The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

December 31, 2007— -- Polls:

New York Times' Patrick Healy and Julie Bosman "With New Poll Results, Candidates Scramble for Edge in Caucuses"LINK

Wall Street Journal's LAURA MECKLER: "Romney Claws Back in Iowa Polls"LINK

Must Read:

Wall Street Journal's Jonathan Kaufman, Alex Frangos and Amy Chozick: "Democratic Voters' Fervor Stirs Republican Worries"LINK

Iowa Caucuses:

Des Moines Register's Thomas Beaumont: "Democrats hammer state to secure votes"LINK

ABC News: The Final Four Days: Candidates Jockeying for Position in IowaLINK

New York Times' JODI KANTOR: "For New Year's Eve in Iowa, Restrained Revelry"LINK

Washington Post's Michael D. Shear and Perry Bacon Jr.: "Huckabee, Romney Make Sunday Push for Evangelicals"LINK

Wall Street Journal's AMY CHOZICK: "As Volunteers Swamp Campaigns, Hospitable Iowans Pitch In"LINK

USA Today's Susan Page: "2008 presidential hopefuls offer last pitches for Iowa"LINK

Chicago Tribune's Rick Pearson and John Chase: "Candidates ring out the year with verbal fireworks"LINK

Times' JAY NEWTON-SMALL: "New Year's Eve, Iowa-Style"LINK

Des Moines Register: "Final arguments"LINK

Christian Science Monitor's Linda Feldmann: "Iowa's many undecided voters hold the key to caucuses"LINK

2008: Republicans: Huckabee:

Politico's Roger Simon: "Huckabee says Romney owes him apology"LINK

New York Times' David D. Kirkpatrick: "A Huckabee Spot Levels an Attack ..."LINK

Wall Street Journal's LAURA MECKLER: "The Spirit Behind Huckabee's Advertising Approach"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Joe Mathews: "Huckabee's double-edged faith"LINK

Times' MICHAEL SCHERER: "Mike Huckabee: Front Runner Q&A"LINK

Associated Press: "Huckabee Affirms 'Christ' Comment"LINK


Salon's Mike Madden: "Mike Huckabee's leap of faith"LINK

2008: Republicans: Romney:

ABC News' Teddy Davis: "Romney Chides Rivals for Dissing Bush"LINK

New York Times' MICHAEL LUO: "... And Romney Fires One of His Own"LINK

Boston Globe's Michael Levenson: "Credibility pounded, Romney wrestles uncertainties"LINK

Boston Herald's Jessica Van Sack: "Holy dirty tricks surface"LINK

2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

New York Post's Carl Campanile and Geoff Earle: "RUDY'S GOT NO HEARTLAND"LINK

Concord Monitor's Joelle Farrell: "In final days, Giuliani returns to old theme"LINK

New Yorker's Elizabeth Kolbert: "Old Habits"LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

Washington Post's Jeffrey H. Birnbaum and John Solomon: "McCain's Unlikely Ties to K Street"LINK

Union Leader's KRISTEN SENZ: "McCain's straight talk wins a vote"LINK

2008: Republicans: Paul:

Wall Street Journal's Mary Jacoby: "Ron Paul's War Chest Swelled in 4th Quarter"LINK

Des Moines Register: "Candidate profile: U.S. could face financial crisis if budget isn't balanced, Paul says"LINK

2008: Republicans: Thompson:

Washington Times' Stephen Dinan: "Thompson takes aim at 2nd place, Democrats"LINK

2008: Republicans:

Los Angeles Times' Scott Martelle: "GOP candidates turn up the volume"LINK

2008: Democrats:

New York Times' Mark Leibovich: "Democrats Try Various Styles, and Pronouns"LINK

Boston Globe's Sasha Issenberg: "Rhetorical tools reflect 3 Democrats' legal talents"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Seema Mehta and Maria L. La Ganga: "Iowa Democrats look to pick a winner"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

Washington Post's Peter Slevin and Jose Antonio Vargas: "Obama Tries New Tactics To Get Out Vote in Iowa"LINK

Bloomberg's Kim Chipman and Wahyudi Soeriaatmadja: "Obama's Jakarta Friends Recall a Would-Be Leader, Tattle-Tale"LINK

Washington Times' Christina Bellantoni: "Obama makes run to middle"LINK

The Hill's Aaron Blake: "Obama battles back on experience question while wooing undecideds"LINK

The Nation's Bob Moser: "South Carolina: Inside the 'Black Primary'"LINK

Boston Globe's Lisa Wangsness: "Patrick touts Obama as best fit for the times"LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

Des Moines Register's Jennifer Jacobs: "Google, goodies and 'angels' target women in Iowa"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

New York Times' Kate Zernike: "After a Son's Death, a Shared Mission in Politics"LINK

2008: Democrats: Richardson:

Des Moines Register's William Petroski: "Richardson tries to close sale with undecided Iowa Democrats"LINK

Fort Dodge Messenger's DAWN THOMPSON: "Richardson fields questions"LINK

2008: Democrats: Kucinich:

Christian Science Monitor's Amanda Paulson: "Dennis Kucinich: A peace-seeking idealist to the core"LINK


New York Times' Sam Roberts: "Bloomberg Moves Closer to Running for President"LINK


New York Daily News' ADAM LISBERG: "Bloomberg, key moderates to brainstorm on third-party Presidential bid"LINK

Religion and Politics:

Chicago Tribune's Jason George: "Candidates come marching in with religion"LINK

2008: Early States:

ABC News' Jake Tapper and Elizabeth Stuart: "Campus Kingmakers Bask in Candidates' Attention"LINK

Politico's Ben Smith and Jonathan Martin: "The final countdown"LINK

Wall Street Journal's Ana Rivas: "Candidates' Returns From Early Primaries Aren't Easy to Predict"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Louise Roug: "Politics swarms Des Moines after dark"LINK

Union Leader: "Two dead heats with one week to go"LINK

Presidential Ads:

Des Moines Register's Jane Norman: "Controversy surrounds nonprofits' 'issue ads'"LINK

Campaign Spending:

Associated Press: "Tough financial decisions ahead for Romney, McCain, Edwards"LINK

Prediction Markets:

Wall Street Journal's Justin Wolfers: "Best Bet for Next President: Prediction Markets"LINK