The Note's Must-Reads

The first stop in Politics -- It's what you need to know

October 3, 2008— -- 2008: Palin and Biden's Vice Presidential Debate:

ABC News: Watch the Entire VP Debate: LINK

ABC News' Russell Goldman: "Biden, Palin Avoid Major Gaffes in Economy, Foreign Policy Debate" LINK

ABC News' George Stephanopoulos: "VP Debate Report Card" LINK

ABC News: Test Your VP Knowledge: LINK

The New York Times' Adam Nagourney: "In Debate, Republican Ticket Survives One Test" LINK

The New York Times' The Caucus: "Check Point: The Vice-Presidential Debate" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Cathleen Decker and Michael Finnegan "Palin and Biden spar in VP debate but neither deals a knockout" LINK

The New York Daily News' Michael Saul and David Saltonstall: "Sarah Palin didn't lose debate debut; but Joe Biden didn't quite win" LINK

The New York Daily News' Thomas M. Defrank: "Sarah Palin holds her own against Joe Biden, but can't help McCain" LINK

The Boston Herald's Joe Dwinell: "Clash of the Veep titans" LINK

The Boston Herald's Jessica Heslam: "Moderator leaves out any pitbull questions" LINK

The Boston Herald's Edward Mason: "Sarah Palin hangs tough with Joe Biden" LINK

Politico's Debate Videos: LINK

Bloomberg's Ken Fireman and Kristin Jensen: "Palin Says Democrats Looking Back as Biden Ties McCain to Bush" LINK

USA Today's Susan Page: "Analysis: Palin, Biden avoid debate pitfalls" LINK

USA Today's Ken Dilanian and Richard Wolf: "Fact check: Context of key debate claims" LINK

USA Today's Martha T. Moore and David Jackson: "VP debate: Economy, Iraq take center stage in St. Louis" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire: "Who Won the Vice-Presidential Debate?" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Laura Meckler and Christopher Cooper: "Biden, Palin Clash on Taxes, Iraq in Sharp-Edged Debate" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Capitial Journal: "Candidates Hit Their Marks" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire: "'Can I Call You Joe?'" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Bob Davis: "Biden and Palin Part Ways on Taxes, Regulation" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's T.W. Farnam: "Palin Gives Biden Pause on Afghanistan" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Susan Davis: "Is Global Warming Man-Made?" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Susan Davis: "V.P. Debate Word Count: Maverick, Taxes, Middle Class" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Susan Davis: "Candidates Address Being a 'Heartbeat' Away" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Susan Davis: "Biden: 'We Will End This War'" LINK

The Washington Times' Joseph Curl and Christina Bellantoni: "Biden, Palin Battle Over Iraq Plans" LINK

The Associated Press' Liz Sidoti: "Analysis: Stakes High, Palin Tops Expectations" LINK

Time Magazine's Joe Klein: "Palin Was Fine, But This Debate Was No Contest" LINK

Time Magazine's Mark Halperin: "The Vice Presidential Debate Report Cards" LINK

The Chicago Sun Times' Lynn Sweet: "Palin Survives and Biden Thrives" LINK

The Chicago Sun Times' Abdon M. Pallasch: "Civil Contest Still Has Bite" LINK

2008: McCain and Obama:

The Washington Times' David Limbaugh: "Pinning the Tail on the Donkey" LINK

USA Today's Larry Copeland: "Presidential race tightens in Georgia" LINK

USA Today's John Fritze: "Demographics shift could color how N.H. votes" LINK

2008: McCain:

The New York Times' Jackie Calmes: "With Election Near, a Populist Strain Tugs at the Republican Party" LINK

The Washington Times' Donald Lambro: "McCain scales back in Michigan" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Maeve Reston, Dan Morain and Seema Mehta: "McCain pulls advertising in Michigan" LINK

The Boston Herald's Joe Dwinell: "Mixed bag for John McCain" LINK

The Boston Herald's Mike Underwood: "John McCain backs Red Sox" LINK

Politico's Jonathan Martin: "RNC shatters monthly fundraising record" LINK

Politico's Mike Allen: "McCain's fate hangs on three states" LINK

Bloomberg's Hans Nichols and Kim Chipman: "McCain Scales Back in Michigan as Obama Steps Up Bid" LINK

wThe Wall Street Journal's Laura Meckler and Nick Timiraos: "McCain Abandons Michigan As Battleground Map Shifts" LINK

2008: Obama:

The Wall Street Journal's August Cole: "Obama Adviser Doesn't Expect Defense Cuts" LINK

Politico's Final Score: "Obama wins the day" LINK

The Boston Herald's Inside Track: "Jay-Z supporting Barack Obama with two free concerts" LINK

The Associated Press: "Obama adviser suggests Robert Gates as possible holdover" LINK

2008: Biden:

The Washington Times' Stephen Dinan: "Biden gets veep role wrong" LINK

2008: Palin:

ABC News' Teddy Davis: "Palin Gets McCain Stance on Homeowner Protections Wrong" LINK

The New York Times' Patrick Healy: "Palin and Biden Are Cordial but Pointed" LINK

The New York Times' Alessandra Stanley: "A Candidate Recaptures Her Image" LINK

The New York Times' Peter Baker: "Palin Meets a Test" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Peter Wallsten: "The politics of spunk" LINK

The New York Daily News' Michael Saul And Celeste Katz: "Sarah Palin holds her own against Joe Biden, but can't help McCain" LINK

The New York Posts' Geoff Earle: "Sarah Palin's Big Night" LINK

The Washington Times' Stephen Dinan: "Alaskan delivers folksy message" LINK

The Boston Herald's Jill Radsken: "Fashionisto disses Sarah Palin's 'crazy prom hair'" LINK

Politico's John F. Harris and Mike Allen: "Palin meets expectations but still falls short" LINK

Politico's Roger Simon: "You betcha Sarah Palin can debate" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Declarations: "Palin the Populist" LINK

Time Magazine's Belinda Luscombe: "Why Some Women Hate Sarah Palin" LINK

The Associated Press: "Judge Refuses to Block Troopergate Probe" LINK

2008: Bailout:

The Wall Street Journal's Greg Hitt: "Rescue Plan's Prospects Brighten" LINK

The Associated Press' Julie Hirschfeld Davis: "Wave of House Converts Jump Aboard Bailout Bill" LINK