The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

July 2, 2008— -- 2008: McCain and Obama:

ABC News' Bret Hovell: "McCain: Obama Should Cut Wesley Clark Loose." LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Michael Finnegan and Cathleen Decker: "McCain, Obama quietly take opposing stands on California's same-sex marriage ban measure" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Jim Puzzanghera: "The road to the White House is now mapped - Websites and blogs show where Obama and McCain have been, where they're going, and where they're getting money from" LINK

The Associated Press': "Quayle: McCain faces struggle against Obama" LINK

2008: McCain:

The Los Angeles Times' Robin Abcarian: "The language line - A McCain questioner hits a nerve with a question about English in America. He agrees on its importance, but also urges tolerance" LINK

The New York Times' Elisabeth Bumiller and Simon Romero: "Improve Human Rights, McCain Tells Colombian President" LINK

The Washington Post's Juliet Eilperin and Michael D. Shear: "McCain Stressing Trade On Latin American Trip" LINK

The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza: "Jindal Dodges Potential Veepstakes Pitfall" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's John D. McKinnon: "How Bush Ratings Complicate McCain's Presidential Fight" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Laura Meckler: "McCain Addresses Rights, Trade in Colombia Visit" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Chris Kraul: "In Colombia, McCain backs free trade - He says U.S. businesses benefit from the exchange. He also supports that country's war on drugs. He will visit Mexico on Wednesday." LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Peter Nicholas: "The campaign comment that will not die - Retired Gen. Wesley Clark's dismissive remark about McCain's military experience has taken on a life of its own" LINK

USA Today's David Jackson: "Bush still a popular fundraiser" LINK

The Washington Times Beth Fouhy: "McCain to Tour Colombian Drug Control Efforts" LINK

The Washington Times' Beth Fouhy: "McCain Meets Colombian President Uribe" LINK

The Washington Times' David Espo: "Gen. Clark Won't Back Off Critique of McCain" LINK

The Washington Times' Joseph Curl: "McCain Told to Calm Down Over Service" LINK

The New York Daily News' Richard Sisk : "I'm Still the Best Though John McCain is No. 2, Says Giuliani" LINK

2008: Obama:

The New York Times' Jeff Zeleny and Michael Luo: "Obama Seeks Bigger Role for Religious Groups" LINK

The Washington Post's Joe Stephens: "Obama Got Discount on Home Loan - Campaign Defends Lower Rate as Lender Competition for Business" LINK

The Washington Post's Jonathan Weisman: "Obama Proposes Expanding Faith-Based Program" LINK

The Politico's Roger Simon: "Obama not running as movement" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Amy Chozick and Douglas Belkin: "Obama Courts Religious Vote - In Appalachian Ohio Candidate Pledges Faith-Based Groups Will Get More Aid" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Steven Waldman: "Obama's Bold Faith-Based Maneuver" LINK

The Boston Globe's Joseph Williams: "Obama vows $500m in faith-based aid - Analysts say bid signals shift to center" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Peter Wallsten and Peter Nicholas: "Obama pledges to expand aid to religious charities" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Joe Stephens: "Obama received lower-interest loan for mansion - His mortgage rate secured in '05 may add to a debate on whether officials' deals from lenders are illegal gifts." LINK

USA Today's Kathy Kiely: "Obama: Expand faith-based programs" LINK

The Associated Press': "Barbra Streisand has new favorite for 2008: Obama" LINK

The Chicago Sun Times' Jill Lawrence: "Marketing Michelle Obama"LINK

The Washington Times' Christina Bellantoni: "Clinton Attacks Against Obama Vanish on the Web"LINK

The New York Daily News' Celeste Katz: "'United' We Stand, Say Bill Clinton and Barack Obama"LINK