The Note's Must-Reads

The First Stop in Politics -- It's What You Need to Know!

October 28, 2008— -- 2008: ABC NEWS VIDEOS:

"Tito: The New 'Joe the Plumber?'" LINK

"Brian Ross' Encounter with Bill Ayers" LINK

"'View' Takes on Palin's Fashion" LINK

"Hasselbeck Goes All Out for Palin" LINK

"Candidates' Wild Dance Off" LINK

2008: McCAIN and OBAMA:

ABC News' Mark Mooney: "Barack Obama, John McCain Make Closing Arguments in Campaign's Final Week" LINK

ABC News' Nightline's Daily Line: "Closing Arguments: Can They Win Over Voters?" LINK

Opinion by Steve Brozak and Larry Jindra, M.D.: "The Future of the FDA in the Next Administration" LINK

ABC News Analysis by Gary Langer: "Barack Obama's Support is Broadly Based; John McCain Makes Up Ground on Economy" LINK

ABC News' Jake Tapper: "Dept. Of Bad Company" LINK

Wall Street Journal's Christopher cooper and Elizabeth Holmes: "Candidates Zero In on Economy" LINK

Bloomberg News' James Rowley: "McCain Criticizes Obama on 'Wealth-Inequality' Talk " LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Maeve Reston and Seema Mehta: "McCain Tackles Obama On Plan To 'Spread The Wealth'" LINK

The Boston Herald's Mike Underwood: "Newton's grave take on politics" LINK

The Boston Herald's Michael Graham: "Election 2008: Objective journalism the loser" LINK

Bloomberg's' Edwin Chen and Hans Nichols: "Obama, McCain Focus on Four Battlegrounds With Economic Pitch" LINK

2008: McCAIN:

ABC News Analysis by George Stephanopoulos: "Rift Cracks 'Demoralized' McCain Campaign" LINK

ABC News' Bret Hovell: "Joe the Plumber to Campaign for John McCain" LINK

Wall Street Wire's Washington Wire: "Latest Sign of Trouble for McCain: RNC Ads in Montana" LINK

Wall Street Journal's Joel Millman: "Bush Aide Fleischer Courts Jewish Vote for McCain" LINK

Time Magazine's Jay Carney: "Against All Odds, McCain Still Sees a Final Comeback" LINK

The Washington Times' Ralph Z. Hallow: "McCain camp irks GOP leaders in key states" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Maeve Reston: "McCain Was Frank, Garrulous And Accessible -- And Then He Wasn't" LINK

The New York Times' Jim Rutenberg: "G.O.P. Puts McCain Ads Up in Montana" LINK

The New York Times' Mark Leibovich: "After I Win… Er, Make that, if I am Elected" LINK

The New York Times' Michael Falcone: "McCain Campaign Cites Comments in 2001 on Courts in Attack on Obama" LINK

The Boston Herald's Op-Ed with Dick Morris and Eileen McGann: "It's still not too late for John McCain to turn it around" LINK

New York Daily News' Bill Hammond: "When winner takes all, we lose: Fix electoral college now" LINK

The Boston Globe's Sasha Issenberg: "McCain calls liberals a threat to economy" LINK

The Boston Globe's Michael Kranish: "McCain banking on Biden gaffe" LINK

The Boston Globe's Foon Rhee: "McCain slams Obama on 'redistribution of wealth'" LINK

2008: OBAMA:

ABC News' Jake Tapper: "Obama Makes Last Pitch to Ohio, Pennsylvania" LINK

ABC News' Jack Date: "Feds Thwart Alleged Obama Assassination Plot" LINK

ABC News' Jake Tapper: "Billionaire Dolphins Owner Wants to Sell Team Before Obama Takes Office and His Taxes Go Up" LINK

Wall Street Journal's Gary Fields: "Pair Arrested in Plot to Kill Blacks, Including Obama" LINK

Wall Street Journal's Capital Journal: "Gauging Impact of Obama's Race" LINK

Time Magazine's Jay Newton-Small: "Why the New Virginia Is Leaning Toward Obama" LINK

Time Magazine's Nancy Gibbs: "Obama Tries to Close the Deal in Pittsburgh" LINK

Time Magazine: "Both Candidates Focus on Ohio" LINK

The Washington Times' Stephen Dinan : "'01 radio interview stirs Obama foes" LINK

The Washington Times' Wesley Pruden: "A game-changer by Obama" LINK

The Washington Times' Matthew Cella: "Liberal group pours millions to sway Colorado" LINK

The Washington Times' Thomas Sewell: "Obama and 'the left'" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Richard A. Serrano: "2 Men Arrested In Alleged Assassination Plot Aimed At Barack Obama" LINK

The New York Daily News' Kenneth R. Bazinet and James Gordon Meek : "ATF: Skinhead Assassination Plot Targeting Barack Obama Disrupted" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Peter Nicholas: "'Confessions From The Obama Campaign Trail" LINK

The Politico's Carrie Budoff Brown: "Obama delivers 'closing argument'" LINK

New York Daily News' Kenneth R. Bazinet and David Saltonstall: "Barack Obama, Joe Biden look to get out the vote in 'Red States'" LINK

New York Daily News' Kenneth R. Bazinet and Richard Sisk: "Barack Obama looks back to beginning to make 'closing argument'" LINK

The Boston Globe's Scott Helman: "Obama reprises call for change and unity" LINK

The Boston Globe's Peter S. Canellos: "Small donors, not spending limits, fueling Obama's last lap" LINK

2008: BIDEN:

ABC News' Political Radar: "Phils Fan Biden Avoids World Series Mention in Heart of Rays Territory" LINK

2008: PALIN:

ABC News' Imtiyaz Delawala: "Palin Touts 'Tito the Builder'" LINK

ABC News' Jake Tapper: "West Hollywood Haunted House Features Effigy of Palin Hanging From a Noose" LINK

Wall Street Journal's June Kronholz: "Few Former Mayors Succeed in National Politics" LINK

The Politico's Ben Smith: "Barnes vs. Wallace - Fred Barnes demands that someone from the McCain campaign take blame for buying expensive wardrobe for Sarah Palin" LINK

The Boston Herald's Jill Radsken: "As race nears end, GOP keeps up appearances" LINK

New York Daily News' Michael Daly: "I would weep if Sarah Palin was veep" LINK

New York Daily New's Opinion by Richard Cohen: "Did Sarah Palin con conservatives? You betcha!" LINK

The Boston Globe's Foon Rhee: "Palin disses Obama half-hour ad" LINK


ABC News' Jake Tapper: "Michelle Obama on Leno" LINK

The New York Times' Patrick Healy: "New to Campaigning, but No Longer a Novice" LINK


The New York Times' Bernie Becker: "Political Polling Sites Are in a Race of Their Own" LINK

The New York Times' Leslie Wayne: "Party Lawyers Ready to Keep an Eye on the Polls" LINK

The Washington Post's Jose Antonio Vargas: "The Election That Has the Whole World Blogging" LINK

The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz: "Calling the Vote before the Ballots Have Been Cast" LINK

The Boston Herald's Joe Dwinell: "Voter surge expected for Election Day" LINK

The Boston Globe's Brian C. Mooney: "For pollsters, finding accurate sample is art and science" LINK


The Washington Times' Tom Ramstack: "Stevens guilty on all 7 counts" LINK