The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

September 9, 2008— -- 2008: Obama:

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page: "Obama Tax 3.0"LINK

The New York Daily News' David Saltonstall: "Barack Obama, Joe Biden Bite Back at Sarah Palin"LINK

The New York Daily News' Thomas M. Defrank: "It Ain't Over Till the Polls Close, But Obama Needs to Get His Mojo Back"LINK

The New York Times' Michael Luo and Jeff Zeleny: "Forgoing Subsidy, Obama Team Presses Donors"LINK

The New York Times' Patrick Healy: "Clinton Stumps for Obama, But with Little Fire at Palin"LINK

Politico's Lisa Lerer: "Obama Camp Briefs McCain Press Corps"LINK

Politico's Victoria McGrane and Amie Parnes and Lisa Lerer: "Obama, Biden Pound on The Economy"LINK

Politico's Mike Allen: "Obama Revives Anti-Kerry Line"LINK

2008: McCain:

Politico's Mike Allen: "McCain Plans New Palin Rollout" LINK

Time Magazine's Jay Carney and Michael Scherer: "McCain's Bias Claim: Truth Or Tactic?" LINK

The Washington Post's Tim Craig and Michael Alison Chandler: "School Use for McCain, Palin Rally Bucks Rule"LINK

The Boston Herald's Dick Morris and Eileen McGann: "Momentum's in McCain's Favor"LINK

The New York Sun's Russell Berman: "McCain-Palin Surging in the Polls" LINK

The New York Sun's Staff Reporter: "McCain-Palin Campaign Goes on the Dole" LINK

The Boston Globe's Foon Rhee: "McCain Takes Lead in National Poll" LINK

The Chicago Sun-Times' Abdon Pallasch: "McCain Banks Over $4 Million at Fund-Raiser" LINK

The Boston Globe's Jason Szep: "McCain Envisions Room for Democrats"LINK

2008: Obama and McCain:

ABC News' Gary Langer: "Dead Heat: John McCain, Barack Obama Even in Post-Convention Poll"LINK

The Washington Post's Jon Cohen and Dan Balz: "In Poll, McCain Closes the Gap with Obama" LINK

ABC News' Jake Tapper: "Both Tickets Pushing 'Change'" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Peter Nicholas and Maeve Reston: "John McCain and Barack Obama Put a New Spin on the Theme of Change"LINK

ABC News' Jennifer Parker: "Obama, McCain Camps Fight for Women Voters" LINK

2008: Palin:

The Hill's Aaron Blake: "Candidates Want Palin"LINK

The New York Times' Elisabeth Bumiller: "To Have (as a Running Mate), and to Hold (Politely)"LINK

USA Today's John Fritze: "Palin Candidacy Puts Spotlight on Special Needs"LINK

The Boston Globe's Foon Rhee: "Clinton Stays Away from Directly Taking on Palin " LINK

2008: Presidential Race:

Politico's Glenn Thrush: "7 Things To Watch as the Fall Race Kicks Off" LINK

The Washington Post's Michael D. Shear and Peter Slevin: "On Campaign Trail, Tax Issue Is Simple, and Complex" LINK