Decisions, Decisions

Sen. Obama on his VP selection process: "Everybody just needs to settle down."

June 5, 2008— -- With three days off the campaign trail ahead of him, Barack Obama tried to put an end to the speculation about the process of selecting a running mate and whether the name Hillary Clinton is on that shortlist.

The presumptive Democratic nominee told reporters that the next time he will talk about the topic will be when he has selected his running mate. (Not like that will stop the endless speculation, rumors, questions, non-answers and covert stake-outs)

"[I]f you hear, you know, second hand accounts, rumors, gossip about the selection process, you can take it from me that it is wrong because uh, we're not going to be talking about it in the press," Obama said on his campaign plane en route to an event in Northern Virginia.

"We are going to be equally deliberative in how we move forward and we're not going to do it in the press and we're not going to do it through surrogates."

Earlier in the day the presumptive Democratic nominee told CNN that "everybody just needs to settle down."

While her supporters continued to push the idea of her on the ticket, the Clinton campaign felt compelled to put out a statement reiterating what several of her supporters have said in the last 24 hours – this is Obama's decision to make.

"While Senator Clinton has made clear throughout this process that she will do whatever she can to elect a Democrat to the White House, she is not seeking the vice presidency, and no one speaks for her but her.  The choice here is Senator Obama's and his alone."

Tivo Alert! John McCain sat down with ABC News' Charles Gibson and said he considers himself the underdog, ABC News' Ed O'Keefe reports.

"I'm surprised, frankly, to see the polls as close as they are, given our brand problems in the Republican Party. I'm pleased where we are," Sen. McCain, R-Ariz., the presumptive Republican nominee, told ABC News anchor Charlie Gibson in an interview airing Thursday on "World News."

McCain told Gibson he sees "energizing independents and Reagan Democrats" as his biggest obstacle in the race, telling ABC News, "We're going to be in kind of a presidential campaign where the independents, Reagan Democrats, would be the reason why I win."

McCain has the campaign trail (and media spotlight) all to himself tomorrow, with Obama taking a day off and the Clinton event not until Saturday. The presumptive Republican nominee holds a press availability in Miami.

On the campaign front. . .


-- No public events scheduled.

As for the Republicans. . .


-- 2:15 pm ET: Attends an Everglades Air Boat Tour in Miami, FL.

-- 3:00 pm ET: Speaks to reporters in Miami, FL.

At the White House. . .


-- Spends the weekend at Camp David with no public events.


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