Clinton Energy Plan Includes Push for Higher Gas Mileage"LINK

New York Times' BOB HERBERT: "Hillary's Tough Sell"LINK

New York Sun's JOSH GERSTEIN: "Impact of Clinton Letter on Records Is Questioned"LINK

New York Sun: "Hillary's Latest Flip-Flop"LINK


Globe Gazette's JOHN SKIPPER: "Clinton: Ending war first priority"LINK

Associated Press: "Clinton defends wife on licenses"LINK

ABC News' Eloise Harper: "Clinton Tells Iowa Voters: Don't Drink Very Much on New Years Eve"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

Chicago Sun Times' Jennifer Hunter: "Obama turns up heat as he targets Hillary"LINK

Sarasota Herald Tribune's Carol E. Lee: "Obama pops in for fundraiser"LINK

The Atlantic's Andrew Sullivan: "Goodbye to All That"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

New York Times' Jeff Zeleny: "In Iowa Field, Edwards Sees Only Senator Clinton"LINK

Boston Globe's Peter S. Canellos: "Edwards's strategy could benefit Obama"LINK

Quad City Times' Jens Manuel Krogstad: "Edwards calls for teacher incentives at education forum"LINK

Des Moines Register's TONY LEYS: "Edwards accuses Clinton of aiding Bush on Iran"LINK

2008: Democrats: Richardson:

Des Moines Register's Willian Petroski: "Richardson presents Purple Heart"LINK

2008: Democrats: Dodd:

Chicago Tribune's David Lightman: "Chris Dodd: The happy warrior"LINK

2008: Democrats:

New York Times' Katharine Q. Seelye: "Iowa Dinner for 9,000"LINK

Washington Post's Juliet Eilperin: "Climate Is a Risky Issue for Democrats"LINK

Washington Times' Brian DeBose: "Edwards, Dodd criticize Hillary on Iran, energy"LINK

2008: Early States:

New York Times' Julie Bosman: "Le Mars, Iowa? Perhaps It's the Ice Cream"LINK

Associated Press: "Rhode Island: Bill on Primary Is Vetoed"LINK

Newsweek's Evan Thomas and Richard Wolffe: "Iowa's Field Of Dreamers"LINK

Presidential Candidates:

Washington Post's Chris Cillizza: "Romney, Rudy and the Electability Question"LINK

Politico's Erika Lovley: "Pols get second chance to connect online"LINK

Boston Herald: "From the top: Poll $tar"LINK


Washington Times' Stephen Dinan: "Poll finds 77% oppose licenses for illegals"LINK

Political Contributions:

Bloomberg's Jonathan D. Salant: "Watergate-Era Fundraising Returns With Clinton, Obama, Giuliani"LINK


New York Sun's GRACE RAUH: "Bloomberg Presidential Speculation Gets a Boost"LINK

President Bush:

Associated Press: "Bush Pushes Hill Foes, Allies to the Max"LINK

Campaign Impropriety:

ABC News' MARCUS BARAM: "In Heat of Campaign, No Forgiveness for Troublemakers"LINK

Bush Family:

Washington Post's Michael D. Shear: "Bush Vote Divided in GOP Race"LINK


ABC News' JAKE TAPPER: "Colbert Abandons Presidential Bid"LINK