The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

January 9, 2008— -- New Hampshire Primary:

Washington Post's Michael D. Shear and Juliet Eilperin: "Clinton and McCain Rebound to Take N.H."LINK

New York Times' PATRICK HEALY and MICHAEL COOPER; "Clinton Is Victor, Turning Back Obama; McCain Also Triumphs"LINK

ABC News' JENNIFER PARKER: "Clinton Wins in N.H.: I 'Found My Voice'"LINK

ABC News' RUSSELL GOLDMAN: "Sen. John McCain Wins in N.H."LINK

Wall Street Journal's JACKIE CALMES: "McCain, Clinton Bounce Back"LINK

Union Leader's JOHN DISTASO: "Watchword went from 'change' to 'comeback'"LINK

2008: Republicans: McCain:

New York Times' Michael Luo: "McCain's Victory Scrambles Field"LINK

Washington Post's Jonathan Weisman and Paul Kane: "A Dramatic Second Act for the Senator From Arizona"LINK

Politico's Jonathan Martin and John F. Harris: "N.H. opens path to nomination for McCain"LINK

Wall Street Journal's MONICA LANGLEY: "McCain Victory Built on War Experience"LINK

Time's Ana Marie Cox: "McCain's Momentum: The Sequel"LINK

2008: Republicans: Romney:

ABC News' John Berman, Ursula Fahy, and Matt Stuart report: "Here We Lose Again"LINK

Boston Globe's Michael Levenson: "Romney stung twice, but pressing on"LINK

Time's ANA MARIE COX AND JAY CARNEY: "For Romney, Silver Getting Dull"LINK

Boston Herald's Jessica Van Sack: "Mitt concedes defeat, vows to continue on"LINK

2008: Republicans: Huckabee:

Associated Press: "Huckabee says he's OK with third"LINK

2008: Republicans: Giuliani:

ABC News' Jan Simmonds: "Giuliani Concedes New Hampshire, Not The Nomination"LINK

Journal News' Glenn Blain: "Giuliani leaves N.H. early in defeat, heads for Fla."LINK


2008: Republicans: Thompson:

Associated Press: "Thompson vows to 'make my stand' for a strong showing in S.C."LINK

The State's Roddie A. Burris: "Thompson cruises through S.C."LINK

2008: Republicans: Paul:

ABC News' Z. Byron Wolf: "Paul to Continue With "Grand Revolution"LINK

2008: Republicans:

New York Sun's Seth Gitell: "Republican Contest Is Reshaped by New Hampshire Vote"LINK

The Hill's Jeremy Jacobs: "With N.H. in the books, GOP field is muddled"LINK

2008: Democrats: Clinton:

New York Times' MICHAEL POWELL: "Retooled Campaign and Loyal Voters Add Up"LINK

Washington Post's Anne E. Kornblut and Shailagh Murray: "N.Y. Senator Defies Polls, Edges Obama"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Peter Wallsten: "Why Feb. 5 looks super to Clinton"LINK

New York Times' MAUREEN DOWD: "Can Hillary Cry Her Way Back to the White House?"LINK

Associated Press: "New faces to join Clinton team"LINK

Time's Karen Tumulty: "How Hillary Turned it Around"LINK

2008: Democrats: Obama:

New York Times' Jeff Zeleny: "From a Big Boost for Obama to a Sharp Blow"LINK

Washington Post's Perry Bacon Jr.: "Obama Tries to Prove Electability to Blacks in S.C."LINK

Wall Street Journal's KRIS MAHER: "Key Union May Back Obama Run"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Maria L. La Ganga: "Obama has new rallying cry: Yes, we can!"LINK

Associated Press: "Obama family in Kenya watches U.S. vote"LINK

Bloomberg's Viola Gienger and Julianna Goldman: "Obama Appeals to Kenyan Opposition Leader to Resolve Conflict"LINK

Washington Times' Ralph Z. Hallow: "Republicans prepare to take aim at Obama"LINK

Time's Michael Duffy: "Obama Moves On, Without a Bounce"LINK

The Daily Telegraph's MIKE PFLANZ: "Obama Is My Cousin, Odinga Says"LINK

2008: Democrats: Edwards:

ABC News' David Muir and Raelyn Johnson: "Edwards: 'Two Races Down...48 States To Go'"LINK

New York Times' Julie Bosman: "He's Staying in Campaign, Edwards Tells Supporters"LINK

Los Angeles Times' Seema Mehta and Scott Martelle: "Edwards' chances continue to diminish"LINK

2008: Democrats: Richardson:

ABC News' Sarah Amos: "Richardson Looks West"LINK

2008: Democrats:

The Hill's Sam Youngman: "Analysis: After Clinton win, unpredictability replaces inevitability'LINK

Early States:

Wall Street Journal's June Kronholz: "For the Losers, the Campaign Isn't Over Just Yet"LINK

Presidential Candidates:

Boston Globe's Sasha Issenberg: "Candidates spread thin in the push to Feb. 5"LINK