Sneak Peek: Iraq War Back in '08 Spotlight

Iraq is back in the '08 spotlight with Tuesday's high profile hearings.

April 07, 2008— -- Iraq will be front and center in the presidential race on Tuesday when Gen. David Petraeus and Amb. Ryan Crocker testify on Capitol Hill.

John McCain and Hillary Clinton are up first: the Senate Armed Services Committee on which they serve receives testimony at 9:30 am ET.

Barack Obama gets his turn at 2:30 pm ET when Petraeus and Crocker testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

In an argument likely to be echoed by the Democratic candidates, Joe Biden, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, plans to say that the surge was "a means to an end" while arguing that the U.S. seems to be no closer to achieving political reconciliation in Iraq.

When Petraeus and Crocker testified on the Hill back in September of 2007, Clinton made waves by saying that their reports require a "willing suspension of disbelief."

Watch it here. made waves of its own by running a "General Petraeus or General Betray Us" print ad in the New York Times which accused the general overseeing forces in Iraq of "cooking the books" for the White House.

Now that has officially endorsed Obama for president, the liberal advocacy group appears to be taking a more cautious tack.

In a just published interview with, Montana Democratic Gov. Brian Schweitzer said Obama should rethink his opposition to long-term bases in Iraq.

Schweitzer, an early Iraq war opponent who is currently neutral in the '08 race, said U.S. bases in Iraq could function as a "tripwire" against a broader regional war.

Schweitzer plans to back whoever wins Montana's June 3rd primary.

Obama and Clinton Speak (Once Again) to the Communications Workers of America

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama speak back-to-back Tuesday morning to the Communications Workers of America conference in Washington, D.C.

In yet another sign that the '08 race has been a long one, this is their second visit to C.W.A.'s annual political-legislative gathering as Democratic presidential contenders.

Clinton speaks at 8:00 am ET and Obama speaks at 8:30 am ET.

Anger with Clinton's Iraq war vote was on display at last year's C.W.A. convention when members of the anti-war group, Code Pink, were removed from the speech site by hotel security prior to the former first lady's remarks.

Superdelegate at Stake in California Special Election'

The 12th congressional district of California is holding a Special Election on Tuesday to fill the seat of the late Rep. Tom Lantos, D-Calif., who died earlier this year.

The race pits Clinton supporter Jackie Speier against Obama supporter Michelle McMurry.

Per CalPeek's Dick Rosengarten, "All sources expect" Speier, who enjoys the endorsement of the California Democratic Primary, "to win a majority of the votes cast" in tomorrow's Special Election.

If that happens, Speier can take her seat in Congress and Clinton gets an additional superdelegate. If she falls short, then Speier will have to face a June 3rd runoff .

Obama Outraised Clinton and McCain Combined in March

Now that John McCain has announced new fundraising information, we know that Barack Obama outraised McCain and Hillary Clinton combined in the month of March. While McCain raised more than $15 million and Clinton raised $20 million, Obama raised more than $40 million.

TiVo alert:

Hillary Clinton appears on ABC's "Good Morning America" on Tuesday morning while Barack Obama appears on NBC's "Today."

The kicker:

"If she's actively seeking the vice presidency, then she's the last one to know about it."

--State Department spokesman Sean McCormack on whether Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is actively pursuing the GOP's vice presidential nomination

On the campaign front. . .


-- 8:30 am ET: Delivers remarks to the Communication Workers of America, Washington, DC

-- 2:30 pm ET: Attends hearing of General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, Washington, DC


-- 11:40 am ET: Attends round table discussion with voters, Harrisburg, NC

-- 2:30 pm ET: Attends event with voters, Winston-Salem, NC

-- 7:30 pm ET: Attends event with voters, Raleigh, NC


-- 8:00 am ET: Delivers remarks to the Communication Workers of America, Washington, DC

-- 9:30 am ET: Attends hearing of General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, Washington, DC

As for the Republicans. . .


-- 8:15 am ET: Attends rally with veterans, Washington, DC

-- 9:30 am ET: Attends hearing of General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, Washington, DC

-- Attends fundraiser with supporters, Washington, DC

At the White House and Beyond. . .


-- 3:05 pm ET: Participates in Medal of Honor Presentation, Washington, DC


-- 9:30 am ET: Testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Washington, DC

-- 2:30 pm ET: Testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Washington, DC


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ABC News' Z. Byron Wolf Reports: The Iraq Assessment You Don't Get to See LINK

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