The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

September 11, 2008— -- 2008: Obama:

ABC News' Kate Snow and Jake Tapper: "Obama Says 'Enough' About 'Lipstick' Smear" LINK

ABC News' Jake Tapper: "Obama on Letterman: If That's What I'd Meant, Palin Would Be the Lipstick, 'McCain's Failed Policies' The Pig" LINK

Politico's David Paul Kuhn and Bill Nichols: "Autumn Angst: Dems Fret About Obama"LINK

Time Magazine's Steven Gray: "Taking Professor Obama's Class" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Peter Nicolas: "Barack Obama's Message Gets a Lot Louder"LINK

The New York Times' Larry Rohter: "Ad on Sex Education Distorts Obama Policy"LINK

The Boston Globes' Foon Rhee: "NRA Targets Obama" LINK

The Washington Times' Christina Bellantoni : "Obama Snorts Off 'Pig' Dust-Up" LINK

The Washington Times' Jim McElhatton: "Obama's Museum Earmarks Draw Fire" LINK

2008: Biden:

ABC News' Matthew Jaffe: "Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me" LINK

The New York Daily News' Michael Saul and David Saltonstall: "Biden blunder: Joe Says Maybe Hillary Clinton Would Make Better VP"LINK

2008: Democrats:

The New York Daily News' Michael Goodwin: "Democrats Just Don't Get it as Sarah Palin Pounds 'Em"LINK

2008: McCain:

The Washington Post's Jonathan Weisman and Peter Slevin: "McCain Camp Hits Obama On More Than One Front"LINK

Bloomberg's Margaret Carlson: "As Palin Stars, McCain Goes Along for the Ride"LINK

The New York Daily News' Michael Saul: " John McCain Campaign Launches Ad Blasting Barack Obama's 'Lipstick' Quip"LINK

The New York Times' Elisabeth Bumiller: "With Palin at His Side, McCain Finds Energized Crowds"LINK

The Washington Times' Joseph Curl: "McCain, Obama Vie for Va. on Rival's Turf" LINK

The Boston Globes' Foon Rhee: "McCain Ad Defends Palin" LINK

Chicago Sun Times' Richard Roeper: "McCain Came for the Cash, Not the Votes"LINK

2008: Palin:

The New York Daily News' S.E. Cupp: "This Gender Card is Full of Holes"LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Jim Carlton: "Ethics Adviser Warned Palin About Trooper Issue"LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Stephen Braun: "Sarah Palin Gets a Warm Welcome Back in Alaska"LINK

New York Times Editorial: "In Search of Gov. Palin"LINK

The New York Times' Serge F. Kovaleski and Mike Mcintire: "Palin's Pipeline Is Years from Being a Reality"LINK

The New York Times' Jim Rutenberg and Monica Davey: "Squad of G.O.P. Aides Prepares Palin for Interviews "LINK

Chicago Sun Times' Robert Ebert: "Roger Ebert on Sarah Palin: The American Idol Candidate"LINK

2008: Obama and McCain:

Time Magazine's Staff: "Poll: Obama, McCain Split Key States" LINK

Politico's Lisa Lerer and Amie Parnes: "Politics Aside, But Not Absent, On 9/11" LINK

The Hill's Sam Youngman: "A Campaign Truce—for the Most Part"LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Josh Meyer:" McCain, Obama Largely Agree on Anti-terror Issues"LINK

2008: Campaign Issues:

The Washington Post's Michael Abramowitz: "Terrorism Fades as Issue in 2008 Campaign" LINK

The Washington Post's Lori Montgomery and Jennifer Agiesta: "Mixed Impressions On Taxes" LINK

The Washington Post's Paul Farhi: "The Ads That Aren't: Candidates Let Media Spread The Message" LINK

The Washington Post's Jon Cohen: "More Voters Perceive Progress In Iraq" LINK

2008: Ron Paul:

The Los Angeles Times' Janet Hook: "Ron Paul Urges Supporters to Vote for a Third-Party Candidate"LINK

The Boston Globes' Foon Rhee: "Paul Dismisses Major Party Nominees" LINK

The Washington Times' David R. Sands : "Unity Proves Divisive for Third Parties" LINK