The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

August 20, 2008— -- 2008: McCain and Obama:

The Los Angeles Times' Michael Finnegan: "Obama and McCain in a statistical tie" LINK

Bloomberg's Catherine Dodge and Heidi Przybyla: "Obama, McCain Deadlocked as Conventions Set to Begin, Poll Says" LINK

The Boston Globe's Foon Rhee: "McCain catches Obama in new poll" LINK

The Washington Post's Jonathan Weisman: "Candidates' Abortion Views Not So Simple" LINK

The Washington Post's Shailagh Murray: "Obama Fires Back At McCain on Iraq - Candidates Trade Volleys Over Foreign Policy" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Seema Mehta and Maeve Reston: "Obama says McCain shouldn't question his patriotism" LINK

The New York Daily News' Richard Sisk, Kenneth R. Bazinet and Michael McAuliff : "Obama, McCain Look to End Search for Running Mates" LINK

The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza: "Veep Tea Leaves: Saturday, Saturday!" LINK

The Boston Globe's Foon Rhee: "Veep frenzy intensifies" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Mark Z. Barabak: "In announcing a running mate, timing and place are key" LINK

The Associated Press' Deborah Hastings: "States throw out costly electronic voting machines" LINK

The Washington Times' Cal Thomas: "A Very Civil Forum" LINK

2008: McCain:

ABC News' Rick Klein: "McCain Still Reaching Out on Pro-Choice VP" LINK

The New York Times' Elisabeth Bumiller: "Talk of McCain's No. 2 Concerns Conservatives" LINK

The New York Times' Elisabeth Bumiller and John M. Broder: "McCain Takes Case for Drilling to the Gulf" LINK

The Washington Post's Perry Bacon Jr. and Michael D. Shear: "This Time, McCain Knows the Drill - Rescheduled Trip to Oil Rig Comes as Campaign Shows Recent Rebound" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's June Kronholz and T.W. Farnam: "McCain Takes Hands-Off Approach With Platform - Republican Party Won't Be Catering To Nominee's Views" LINK

USA Today's David Jackson: "From oil platform, McCain drills energy plan" LINK

The Washington Times' Ralph Z. Hallow: "GOP Leaders Try to Foil Lieberman Pick" LINK

2008: Obama:

The New York Times' Jim Rutenberg: "Obama's Ads in Key States Go on Attack" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Noam N. Levey: "Obama ratchets up negative advertising" LINK

The New York Times' Kate Zernike: "One Hand on Her Job, the Other Across the Aisle" LINK

The New York Times' Larry Rohter: "Obama's 2003 Stand on Abortion Draws New Criticism in 2008" LINK

The Washington Post's Jose Antonio Vargas: "Obama's Wide Web - From YouTube to Text Messaging, Candidate's Team Connects to Voters" LINK

The Politico's John F. Harris: "Nader predicts Obama to pick Clinton" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Christopher Cooper: "Biden's Foreign Policy Background Carries Growing Cachet" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Steven Waldman: "The Real Story of the Democrats' Abortion Plank" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Peter Nicholas: "Biden rises among vice presidential candidates, sources say" LINK

USA Today's Kathy Kiely: "Obama's VP pick remains mystery despite more clues" LINK

The Washington Times' Donald Lambro: "Michigan Remains Tricky for Obama" LINK

The Washington Times' S.A. Miller: "Obama Courts Military Voters" LINK

The Washington Times' Barry Casselman: "Buyer's Remorse About Obama" LINK

The Washington Times: "Keep Looking Mr. Obama" LINK

Time Magazine's Karen Tumulty: "Obama Sharpens the Message" LINK

The New York Daily News' Michael Goodwin: "After Barack Obama Hype, a Backlash" LINK

The New York Sun: "Obama to Campaign with Running Mate Saturday" LINK

The New York Sun's Nicholas Wapshott: "Obama's Biden Factor" LINK

The New York Sun's John Tamny: "Good, Bad of Obama's Tax Plan" LINK

The New York Sun's Eli Lake: "Obama Adviser Offers Some Advice to Damascus" LINK