The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

November 16, 2007— -- Democratic Debate:

ABC News' David Chalian: "Targeting Rivals, Clinton Gets Back on Track"LINK

New York Times' PATRICK HEALY and JEFF ZELENY: "Clinton's in Thick of Barbed Democratic Debate"LINK

Washington Post's Anne E. Kornblut and Dan Balz: "Democratic Contenders Step Up Attacks in Debate"LINK

Politico's Ben Smith: "Clinton fights back in Las Vegas"LINK

Wall Street Journal's JACKIE CALMES and CHRISTOPHER COOPER: "Rivals Pick Up Clinton Criticism As Caucuses Near"LINK

2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

ABC News' Jared Wiener: "Get to Know Rudy Giuliani"LINK

Boston Globe's Brian C. Mooney: "Giuliani takes liberties on his NYC record"LINK

Des Moines Register's JANE NORMAN: "King raises concerns about Giuliani's views"LINK

2008: Republicans: Thompson:

Washington Times: "Fred Thompson and the NRLC"LINK

Associated Press: "Thompson argues polls will change"LINK

New York Daily News' HELEN KENNEDY: "Fred Thompson treads lightly on fellow GOP candidates"LINK

2008: Republicans: Romney:

Paul M. Weyrich: "The Romney difference"LINK

Boston Globe & Associated Press: "Rivals tag Romney on healthcare pitch"LINK

Associated Press: "Voters say anti-Romney calls made by polling firm"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Phil Willon: "Romney mines for votes in Southern California"LINK

Concord Monitor's MIKE PRIDE: "Romney backs Bush while running against his record"LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

New York Times' Marc Santora: "McCain Finds Sympathy on Torture Issue"LINK

New York Times' KATHARINE Q. SEELYE: "A Campaign Hopes a Slur Will Lead to Donations"LINK

2008: Republicans: Paul:

New York Sun's Joseph Goldstein: "U.S. Raids Issuer of Ron Paul Coins"LINK

2008: Republicans: Huckabee:

Time's David Van Biema: "Huckabee Stands By a Televangelist"LINK

Greenville News' Lark Reynolds: "Janet Huckabee campaigns for husband in Upstate"LINK

Des Moines Register's JONATHAN ROOS: "Poll finds Huckabee at Romney's heels"LINK

2008: Republicans: Tancredo:

Washington Times' Diana West: "A reality check"LINK

Associated Press: "Tancredo to get $400 haircut for charity"LINK

2008: Republicans:

ABC News' Matt Stuart: "Romney to Thompson: "At Least I have a [Healthcare] Plan""LINK

ABC News' Christine Byun: "Thompson to Romney Camp: 'Quit Whining'"LINK

Associated Press: "Romney Assails Giuliani on Immigration"LINK

Washington Times' Joseph Curl: "Hollywood stars mum on donations to GOP"LINK

Bloomberg's Catherine Dodge and Matthew Benjamin: "Giuliani, Romney Spell Out Tax Cuts, Sidestep Spending Curbs"LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

ABC News' Jake Tapper: "Pardon Me?"LINK

Politico's Roger Simon: "Diamonds and Pearls for Hillary"LINK

Newsweek's Howard Fineman: "Fireproofed--and Firing Away"LINK

Associated Press: "Clinton says rivals twisting her record"LINK

Des Moines Register's DAVID YEPSEN: "That's why the lady is a champ"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

New York Times' PAUL KRUGMAN: "Played for a Sucker"LINK

Washington Times' Seth McLaughlin: "Kaine going to Iowa to promote Obama in '08"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Ronald Brownstein: "Obama as the red-blue uniter"LINK

New York Sun's ELI LAKE: "Obama Falters Over Illegal Immigrants"LINK

Des Moines Register's JASON CLAYWORTH: "Region 4 autoworkers vote to endorse Obama"LINK

2008: Democrats:

New York Times' Michael Cooper: "It Was Clinton vs. Obama on Health Care"LINK

Boston Globe's Scott Helman: "Position on immigration testing Democrats"LINK

Des Moines Register's JANE NORMAN: "Candidates sign on for forum aimed at minority concerns"LINK

2008: Early States:

Associated Press: "Michigan court hears primary election appeal"LINK

2008: Presidential Candidates:

Wall Street Journal's John Harwood: "Affluent Voters Switch Brands"LINK

The Hill's Alexander Bolton: "Bush showed more than '08 hopefuls"LINK

Greenville News' Dan Hoover: "Giuliani, Clinton clearly lead in Southeast polls"LINK


Concord Monitor's Sarah Liebowitz: "Forget that Lincoln-Douglas thing"LINK


John Kerry And Newt Gingrich: "E-Prescriptions"LINK

Karl Rove:

Politico's Michael Calderone: "Newsweek hires Karl Rove"LINK