The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

December 4, 2007— -- USA Today/Gallup Poll:

USA Today's Susan Page: "Poll: Giuliani, Clinton support slips a month from first votes"LINK

2008: Republicans: Huckabee:

New York Times: "Huckabee Repudiates Group's Effort"LINK

Washington Post's Perry Bacon Jr.: "Huckabee Chafes at 'Front-Runner' Label"LINK

New York Daily News' HELEN KENNEDY: "Mike Huckabee rise in Iowa great news for...Rudy Giuliani?"LINK

Weekly Standard's Dean Barnett: "Huckabee's Rise"LINK

Washington Post's Richard Cohen: "Un-Mormon and Unchristian"LINK

2008: Republicans: Romney:

ABC News' Matt Stuart: "Romney: I'm Not Giving a JFK Speech"LINK

Washington Post's Michael D. Shear and Alec MacGillis: "Romney Hopes to Ease Qualms on His Faith"LINK

USA Today's David Jackson: "Romney to address Mormon faith in speech"LINK

Politico's Mike Allen and Jonathan Martin: "Romney speech on faith brings risk"LINK

The Washington Times' Glen Johnson: "Romney speech to focus on religion, U.S. heritage"LINK

The Boston Globe's Michael Levenson: "Pressed, Romney to speak on his Mormonism"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Michael Finnegan: "Mormonism not focus of Romney speech"LINK

Salt Lake Tribune's Thomas Burr: "Mitt to speak his mind, faith"LINK

Deseret Morning News' Lisa Riley Roche: "Mitt's 'JFK speech' called 'wild gamble'"LINK

Boston Herald's Jessica Van Sack: "Mitt puts faith in Mormon speech"LINK

2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

New York Times' ERIC LIPTON and RUSS BUETTNER: "Giuliani's Firm Lobbied for Bill Considered Threat"LINK

Wall Street Journal's MARY JACOBY: "Giuliani Quit Role at His Firm"LINK

Newsweek's Michael Isikoff: "The Qatari Connection"LINK


New York Daily News' Michael Daly: "To be top gun, Rudy Giuliani sells out"LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

Union Leader's MARK HAYWARD: "McCain explains what he would have done"LINK

Associated Press: "McCain: I'm old, but best candidate"LINK

The State's MATT STEARNS: "Hemingway inspired McCain"LINK

Senator John McCain: "An Enduring Peace Built on Freedom"LINK

2008: Republicans: Paul:

ABC News' Z. Byron Wolf: "Ron Paul to Appear on 'The View'"LINK

Wall Street Journal's SUSAN DAVIS: "How Paul Could Change Race"LINK

Christian Science Monitor's Ari Pinkus: "Adroit online, Ron Paul backers hit the streets of N.H."LINK

2008: Republicans:

ABC News' David Chalian: "RNC Chair Predicts Long Nomination Fight"LINK

2008: Democrats:

USA Today's Jill Lawrence: "For Clinton and Obama, war of words rages on"LINK

New York Times' MARC SANTORA: "Candidates Hold to Their Stances on Iran"LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

New York Times' CARL HULSE: "Vulnerable Democrats See Fates Tied to Clinton"LINK

New York Times' PATRICK HEALY: "Clinton Aims for Anger Without Making People Mad"LINK

Washington Post's Dan Balz and Anne E. Kornblut: "As Iowa Race Tightens, Clinton Decides the Best Defense Is a Good Offense"LINK

Time's JAY NEWTON-SMALL: "Will Clinton's Obama Attacks Backfire?"LINK

Newsweek's Jonathan Alter: "Fighting Words"LINK

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton: "Security and Opportunity for the Twenty-first Century"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

New York Times' Katharine Q. Seelye: "Oprah Overload Alert"LINK

Boston Globe's Scott Helman: "Obama says Democrats need decisive win to make wide changes"LINK

Des Moines Register's JASON CLAYWORTH: "Obama offers plan for averting credit trouble"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

Des Moines Register's TONY LEYS: "Edwards promises to name Republicans to his Cabinet"LINK

Chicago Tribune: "An urgent agenda"LINK

Concord Monitor's CHELSEA CONABOY: "Establishment remains target for Edwards"LINK

Associated Press: "Edwards helps haircut charity"LINK

2008: Democrats: Richardson:

Quad City Times' Ruben Navarrette: "Richardson won't settle for VP in caucus campaign"LINK

2008: Polls:

The Washington Times' Michael Barone: "Inclinations in Iowa"LINK


The State: "Poll shows Huckabee closing gap"LINK

2008: Early States:

ABC News' JENNIFER PARKER: "Caucus Countdown: The Importance of Iowa"LINK

Wall Street Journal's GERALD F. SEIB: "Why Independents Hold the Key"LINK

President Bush:

Washington Post's Peter Baker and Robin Wright: "A Blow to Bush's Tehran Policy"LINK

The Washington Times' Joseph Curl: "Bush still a factor, Rove warns"LINK

Washington Post's Jonathan Weisman: "Bush Steps Up Attacks on Congress"LINK

Politico's Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei: "Bush aides plan 2008 makeover"LINK

Presidential Debates:

Politico's David Mark: "CNN, LA Times, Politico to sponsor debates"LINK

Climate Change:

Senator John Kerry: "Planet's fate hinges on our choices"LINK