The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

September 1, 2008— -- 2008: McCain:

The Washington Times' Stephen Dinan: "McCain Cancels Early GOP Events"LINK

The Chicago Sun Times' Lynn Sweet: "McCain Suspends Most of Monday's RNC Activities"LINK

The Chicago Sun Times: "McCain's VP Pick a Wise Surprise Move"LINK

Newsweek's Jon Meacham: "Hidden Depths"LINK

The Washington Post's Robert G. Kaiser: "The Friend he Just Can't Shake"LINK

The New York Times' Paul Krugman: "John Don't Go"LINK

Bloomberg's Edward Chen and Hans Nichols: "McCain's Guts, Impatience Make Him Tough on Others, and Himself"LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Bob Kerrey: "McCain a Warrior, but..."LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Ashley Powers: "Fissure in Nevada's Republican Party May Hurt John McCain in November"LINK

Politico's Jim Vandehei and John F. Harris: "Readers Critical of McCain Analysis" LINK

The Boston Globe's Scott Helman: "Taking command - The McCain Way" LINK

2008: Palin:

The Los Angeles Times' Michael Muskal: "Republicans Praise Sarah Palin on Sunday Talk Shows"LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Robin Abcarian and Peter Wallsten: "Sarah Palin Represents John McCain's New Focus on Reform"LINK

Newsweek's Evan Thomas and Karen Breslau: "Mr. McCain's Mrs. Right"LINK

ABC News' Jan Crawford Greenburg and Howard L. Rosenberg: "'Homemaker' Palin Made Sparing Donations" LINK

The Boston Globe's Foon Rhee: "Palin Impact Minimal So Far, Poll Says" LINK

The Boston Globe's James F. Smith: "GOP Leader: Palin Trumps Obama and Biden" LINK

The New York Daily News' Mike Lupica: "Mac Pandering in the Worst Way Imaginable"LINK

The New York Daily News' Richard Sisk: "McCain's 'Soul Mate' Sarah Palin in 'Bridge to Nowhere' Flip FlopLINK

The New York Post's Carl Campanile: "McCain: Sarah Knows Mo' than 'O"LINK

Time Magazine's Belinda Luscombe: "Sarah Palin: Queen of YouTube"LINK

Time Magazine's Tiffany Sharples: "Ten Facts About Sarah Palin"LINK

The Washington Post's Karl Vick and Paul Kane: "Democrats Say Palin Initially Backed Bridge"LINK

The Washington Post's Michael D. Shear and Juliet Eilperin: "With Palin on Ticket, Evangelicals are Energized"LINK

The New York Times' William Kristol: "A Star is Born"LINK

2008: Obama:

The Washington Post's Howard Wolfson: "A Clintonite in Denver" LINK

The Washington Post's Shailagh Murray: "Biden, Obama Find Comfortable Fit on the Campaign Trail"LINK

ABC News' Jake Tapper: "One Thousand Miles Away, Obama Deals with Hurricane Gustav" LINK

2008: Republican Convention

ABC News' Karen Travers, Bret Hovell and Julia Hoppock: "McCain, Bush, GOP Eye Convention Revamp Amid Gustav"LINK

The Hill's Jordy Yager: "Convention Protests Go On Despite Gustav"LINK

The Hill's Manu Raju: "Hurricane May Temper GOP Attacks"LINK

The Washington Post's Dan Balz: "The Hurricane in Question is Still Called Katrina"LINK

The Washington Post's Michael Abramowitz and Robert Barnes: "Opening Day is Abbreviated; Bush, Cheney Won't Appear"LINK

Politico's Lisa Lerer: "At GOP Reunion, Palin's the Star"LINK

The Boston Globe's Sasha Issenberg: "GOP Speaker Roster to Steer Far From Deep South Base" LINK

2008: Republicans:

The Washington Times' Jeffrey H. Birnbaum: "Rove Urges GOP Money to Outside Attack Groups"LINK

2008: Democrats:

ABC News' Teddy Davis Reports: "Ex-Dem Chair Apologizes for Hurricane Remark" LINK