The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

December 19, 2007— -- Must Reads:

ABC News/Washington Post Poll:ABC News' Gary Langer: "POLL: In Iowa Democratic Caucuses, Turnout Will Tell the Tale" LINK

Washington Post's Dan Balz and Jon Cohen: "Iowa Poll Spotlights Importance Of Turnout" LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

New York Times' MARC SANTORA: "McCain Sees a Need for Mortgage Aid" LINK

Washington Times' Stephen Dinan: "McCain embraces tax cut turnaround" LINK

2008: Republicans: Huckabee:

ABC News' Kevin Chupka: "Huckabee on Christ Ad Brouhaha: 'Paul is Dead'" LINK

New York Times' MARK LEIBOVICH: "Huckabee Now a Candidate With Something to Lose" LINK


2008: Republicans: Romney:

Boston Globe's Michael Levenson: "Candidate has another teary moment" LINK

Associated Press: "Fact Check: Romney's pardoning practices" LINK

Boston Herald's Dave Wedge: "Abortion support on film" LINK

2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

Washington Post's John Solomon and Matthew Mosk: "Giuliani's Kerik Woes Resurface Through Informant" LINK

Los Angeles Times' Stephen Braun: "Giuliani faces 9/11 backlash" LINK

2008: Republicans: Paul:

Des Moines Register's ERIN JORDAN: "Paul wants choices available to patients" LINK

2008: Republicans: Thompson:

ABC News' Christine Byun: "Thompson Tries to Stay in the 'Christmas Spirit.' Sort Of." LINK

Des Moines Register's BILL THEOBALD: "Thompson: Rivals lack experience in foreign policy area"LINK

2008: Republicans:

The Hill's Sam Youngman: "For Republicans, an early start that might lead to a late finish" LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

Washington Post's Howard Kurtz: "For Clinton, A Matter of Fair Media" LINK

ABC News' Kate Snow: "Bush 41: Thanks But No Thanks" LINK

New York Times' PATRICK HEALY: "After Delay, Clinton Embarks on a Likability Tour" LINK

Washington Post's Sridhar Pappu: "The Magic & Bill Show, Providing The Charisma Assist" LINK

Wall Street Journal's JACKIE CALMES: "Clinton Secret Weapon: Organization" LINK

Washington Times' Christina Bellantoni: "Hillary's appeal struggles to span party divide" LINK

New York Daily News' MICHAEL McAULIFF and THOMAS M. DeFRANK: "Bill Clinton seen as upstaging Hillary" LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

Washington Post's Alec MacGillis: "Ken Burns Compares Obama to Lincoln" LINK

Washington Times: "Barack Obama" LINK

Time's JAY NEWTON-SMALL: "Obama's Foreign-Policy Problem" LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

New York Times' ADAM NAGOURNEY: "It's Edwards the Fighter in the Iowa Homestretch" LINK

Washington Times' Joseph Curl: "Edwards would repeal gay 'discriminatory' laws" LINK

Union Leader's CAROL ROBIDOUX: "Edwards hopes Raitt, Browne help him in NH" LINK

2008: Democrats: Richardson:

Los Angeles Times' Scott Martelle: "Richardson TV ad opens fire" LINK

Des Moines Register's WILLIAM PETROSKI: "Richardson emphasizes views on Iraq"LINK

2008: Democrats:

Boston Globe's Peter S. Canellos: "Rivals borrow each other's playbook" LINK

Chicago Tribune's Rick Pearson and John McCormick: "'2nd choice' up for grabs in Iowa race" LINK

2008: Early States:

Union Leader's JOHN DISTASO: "Political 'push poll' probed" LINK

Union Leader's CLYNTON NAMUO: "25% of potential NH voters didn't live in state in 2000" LINK

Presidential Groups:

Wall Street Journal's Brody Mullins: "Interest Groups Gain In Election Cash Quest" LINK

Election Issues:

Los Angeles Times' Peter Wallsten: "Economy rivals security as top concern for voters" LINK


Washington Times' Stephen Dinan: "Semantics of immigration have candidates on guard" LINK

Candidates & Gadgets:

New York Times' Sarah Wheaton: "Candidates Rockin' the Gadgets" LINK