The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

August 26, 2008— -- 2008: Democratic Convention:

ABC News' Marcus Baram: "Kennedy Rallies Dems With Fiery Speech - Ted Kennedy's Dramatic Appearance Stirs Crowd: 'Not a Dry Eye in the House.'" LINK

ABC News' Jennifer Parker: "Michelle Obama Touts Husband's Values, Her Working Class Roots in Opening Speech - Potential First Lady Delivers Opening Night Speech at 2008 Democratic Convention" LINK

The New York Times' Michael Powell: "For Some, Echoes of a Distant Past" LINK

The New York Times' Jodi Kantor: "Michelle Obama, Reluctant No More" LINK

The New York Times' Patrick Healy: "Three Democratic Clans Mix Uneasily" LINK

The New York Times' Adam Nagourney: "Kennedy Tugs at Hearts, as Obama's Wife Praises Values" LINK

The Washington Post's Jonathan Weisman: "Obama's Family Night Out - After Kennedy Electrifies Crowd, the Would-Be First Lady Calls on Democrats to 'Stop Doubting' and 'Start Dreaming'" LINK

The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza: "Michelle Obama's Message: We're Just Like You" LINK

The Politico's David Rogers: "Kennedy to DNC: 'The dream lives on'" LINK

The Politico's Roger Simon: "Michelle, at DNC, keeps things down to earth" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Jonathan Kaufman and Monica Langley: "With Speech, Michelle Obama Seeks Reintroduction - An Icon for Some Unsettles Others; Family Snapshot" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's June Kronholz: "These Days, the Delegate Tally Is No Longer the Roll Call of the Wild" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Gerald F. Seib: "Party's Left Pushes for a Seat at the Table" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Laura Meckler: "Kennedy Calls for Next Passing of the Torch" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Stephanie Simon: "Stadium Setting a Spectacular Gamble, Especially if Weather Turns Ugly" LINK

The Boston Globe's Susan Milligan and Joseph Williams: "Kennedy speaks at DNC" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Sarah D. Wire: "Edward Kennedy's speech thrills Democrats" LINK

USA Today's Martha T. Moore: "Michelle Obama shows 'star' power" LINK

USA Today's Susan Page: "Clintons remain a focus in Denver" LINK

USA Today's Ken Dilanian: "Pelosi attacks 'failed Republican path'" LINK

Bloomberg's Jonathan D. Salant and Kristin Jensen: "Ted Kennedy Tells Democrats That `Dream Lives On' With Obama" LINK

The Washington Times' Christina Bellantoni: "Kennedy, Mrs. Obama rally Democrats - Party unity remains elusive" LINK

Newsweek's Jonathan Alter: "The Lessons of Chicago - Reflections on darker Democratic days" LINK

The New York Sun's Josh Gerstien: "High Emotions in the Mile High City - Kennedy Joins Michelle Obama for Opening" LINK

The New York Sun's Russell Berman: "In Denver, N.Y. Clinton Backers Ponder What Might Have Been" LINK

The Hill's Sam Youngman: "Michelle wows delegates" LINK

The Hill's Jeffrey Young: "Cheers, tears greet fit-looking Kennedy" LINK

The Boston Herald's Dave Wedge: "Ted Kennedy pulls off A DNC stunner" LINK

2008: McCain and Obama:

The Washington Times' Stephen Dinan and S.A. Miller: "Campaigns search for coveted crossovers - Aim to exploit disenchantment of party loyalists" LINK

2008: McCain:

The New York Times' Jim Rutenberg: "G.O.P. Tries to Upstage Democrats" LINK

The Politico's Martin Kady II: "McCain brings out the age jokes on Leno" LINK

USA Today's Matt Kelley: "Alaska underscores GOP troubles" LINK

The Washington Times' Ralph Z. Hallow: "GOP platform retains abortion-ban plank - Opposition to same-sex marriage in 'forward-looking' draft" LINK

2008: Obama:

The Washington Post's Dan Balz: "A Portrait of the Candidate, but Dots Left to Connect" LINK

The New York Times' Patrick Healy: "A Possible Plot Against Obama" LINK

The New York Times' Jackie Calmes: "Stalwarts for Clinton, in Search of Catharsis" LINK

The Politico's Ben Smith: "Obama to DOJ: Block terrorist ad" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Bob Davis and T.W. Farnam: "Shaky Economy Challenges Ambitious Obama Agenda - Stocks and Housing Falter as Democrats' Convention Opens" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's June Kronholz: "Who Are You Calling Old? Labels Change as Americans Live Longer, But Age Still Plays a Role in Election" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Nick Timiraos: "Obama Stresses Average-Guy Credentials in New Tack - Populist Appeal Seeks to Counter Charges of Elitism" LINK

The Boston Globe's Sasha Issenberg: "Seeking unity, Obama confronts divergent audiences - Convention faces shifting challenges" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Mark Z. Barabak: "Barack Obama is lauded as everyman at Democratic convention" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Peter Wallsten and Peter Nicholas: "Barack Obama-Hillary Clinton rift persists" LINK

Don Frederick and Andrew Malcolm: "Obama advisor David Plouffe's opinion: Polls don't count" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Michael Finnegan: "Barack Obama's convention speech will be more down to earth this time" LINK

The Associated Press: "Biden's son was bank consultant while senator backed tougher bankruptcy law - The credit card industry supported the legislation, which had been opposed by consumer groups" LINK

USA Today: "Kennedy, Obama rally Dems" LINK

USA Today's Judy Keen: "Obama dogged by links to 1960s radical" LINK

USA Today's Kathy Kiely: "Team has run presidential paths before" LINK

Bloomberg's Kristin Jensen: "Clintons Share Spotlight as Obama Woos Hillary's Supporters" LINK

Bloomberg's Catherine Dodge: "Obama, Lacking Personal Connection, Draws Hispanics on Issues" LINK

The Washington Times' Donald Lambro: "Left wing takes flight, eclipsing moderates" LINK

Time Magazine's David Von Drehle: "Telling Obama's American Story" LINK